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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 378

"What's going on? Why are you shouting?"

Madam Ye came out in a hurry, but she couldn't stop Nathaniel in time.

Then, Mango held on to Nathaniel and said, "You still have to ask Zion about this, you can't just accuse him blindly."

"What do you mean by that? Only Zion would do such a thing!"

Clearly, Nathaniel was fuming with anger.

The little brat couldn't go a day without causing trouble for him.

As soon as Zion recalled his drone, he heard Nathaniel shouting his name outside. Hence, he shrunk back a little as he was filled with fear.

That old hag from the Hans Family wouldn't be so petty and complain to his parents so quickly, right?

"What do we do, Zion? Daddy seems really mad."

In fact, Rita rarely saw Nathaniel lose his temper in such a manner.

Zion was also afraid, but he forced a smile and replied, "Don't worry, just stay inside here. I did this, so I'll have to take responsibility for it."

"Will daddy hit you?"

Rita blinked her worried eyes at Zion,

"No! Mr. Ye won't hit me, don't worry."

Actually, Zion wasn't sure if that was true, but he couldn't help but comfort Rita when she became worried.

"How about I ask daddy for mercy on your behalf? I'll say that I did it and daddy won't punish me because he loves me a lot."

At that moment, Zion was touched by his sister's concern. It seemed that his love for her was not in vain.

"There's no need forthat. I'm a boy, and I don't need a girl to take responsibility for my actions. Don't worry, I'll handle it!"

After Zion finished speaking, he left Rita inside the room before he walked out.

Meanwhile, Mango was still holding Nathaniel back while Madam Ye tried her best to soothe his rage. However, Nathaniel threw the phone right at Zion when the young boy walked out.

"Did you do this?"

When Zion saw the photos of the ruined living room in the Hans Family mansion, he smirked and replied, "How disgraceful for an old lady like her to snitch on a child like me."

"Are you not going to admit to your mistakes?"

Nathaniel was pissed off when he saw Zion act like nothing was wrong. It seemed like his son thought that it was irrational for the Hans Family to complain to them, and Nathaniel really wanted to smack Zion.

Then, Zion stood up straighter and said, "She bullied mommy and made her unhappy, so I have to teach her a lesson, right? That old crone's crossed the line. Even though mommy's left, she still badmouthed mommy to Mr. Hans. I wouldn't be a good son if I didn't teach her a lesson!"

Her son's words stunned Mango.

She knew what Zion was capable of, but she never imagined that he would be angry on her behalf.

"Zion, this is a matter between adults. You shouldn't intervene."

"I don't care, I'll fight anyone who bullies you, mommy. The most she can do is ask the police to arrest me anyway."

Right now, Zion was absolutely fearless and it made Nathaniel laugh despite his anger.

"What!? Do you think we own the police? You're part of the Ye Family! Your reputation will be ruined if you're arrested! Don't you want to join the military in the future? Let me tell you, don't even dream of being a soldier if you're arrested. You won't even qualify for the military academy!"

Then, Zion became a little uneasy after he heard Nathaniel's words.

His fingers fiddled with the hem of his clothes nervously, but he tried to keep a brave face. Hence, that made Mango's heart ache.

"Hey, Zion did all this for me. In the end, it's my fault for bringing all these problems home and involving the children. As for what happened, I'll go to the Hans Family and atone for my mistakes. It doesn't matter what they want to do to me, I'll be fine as long as they don't blame Zion for this."

Mango's words made Zion feel uneasy.

"Mommy, did I really do something wrong?"

"I'm very happy that you want to stand up for me, but we have to be rational. Using a drone to destroy their living room is a bad idea. Luckily, they won't be able to sue you because you're still young, but it would be a crime if you were older, get it?"

Mango saw the fear in her son's eyes, but she had to tell him the truth.

Her son was young, and he only wanted to avenge her. However, he would have no choice but to atone for her child's mistakes if the Hans Family insisted on pursuing the issue.

"I'm sorry, mommy! I'll go! I did this, so I'll take responsibility for it. She can punish me however she wants to ."

"Who the f*ck do you think you are?"

Nathaniel couldn't help but swear.

Then, Madam Ye shook her head slightly as she tugged on Nathaniel's sleeve and asked, "How could you say that in front of him?"

Nathaniel knew that Zion had always thought too highly of himself, especially in areas where he excelled in. His usual antics could be ignored, but if Nathaniel didn't discipline his child now, Zion could end up getting himself into bigger trouble.

"Go! Face the wall and reflect on your actions. You're not allowed to move as long as your mother and I are away. You'd better not slack off when I'm not around, and I want you to think about your mistakes today."

Nathaniel pointed to a corner of the living room as he spoke.


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