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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 351

Nathaniel and Walter fought fiercely, but no one dared stop them nor call the police as they were both famous in Ocean City.

The manager of the bar was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"What do we do? If something really happens, our bar would..."

As the waiter beside him witnessed the fight, he whispered, "How about we call their families? At the rate that this is going, they might end up killing one another."

The manager nodded his head quickly at the suggestion.

"You're right, go and place a call to their families."

Then, the waiter did as he was told.

The call to Walter's house was picked up by a maid, who quickly informed Mr. Song.

As for Nathaniel, someone had found Mango's number and managed to call her instead.

In the meantime, Mango was still resting when she got the call. She'd thought that the Hans Family was calling when she heard the phone ring, and she was about to hang up when she saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

Then, she hesitated for a moment before she picked up.

"Hello, am I speaking to a member of the Ye Family?"

"Who is this?"

The fact that the caller was asking if she was part of the Ye Family made Mango somewhat perplexed.

There were plenty of people in the Ye Family, so who were they looking for?

The waiter heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Mango's reply and said, "I'm a waiter from Casa Solariega, Mr. Ye and Mr. Song have gotten into a huge fight and we can't stop them at all. So, can you please come and break it up? I'm sure it won't be good for anyone if the police and media get involved."

Upon hearing this, Mango immediately sat up.

"Who are you talking about? Are you sure it's Nathaniel Ye?"

"Ma'am, Mr. Ye is so famous, so how could I be mistaken? We wouldn't be calling if it wasn't him."

The waiter sounded as if he was about to cry.

Then, Mango hurriedly replied, "I understand. I'll be there right away."

After that, she got dressed in a flash, but there was an apprehensive feeling in her heart.

Nathaniel wasn't some unruly teenager, so why did he go and pick a fight with Walter in public?

He'd done that previously because of what happened to Charlotte, but that was in a private room of a club. So, why did he become so reckless suddenly?

What on earth happened?

Besides, wasn't he with Madam Ye outside her room?

Why did he leave? Did Walter have something to do with it?

One question after another popped up in Mango's mind, which gave her a headache.

After that, she quickly left the room and she couldn't help but ask when she saw Madam Ye sitting alone.

"Mom, where is Nathan?"

"Oh, he said he went to get mangoes because you liked eating them. Why? Are you missing him already?"

Madam Ye had assumed that Mango was looking for Nathaniel, so she helped cover for him.

That was a given.

Madam Ye wasn't going to tell Mango that Nathaniel had gone out to exact revenge for her.

However, Mango had no idea about what happened between Madam Ye and Nathaniel, so she became even more worried after she heard that.

"Mom, I'll be heading out for a while. Please carry on with dinner without us when Nick and Wisdom return."

Mango rushed out of the door hurriedly as she spoke.

"What's going on? Did that brat Nathaniel fail to deal with that woman? Not only that, did he alert Mango as well?"

Madam Ye asked confusedly as she turned to Nanny Huang.

Then, Nanny Huang shook her head and said, "Madam Ye, I know you're concerned about Mrs. Ye, but you should let Mr. Ye deal with this. Let's not get involved in their problems. In my opinion, both of them have a very strong relationship and nothing can tear them apart. As for his brother, you should keep a closer watch on him. He's not getting any younger, yet he remains unmarried."

Madam Ye couldn't help but sigh when Nick was brought up.

"Don't you think I'm concerned about it as well? Ever since Macy died, Susie just disappeared into thin air and that worries me greatly. Susie is an aggressive woman and Wisdom is her grandson, so do you really think she'll let Nick go after Macy died? It was fine to assume that Nick was dead before he came back, but it's unlike her to stay silent now that he's back! Please increase the bodyguards around Wisdom, I don't want anything to happen to him."

"Yes, ma'am."

Nanny Huang quickly executed Madam Ye's orders.

After Mango left The Ye's Mansion, she didn't have time to think as she took a cab directly to Casa Solariega.

As soon as she arrived, she noticed that a lot of people were surrounding the bar while the manager and security were trying to disperse the crowd.

Hence, Mango's chest suddenly tightened.

How could they keep this from the media when it had already garnered this much attention?

What the hell was going on with Nathaniel?

After that, Mango hurriedly pushed through the crowd and rushed inside.


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