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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 322

"Mr. Ye, are you all right?"

Thomas had been paying attention to Nathaniel all along, thus he managed to step forward and hold Nathaniel up in time when he saw that his boss was about to fall over.

Frankly, Nathaniel had been in plenty of life threatening situations over the years, but he'd never felt as anxious as he did now.

Moreover, he did not dare to even speak.

Charlotte glanced at him momentarily, but she didn't say anything in the end. Instead, she quickly stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is Mango doing?"

"Unfortunately, Miss Shen has had a miscarriage but we've managed to clean it up so far. However, due to her weak constitution and prolonged exposure to cold and humid conditions, the possibility of another pregnancy in the future remains uncertain. If possible, it's best not to try for another child within the next three years out of concern for her body."

The doctor's words made Nathaniel let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Doctor, does she need anything else except bed rest?"

Nathaniel finally found the strength to speak.

The doctor shook his head and replied, "Other than that, she needs to keep her spirits up. Miss Shen can't suffer any more emotional distress. No matter how you look at it, her body has gone through a pregnancy, so she needs a confinement period as well. Furthermore, judging from her current condition, it's hard to say whether she can be nursed back to full health."

Nathaniel's heart ached terribly with every word that the doctor said.

In the past, Mango had been a healthy young woman who was filled with life.

Alas, she'd experienced more than her fair share of suffering from the moment she got into a relationship with Nathaniel. Thus, Charlotte was right. Loving Nathaniel was the biggest mistake Mango had made.

Then, Nathaniel nodded with a heavy weight in his chest.

When Mango was pushed out, her face was frighteningly pale.

Nathaniel felt a lump form in his throat as hot tears filled his eyes.

Then, he grasped her hand only to be shocked at how soul-chillingly cold it was.

Nathaniel's chest tightened once more.

Meanwhile, Charlotte wanted to step forward, but she was stopped by Thomas.

He shook his head at her, which made Charlotte glared at him fiercely. However, she didn't do anything else after that.

Then, Nathaniel wheeled Mango back to her ward.

It was so silent in the room until he could hear the sound of the intravenous drip flowing into Mango's veins.

Truth be told, Nathaniel had no idea how Mango managed to get through all of that. However, he still felt like killing himself when he thought of how sad Mango must have been when she realized that she'd lost the child.

Wasn't he supposed to be her safe haven?

Shouldn't he be a guardian angel for her and their children?

But the reality of the situation was different.

How could he let his wife suffer like this?

Nathaniel felt extremely guilty and upset, and he wished that he could turn back time.

He had no idea whether their miscarried child was a boy or a girl, nor did he know if it would look like him. Moreover, he didn't even know when the child was conceived. Alas, the child had become nothing more than a mangled mess of blood and bone as it had ceased to exist.

The feeling was heartbreaking, yet he didn't know how to express it.

He knew better than anyone what it felt like to his own conceal pain, but he didn't know how Mango would react or feel after she woke up.

Then, Nathaniel grasped her hand tightly as he wanted to warm her up using his own body heat. Unfortunately, her hand stayed cold even though he held onto it for a long time.

The first thing that Charlotte and Thomas saw when they entered the room was Nathaniel's forlorn expression, and this angered Charlotte so much that she nearly reprimanded Nathaniel. However, she managed to swallow her words.

"Hey, Thomas told me that you're still injured. Since Mango won't wake up for the next few hours, how about you go and rest first? You can come and take my place later at night."

Hence, Charlotte felt like she was doing Nathaniel a great kindness.

If it weren't for his sincerity towards Mango, Charlotte doubted that she would even speak to him at all.

However, Nathaniel replied as if he didn't even hear what she had said. "Both of you can go. I'll stay here alone."

"Don't you understand me? Mango's still unconscious now, but the first thing she'll see when she wakes up is your pathetic face. Are you really going to make her worry about you after she's just lost a child? Do you think I care about your wellbeing? If it weren't for her feelings, I couldn't care less about whether you're dead or alive."

After all, Charlotte had a hot temper and her anger rose very quickly when it came to Nathaniel.

Then, Thomas cleared his throat and pulled Charlotte behind him before he said, "Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye won't be awake for the next few hours. I've asked the doctor and he said that he used general anaesthesia on her, so she's going to be unconscious for at least two hours before she wakes up. So, I think you should rest because you look quite sickly now." "Is it that bad?" Nathaniel didn't know how bad he looked, so he had to ask when Thomas brought it up.

"Take a look at yourself and see the horrible state that you're currently in,"

Charlotte handed Nathaniel the mirror in her hand.

Truly, this was the first time that Nathaniel had seen himself so haggard.

He had always thought of himself as omnipotent, but recent events proved that he was powerless in many situations. Now, his pallid complexion unsettled even himself.

Then, Nathaniel returned the mirror to Charlotte and softly replied, "I'm going to rest for a couple of hours. Please wake me as soon as Mango wakes up."

In truth, the only reason he rested was for Mango's sake.

Charlotte's words were like a dagger carving into his chest.

The last thing he wanted was for Mango to be worried about him when she woke up. After all, she'd just miscarried.


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