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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 385

"What did you say?"

Nathaniel thought that he'd heard wrong.

Mango loved her children so much that she will die for them, so how was it possible that she would leave them?

She even released a divorce agreement?

How could she do that?

What made her dare to do that?

Nathaniel's chest ached with rage. He tried to call Mango but to no avail. She was intentionally avoiding him.

But why did she have to hide from him?

Didn't they agree they would work things out together?

After the incident, did she really think she could distance herself from the Ye Family by releasing a divorce agreement?

Plus, if the Ye Family was protecting her, then those reporters would never dare to write anything foul about her or hurt her. However, it was now very dangerous for her after she cut off all ties with the Ye Family.

"Does that idiot know what she's done?"

Nathaniel thought.

He was extremely anxious, but he still failed to contact Mango no matter what.

Then, he became so angry that he tossed the phone aside. But then, he realized that something was wrong and quickly called Thomas.

"Is Mango at Rainie's place?"

"No, we're also looking for her. Rainie is worried sick and we've looked everywhere Mrs. Ye could be, but we can't find her."

Then, Rainie's anxious cries sounded over the phone. It was clear that she was unable to contact Mango either.

If even Rainie failed to contact Mango, then where could she have gone to?

After thinking for a long time, Nathaniel still couldn't figure out where she went.

Meanwhile, the situation unfolded further online.

Even if the Ye Family suppressed the news and took down the photos, the incident still spread far and wide. Thus, it was obvious that the person behind this wanted this matter to get as serious as possible.

Who could it be?

Who would want to slander Mango like this?

Then Nathaniel suddenly thought of Walter.

Could it be him?

As Nathaniel thought about it, it seemed impossible for Walter to do such a thing as he valued Mango's reputation the most. However, someone had once used his phone to stir things up, so Nathaniel couldn't rule him out just yet.

With that thought in mind, Nathaniel drove over to Walter's office.

Unfortunately, Walter was not in.

Nathaniel's eyes narrowed.

"Where is Walter?"

Nathaniel's expression turned distant when he ran into Walter's secretary.

The secretary replied fearfully, "Mr. Ye, I do not know where Mr. Song is. He didn't come to work this morning. You should know that Mr. Song and his father have been arguing recently, so he hasn't been here very often."

Nathaniel knew about what the secretary was referring to, but he had to find Walter now.

Next, Nathaniel asked Thomas to locate Walter's whereabouts.

It didn't take long before Thomas replied Walter was at a casino.

Nathaniel was so annoyed when he heard the news.

He'd never liked casinos, and he'd never expected Walter to be at one.

Hence, he had to drive to the casino to find out the truth.

There was a bustling crowd inside the casino, and there was a cacophony of noise conning from the floor. Some were sobbing over their lost money while some gambled their lives away at the tables.

The casino was simply a melting pot of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

Hence, Nathaniel and Thomas felt slightly repulsed by the scene in front of them.

"Mr. Ye, how about you wait for me outside while I drag Walter out of here?"

"No, there are too many people here. We'll talk to him inside."

After that, both of them entered the casino.

There was little else but gambling was going on in here, so outside news rarely affected the casino's guests. Thus, this could be the only place in Ocean City that was least affected by the internet.

After that, the both of them quickly ascended to the second floor.

The second floor of the building consisted of individual rooms which contained groups of gamblers. All the games inside were high-stakes, and the bets numbered in the millions.

When Nathaniel and Thomas found Walter, he was proudly in the middle of a winning streak.

"The game's over!"

Then, Nathaniel stepped forward and stopped Walter from placing his bet.

"What the hell? Does it bother you if I play cards?"

Right now, Walter looked quite dispirited indeed.

Although his winnings piled up in front of him, he didn't seem to be in a good mood and it was clear that nothing had gone his way recently. Furthermore, his expression soured when he spotted Thomas who was standing behind Nathaniel.

"What now? Are you trying to show this illegitimate child's status by bringing him here?"

Alas, Nathaniel couldn't be bothered to stand around and listen to Walter's mockery. After that, he had Thomas manhandle Walter out of the room with a wave of his hand.

"Hey! Let go of me! Don't think that I won't hit you, Thomas Song!"

However, Thomas only released Walter after they left and entered a new room on the third floor.


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