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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 369

Even though Mango was still worried, she also knew that Queena couldn't say a lot of things with her around.

She didn't know why, but she felt as if there was something off with Queena today. Did the Hans Family do something to hurt Queena?

Or perhaps Queena was lamenting how tough her life had been so far?

Truth be told, Mango didn't know, nor did she ask.

She didn't want to ask, in fear of hearing how much Madam Hans favoured Andrea again.

In fact, Mango was still sore over this matter.

Thus, Mango left as soon as Queena bade her goodbye.

After she got into the car, she asked Nathaniel, "Don't you think that Minister Xiao is acting a little weird today?"

"No, I don't. What's wrong?"

Nathaniel and Queena hadn't spent too much time together, so he was surprised when Mango asked that question.

"Nothing, really. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but she doesn't seem too happy today."

"Perhaps it's because she misses your father."

Nathaniel's words caused Mango to nod her head in reply.

That was true. Queena looked devastated when she saw Dennis' gravestone.

"The greatest sorrow in one's life is to be separated from their soul mate. How can someone live out the rest of their lives after going through such a huge loss?"

Mango couldn't help but sigh empathetically.

Then, she suddenly grabbed Nathaniel's collar and said, "Promise me that you'll die after me, okay? I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone with only memories of you."

"What are you talking about? Well grow old together and I promise that I'll never die before you."

"I'll hold you to that."

Mango felt that what she said was quite inauspicious, but she couldn't keep it to herself. However, she still had an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling in her chest.

"All right!"

Nathaniel did not take what she said to heart and drove both of them home.

Meanwhile, Zion and Rita were staying over at the Ye's mansion for a couple of days. Although Madam Ye said it was because Nathaniel and Mango should have alone time, the truth was that she missed her grandchildren terribly.

On the other hand, Mr. and Mrs. Shen had returned to their hometown after years of hard work.

Moreover, Rainie and Thomas seemed busy over the past few days as they always left the house early and returned late. It seemed that she'd gotten over what Walter did to her. Although Walter hadn't apologised for the incident, Thomas seemed to have cut all ties with the Song Family.

Everything was calm and peaceful, until a call from Terrance upended Mango's life.

It turned out that Queena had attempted suicide!

The knowledge astonished Mango.

Mango could still clearly recall Queena's appearance when she gave her a birthday gift, as well as the infatuated look in Queena's eyes when they visited Dennis' grave. Why would she try to kill herself?

Then, Mango's mind went blank and her tears flowed involuntarily.

She'd always thought that she wouldn't care about Queena, but she realised that her feelings had been buried deep in her heart. Her perceived indifference was just a defence mechanism to prevent herself from being hurt. Now that this had happened, Mango's chest ached terribly and she felt as though her body was imploding.

"How did this happen? She was fine just a couple days ago!"

Mango's eyes were brimming with tears as she looked at Nathaniel.

Honestly, Nathaniel didn't expect that Queena would take this path.

Queena was so strong, so why did she choose the easy way out?

"Don't cry, okay? Let's go to the hospital to check on her."

Truth be told, Nathaniel didn't know how to comfort Mango.

After that, both of them hurried to the hospital and Mango panicked the second she saw Terrance.

"Uncle, how is my mother doing?"

After she spoke, Madam Hans turned around and let out a furious yell when she caught sight of Mango.

"What have you said to your mother? She seemed like a different person when she returned. Do you know that she tried to kill Andrea and herself? She poisoned Andrea's food! I know that you hate Andrea, but you can't have your mother kill her, right?"

"Mom, stop it!"

Terrance was truly rendered speechless by Madam Hans' words.

On the other hand, Mango was shocked.

"What do you mean? Why did my mother try to kill Andrea as well? What's going on?"

Mango grabbed Terrance's sleeve as she spoke.

Then, Terrance sighed and said, "I don't know what happened to Queena. She was busy settling a lot of things after she told us that she was taking Andrea back to America. Mom and I didn't pay any mind to it. However, she decided to make some food for Andrea today and all of this happened after they ate it. In the end, the doctor also confirmed that there was poison in the food."

"How could this be?"

Mango was completely flabbergasted.

Although she knew Queena disliked Andrea as well, but wasn't it a little extreme to commit murder?

Moreover, she did not think that Queena would do such a thing.

Then, Madam Hans wept as she said, "Queena is a fantastic daughter-in-law and Andrea is a wonderful girl, why can't you tolerate them?"


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