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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 405

"Susie Zhong? What do you mean?"

Sisi realized something was amiss.

Mango told them about the pictures.

Newell immediately thought of something, "I think I know where Susie is hiding. I heard that she used to have a lover who worked in a casino."

What Newell said reminded Nathaniel of the reporters showing up at the casino earlier.

"Ruby Taco Casino?"

"That's right!"

Newell was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Nathaniel to know which casino it was.

The same realization crossed Mango's mind too.

"I see, then those reporters earlier were indeed after me. If I had not left..."

Nathaniel held her hand and said, "Well, I was there for you, wasn't I? I am your lucky star."

Mango rolled her eyes at his shameless attempt at self-praising.

"Thomas, send someone to get Susie's lover.

Be discreet about it."

Nathaniel would not miss the chance to retaliate.

Newell gave the lover's address to Thomas, who acted upon it without further delay.

Nathaniel was more or less relieved that the truth had unravelled further.

"Would you like to get some rest? You have yet to recover from your cold and it has been a long day. Go get some rest. I will wake you when it's dinnertime. You are safe here in our home. You can sleep till your heart's content."

Mango was a little surprised by Nathaniel’s words, but she had to admit that no one understood her as well as Nathaniel did.

Mango nodded in agreement and went upstairs.

"Sisi, make some chicken soup for Madam. She hasn't eaten well during her time away from home."

"Yes, Mr. Ye."

Sisi and Newell left.

With nothing else afoot, Nathaniel accompanied Mango in bed. Mango tried pushing him away, but to no avail. Her face turned hot in embarrassment, but she could do nothing about him.

When Thomas and his men arrived at Ruby Taco Casino, Susie's lover could no longer be found. The reporters had also left without a trace.

The casino's staff saw Thomas and thought that Nathaniel had come again. He quickly informed Thomas, "Mr. Song is still at the firm. I’m afraid that he will not be back today. Mr Ye should leave."

Thomas didn't offer any explanation and left the casino quickly. He rushed to the address provided by Newell, but there was no one at home.

The house was in a disarray and looked like someone packed in a hurry and left.

Thomas called Nathaniel immediately.

"Mr. Ye, John Wang has run away. His home is in a mess and he's not at the casino either."


Nathaniel was somewhat dissatisfied with the outcome, but there’s nothing he could do about it. Perhaps he could learn more about John Wang from Walter.

Mango was still sound asleep. Being back in her own home had put her at ease.

Nathaniel sent someone to watch over Mango, while he and Thomas drove to the auction house.

Walter was stuck in a bidding war with Nick. If it continued further, it would no longer be profitable for Walter to win, but he couldn't bear to accept defeat.

Walter could kill Nathaniel for plotting all this.

"He is abominable!"

Nathaniel had become more devious and unscrupulous.

During a break in the auction, Walter had just sat down for some refreshments when Nathaniel appeared suddenly and dragged him outside by his collar.

"Hey! Are you looking to start a fight, Nathaniel?"

Walter could feel rage coursing through his veins.

If Walter was not blinded by rage, he might have given consideration to his chances of winning a fight with Nathaniel.

Nathaniel, however, was in no mood for a fight and handed Walter a cup of coffee. Walter was dumbfounded by his gesture.

"Did you drug the coffee?"

"You don't get to die so easily. Drink up to refresh yourself. I have something to ask you."

Nathaniel lit a cigarette.

Walter sneered, "What makes you think I will give you answers?"

"The matter concerns Mango. Reporters found out she was staying at your casino. They went there earlier."

Walter was stunned by what he had heard and became nervous.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone had found out that Mango was staying at your casino and informed the reporters."

"That is impossible!"

Walter was taken by surprise, but still replied confidently.

Nathaniel looked at him coldly and said, "You can call the casino to verify."

Walter figured Nathaniel must be trying to deceive him again. He called the casino immediately. Walter was dumbfounded by what he heard over the phone.

"How could this be?"

"Do you know who is John Wang?"


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