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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 373

This time, Mango's sleep was peaceful as Nathaniel's scent enveloped her. It made her feel like he was always with her, and she felt safe in his arms.

When she opened her eyes, she was embarrassed to find Queena looking at them.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me that you were awake?"

Then, Mango quickly climbed out of Nathaniel's embrace.

After that, Nathaniel shook his sore arms and replied, "You slept like a log, so she didn't want to wake you. Don't worry, Nanny Huang sent over some food. Mom's already eaten, and she left some for you, so hurry up and eat."

Hence, Mango felt even more embarrassed when she heard Nathaniel's words.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"What are you so afraid of? We're all family here, so it's just harmless fun. Furthermore, you've run yourself ragged over the last few days and it's better for you to rest. Plus, I'm here, aren't I?"

Mango was comforted by what he said.

Meanwhile, Queena couldn't help but feel glad when she heard both Mango and Nathaniel refer to her as 'mom'.

"Both of you go and eat, I'm not that fragile."

"Well, at least let me turn on the TV for you."

Then, Mango quickly turned on the television and pulled Nathaniel further inside the room.

He smiled when he saw her blushing face and said, "Why are you becoming so easily embarrassed lately?"

"That's none of your business."

Mango glared at him in annoyance before she opened the lunch box. However, she couldn't help but freeze for a moment when she saw the mostly untouched food, many of which were her favourites.

"Mom, didn't you say that you've already eaten? Why do all these dishes look barely touched?"

"She ate earlier, but the doctor said that she couldn't have anything greasy. These are what my mother had Nanny Huang make specially for you."

Upon hearing Nathaniel's words, Mango's heart was instantly filled with warmth.

"How could you let mom worry about me?"

"She's concerned about you, you know. She told me that you'll only have the strength to look after a patient if you're eaten enough and rested well. Don't be shy, just do as my mother says and eat your food."

Nathaniel didn't want to see Mango's teary expression, so he immediately cut in.

"Well, you should eat as well."

After that, Mango handed a pair chopsticks to Nathaniel.

However, Nathaniel did not eat much and he ate very slowly. Basically, he was watching Mango eat the whole time.

After Mango finished eating, she felt very full indeed.

"Ultimately, Nanny Huang's cooking is the best."

"Hey, that's mean. What about my cooking?"

Hence, Nathaniel felt rather jealous.

Mango smiled and said, "Who even praises themselves?"

"I can't help it. I should pat myself on the back because you refuse to praise me. I would definitely be sad if I didn't do that."

"Ugh, you're such a child."

When Mango rose to wash the dishes, Nathaniel moved to stop her.

"Let me do it. The water here isn't hot, and you shouldn't be in contact with cold water."

After that, Nathaniel quickly put away the cutlery.

Mango was rather moved by his actions.

"I've completed my confinement period, haven't I? Furthermore, since when do men spend all day in the kitchen? The cutlery is all greasy, so it's better if I do it."

"Don't fight me on this. Furthermore, so what if men do that? I'm willing to cook and clean for the person I love. Plus, you'd better not get your hands dirty on the greasy cutleries. My wife's hands should stay nice and dainty."

As he spoke, Nathaniel didn't even give Mango a chance and he immediately carried the dirty dishes away.

Then, Mango gave a faint smile as she glanced at her hands, which had become plumper recently.

What could she do with such chubby hands?

Then, she shook her head and walked out of the room.

There was a smile on Queena's face as Mango walked out and she said, "Nathaniel is very good to you."

"Yes, he's truly a blessing in my life."

Mango did not make any attempt to hide her affection for Nathaniel.

Queena replied with a laugh, "You can't just keep pushing him around okay? Both of you must treat each other well."

"Got it. How are you feeling now?"

"Much better, really."

With Mango's company, Queena's spirits had improved immensely.

Then, Mango whispered, "I need to go home tonight with Nathaniel, so do you think you can handle yourself over here? If not, I'll hire a nurse to look after you and I'll be back in the morning."

Queena was surprised, but she recalled that Mango still had her kids to look after. Thus, she nodded and said, "I'm fine, just a little tired. Hiring a nurse would be a good idea. Make sure that you and Nathan rest well, and there's no hurry for you to come back. I'm truly fine."

"Thank you, mom."

"Silly girl, what's there to be thankful for?"

Hence, Queena felt that Mango was much more sensible than Andrea.

After they chatted for a while, Nathaniel returned.

His hands were wet, so Mango hurriedly handed a towel to him.

"You know what? Forget it, it's better if I dry them for you."

Then, she stood up and gingerly wiped the water off of Nathaniel's hands, which made him smile softly.

Queena was relieved when she saw how loving they were.

"Hey, didn't you say that you two were going home? Stop flaunting your love in front of me okay? You're literally torturing me here, and I'm painfully single."


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