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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 402

Walter Song had been a well-known playboy in Ocean City for many years. None of his exes have ever complained about his performance in the bed. That was the first time anyone has ever suggested he needed supplements to improve his libido.

His face turned red in anger.

"Mr. Ye, you'd better keep it for your own use. I heard that your wife has left you recently. How does it feel to be a married man without his wife? I, on the other hand, am still single and have girls lining up for me. Did your wife leave you because you have a problem with your libido?"

Walter was so irritated at Nathaniel that he spoke whatever came to mind. He had completely forgotten that Mango was staying at his place and the reason why she was there.

As soon as he finished his words, the atmosphere seemed to have dropped to a freezing point. The look on Nathaniel’s face sent shivers down everyone’s back.

"Haha, Mr. Song is really eloquent, but I wonder how your skills are at playing cards."

Nathaniel replied coldly.

His phone was still ringing.

Mango figured that Nathaniel was not picking up on purpose.

What on earth did he want?

She wasn't aware that Nathaniel and Walter were already going at it.

Nathaniel glanced coldly at the number displayed on the phone caller ID.

She didn't call before but only when he showed up at Walter's casino that morning. He figured she was calling only to persuade him not to give any more trouble to Walter.

That was his wife. Not only was she staying at Walter's place, but she was also trying to plead on his behalf. At that point in time, it was not possible for Nathaniel to think rationally.

He threw the phone to Thomas and said coldly, "Tell her that I don't have time to talk now. She can wait."

With that, he turned to Walter and said, "Come, let us see Mr. Song's card skills."

And they began to gamble in earnest again.

Thomas didn't recognize the number displayed on the phone caller ID. But, he did as he was told and slid the icon to answer. Without listening to the person on the other end, he quickly said, "Mr. Ye is busy at the moment, please wait."

With that, Thomas hung up the phone.

Nathaniel was slightly stunned and looked thoughtfully at Thomas.

Thomas was intrigued by the look in Nathaniel's eyes and asked, "Mr. Ye, who was that calling earlier?"

Nathaniel did not reply, but turned back to Walter to play a new round of cards.

Thomas was a little unnerved by the look that Nathaniel gave him. Something was not right. Why was there a hint of viciousness?

If the caller was someone insignificant, then it was not likely that he would have Mr. Ye's direct number. But then, if the caller was someone of importance, why wasn't it saved in his phone’s contact?

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Thomas took Nathaniel's phone with him and went out to a quiet place to call back.

After Thomas hung up the phone, Mango was quivering with anger.

"How dare you, Nathaniel! Yesterday, you slept with me. Today, you throw your temper at me?"

Now, she was told to wait!


She will wait!

Woe betide the next person to approach her.

Just as Mango was gritting her teeth in anger, Nathaniel's phone called back.

Mango was so angry that she immediately hung up.

There weren't many people who dared to hang up the phone on Nathaniel Ye. Thomas was feeling nervous.

It couldn't be!

Would he be so unlucky?

The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became. He quickly dialed the number again.

After several calls in a row, Mango's anger surged up in droves.

When the line was connected, Mango' s temper flared up immediately. She did not even listen to what the person on the other end had to say.

"Nathaniel Ye, you've got guts! Didn't you ask me to wait? Why are you calling back so soon? You had better not show up today or you will regret it!"

Immediately, Mango hung up the phone.

Thomas's legs turned to jelly.

"It's Madam Mango!"

"I can't believe it is her!"

"Oh, my god!"

"I actually hung up on Madam and told her to wait?"

Thomas felt that he must have had left his brain at home. It's probably because he had been spending too much time at the casino with Nathaniel.

What should he do now?

What should he do if Nathaniel and Madam got into an argument?

Thomas was at wits end.

With a heavy feeling, he went back to Nathaniel's side, only to find that Nathaniel's chips had increased further.

Who was the one who said Nathaniel couldn't gamble?

When the opponent was Walter Song, he definitely had the upper hand.

Walter wasn't looking too good.

He was dragged out of bed early in the morning. Then, he quickly lost ten million at the table and he had no idea how he lost the


It was not good for Walter.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel asked coldly, "Mr. Song, do you want to continue?"

"What the hell do you mean?"

Walter eventually realized that he had been tricked. Nathaniel's skills at the table weren't as bad as he claimed to be.

He had always thought of Nathaniel as a gentleman. How in the world did he turn into a rascal today?


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