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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 367

Mango and Nathaniel ran for a long time, and they finally stopped when they realised that no one was chasing after them.

Then, Nathaniel couldn't help but laugh at the guilty expression on Mango's face.

Neither of them cared about how the passersby viewed them as they laughed freely.

At that moment, Mango felt like she'd been freed from a cage. Truth be told, she'd never felt so free and reckless before.

However, it felt really good.

"Do you think Mom will think that you've led me astray?"

Mango asked with a smile.

However, Nathaniel draped his arm over her shoulder and said, "Well, birds of a feather flock together, so shouldn't you know what I'm like by now? You should've gotten used to it long ago!"


Mango glared at him playfully before she asked with a smile, "Where are we going next?"

"To the beach!"

After that, Nathaniel and Mango hailed a cab and headed straight for the beach.

Both of them chased one another and frolicked on the beach before Nathaniel pinned Mango onto the sand as he kissed her passionately.

The sun was shining brightly and the waves lapped gently at the shoreline. Their love was plain for all to see, and it even made the onlookers envious.

In fact, it was almost noon when Mango started to feel hungry.

After that, Nathaniel took her to a nearby fishing village to have a simple meal. Though the dishes were plain, Mango felt as if it was the best birthday meal in her life.

"Do you think they'd be worried after we ran out like that?"

"We're not kids. Furthermore, what do you have to be afraid of when I'm by your side?"

After lunch, Nathaniel took Mango sailing.

The sea breeze caressed Mango's face as she looked out upon the endless ocean. Suddenly, she had the realization that happiness was indeed so very simple.

Then, Nathaniel allowed the yacht to float freely on the water as he dragged Mango to sunbathe with him.

"Tell me, how pleasant would it be when we get to spend time out at sea in our later years? You'll be reading a book, while I go fishing out on the deck."

"Why do I have to read? Can't I be fishing instead?"

Either way, Mango found Nathaniel's vision of their future together quite blissful.

Then, Nathaniel said with a smile, "Shouldn't girls be more artistic? Reading fits your personality the best, or would you prefer painting?"

Mango did not retort, but her interest was piqued when painting was mentioned.

"Is there painting equipment on the ship?"

"Yes, there is!"

Since Nathaniel was well-versed in Mango's hobbies, he had gotten all the art supplies ready in advance.

Then, Mango just shook her head when she saw how prepared Nathaniel was, "Have you planned this for a long time?"

"Obviously yes. I spent many days planning today's schedule for you. Let's just turn off our phones and enjoy the day without our children. I'm sure someone will take care of them. We can finally enjoy some alone time together, so you can do whatever you want." "Right here at sea?"


Sunlight shone on Nathaniel's face, which covered him in a cloak of light. Meanwhile, Mango felt that he looked like a Greek god, and thus she held both admiration and worship for him in her gaze.

"Don't move. Just lie on the deck and be my model. I haven't drawn a still life drawing in a long time."

Inspiration struck Mango suddenly, and she really wanted to capture this scene on canvas.

On the other hand, Nathaniel complied and removed his shirt, displaying his tantalising muscles.

Meanwhile, Mango restrained her wayward thoughts as she brought out a canvas. Then, she placed it in her lap and began to draw.

The sea breeze tousled her hair, but she didn't really care.

From her point of view, Nathaniel against the endless blue sky was the best scenery in the world. On the other hand, Nathaniel felt that Mango was the most beautiful view that he'd ever seen.

Both of them were buoyed by love and affection as they floated on the waves. The atmosphere on the yacht was filled with their joy and excitement.

After Mango finished drawing, she realized that Nathaniel had actually fallen asleep.

The sun was warm and comfortable, and laying on the deck made him drowsy.

Then, she smiled and got up to get a thin blanket from the cabin before she draped the blanket onto Nathaniel's body.

Truth be told, living such a carefree life was great.

It was amazing to live a life where no one could bother them.

If only they could spend forever like this.

Then, Mango laid down next to Nathaniel and slowly fell asleep as well.

In fact, Nathaniel wasn't fully asleep and he woke up when Mango lay down next to him. However, he did not make a sound.

He pushed back the blanket before he covered both of them. Then, he grinned as he hugged Mango to sleep.

Alas, time passed by extremely fast when they were enjoying themselves.

By the time they woke up, it was already nightfall.

At that moment, Mango felt a little cold.

Then, Nathaniel put on his clothes and covered Mango with the blanket before he said, "Are we going back tonight, or staying here?"

Mango was a little intimidated by the vast ocean.

"I think we should head back."

"Your wish is my command!"

Then, Nathaniel started the yacht with a chuckle.

Before long, both of them returned to Ocean City.


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