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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 363

"Slow down, you're getting grease all over your face."

Mango pulled out a tissue and wanted to wipe the grease off of Rita's mouth, but Zion then took the tissue and did it instead.

Hence, Mango felt extremely content after she saw how her children loved one another so much.

Then, Nathaniel dissatisfaction slowly dissipated.

"What were you guys doing earlier?"

Mango was separated from Nathaniel and Rita for some time, so she couldn't help but ask.

However, Rita complained before Nathaniel could start saying anything.

"Mommy, Daddy was mean to me!"

Rita's words sent a chill through Nathaniel's heart.

"Rita, can't you be more gentle with your words?"

"But it's true."

After that, Rita continued righteously, "Mommy, I met a boy named Mylo. He bought me ice cream and played the flute for me. But then Daddy said that Mylo was a bad guy, and he even insulted Mylo."

"Who is Mylo? What happened?"

Mango was confused when she heard this, but Zion's expression darkened.

Hence, Nathaniel had no choice but to tell everyone what happened earlier.

After Mango heard the story, she was so frightened that she broke out in cold sweat.

"You don't know him, but you went off with him just because he bought you ice cream? Rita, what have I taught you?"

Anger sparked in Mango's heart immediately.

Gosh, her daughter was so reckless!

Someone had managed to lure Rita away with ice cream, but she was complaining about her father now. Did Rita lose her mind?

Meanwhile, Zion's expression turned grim, but he remained silent.

When Rita saw that Mango had also become angry, she shrunk back and replied, "Mylo didn't seem like a bad person."

"Did he hold up a sign saying that he was a good person? How would you know the difference?"

"I just know, okay!"

Rita retorted, which angered Mango further. Honestly, she wanted to check and see what was going on in her daughter's head.

Then, Zion tried to smooth over the situation when he noticed that Mango was pissed off. He muttered, "Mommy, Rita was just confused for a moment, so don't blame her for it. Since she's never stepped out of the house, its normal for her to assume the best out of everyone."

"It's not like that Zion, Mylo's very handsome like you, and he plays the flute really well."

Before Rita could finish her sentence, Zion immediately took the food in front of her and dumped it in the trash can.

Needless to say, Rita was stunned by his actions.

"Zion, what are you doing?"

"Ask Mylo to buy the food for you. How dare you go against us when you're eating our food and enjoying our parents' affection? Do you even need to be with us anymore?"

Zion's voice was calm and steady as he spoke, but it frightened Rita greatly.

Then, she pulled at the hem of her clothes guiltily and asked, "Don't you like me anymore, Zion?"

"The question is do you like us? Think about it carefully Rita, who was by your side 24/7 when you were sick? Who took care of you when you needed them? Was it Mylo? You've only met him once, yet you're talking back to your parents because of him. What are we to you? We're angry because we care about you, but have we spoiled you? Since our family is so unworthy of your attention, then go to Mylo! Now!"

Truth be told, Zion looked quite intimidating when he was serious, and even Mango had started to become afraid.

Zion was just a four year old child!

Why did he resemble Nathaniel so much?

Then, Mango gently nudged Nathaniel with her arm and asked, "Are you going to just let Zion discipline Rita like this?"

"Let him be. Rita indeed made a mistake today. If she can be lured away by any handsome man who's willing to give her food, then what would happen to her in the future? It will a huge problem if she doesn't realise her mistake now."

Nathaniel whispered back.

Meanwhile, Rita glanced at Mango and Nathaniel, who did not move to defend her at all. Paired with how serious Zion was being, she suddenly panicked.


She stretched out her hand and tugged on the hem of Zion's shirt.

However, Zion glared coldly at her, which scared Rita into silence. The little girl bit her lower lip and she seemed close to tears.

Hence, Nathaniel felt quite distressed.

"Okay, okay, we'll just teach her slowly in the future."

Nathaniel was about to reach for Rita before he noticed Zion staring coldly at him.

"You know, leniency creates failures. Would you like to create a failure, Mr. Ye?"

Thus, Nathaniel was stunned by his own son.

He was actually being lectured by his son!

A myriad of emotions swirled in Nathaniel's chest.


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