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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 391

Then, Mango suddenly stood up.

This news was too much of a blow for her.

Walter hadn't expected her to be calm, but he didn't expect her to be this agitated either.

"Calm down. Sit and listen to me."

"How do you expect me to sit still? What the heck is going on?"

Mango asked Walter right away.

Then, he sighed and said, "This might not be an attempt to slander Nathaniel. It's not something to be proud of and the Hans Family has stopped all information from leaking to the public. It was just that Madam Hans is furious and she kept yelling by Andrea's bed every day. I heard from Andrea's private nurse that her injuries were very serious. She can't possibly do that to herself just to slander Nathaniel, right? That's way too extreme."

Mango immediately became nervous once Walter said this.

She could tell herself that everything was part of Andrea's trick which was all for show and Nathaniel hadn't slept with her. But what was this?

Andrea couldn't have hurt herself so badly. Furthermore, no matter how ruthless she was, she would never do this to herself.

Moreover, Madam Hans had already sent her people out to block the news from spreading so that meant this information was reliable.

Pain ripped through Mango's chest as she fell back onto the bed.

She couldn't believe that Nathaniel and Andrea really did it.

Did Andrea drug Nathaniel?

No, it couldn't be!

Previously she'd also drugged him, but he didn't have much of a reaction.

Didn't Noah say that Nathaniel wouldn't be able to have sex for a month after taking that medicine?

If so, how could he have raped Andrea?

"No way! Nathaniel couldn't have done it! It's impossible!"

Mango suddenly shouted and her confident tone caused Walter to sigh.

"I know it's hard for you to accept it, Mango but it's the truth and I have no reason to lie to you. Madam Hans will definitely crush Nathaniel. Only the nurses assigned to Andrea's ward knew about this, and they've been forced into silence. If it wasn't Nathaniel, then why would the Hans Family badmouth him?"

Walter's words caused Mango to shake her head.

"What did Andrea say?"

"Nothing, she just cried like it was the only thing she knew how to do. She even fainted multiple times and looked really devastated."

After Walter finished speaking, Mango still shook her head and said, "It can't be Nathaniel. Even if Andrea had been raped, it wasn't Nathaniel who did it!"

"How can you be so sure that? No man is that virtuous, and even if Nathaniel was, I don't believe that he could keep his wits after Andrea drugged him."

"If I said no, then it means no!"

At this point, Mango was about to start a full on argument with Walter.

Next, Walter hurriedly placated Mango when he saw how angry she was. "All right, whatever you say. Don't be mad okay? Since you said it wasn't him, then I won't say anything else. Right now, Andrea doesn't have any contact with anyone else except for Madam Hans, so should we still keep an eye on her?"

"Yeah. No matter what, Andrea is our lead."

Nevertheless, Mango still had to remain calm.

However, Walter was puzzled when he saw this.

Shouldn't a woman be sad when she encountered something like this?

Furthermore, Mango and Nathaniel shared such a good relationship. After this incident, how could she still trust Nathaniel?

Or could it be that Mango had no choice but to comfort herself like this to be able to go on?

Truth be told, Walter did not understand, nor did he dare to ask. He just felt that Mango was no ordinary woman. It wasn't a surprise that he fell for her!

It was a pity that this woman did not belong to him!

D*mn it!


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