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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 429


She felt like she was in a dream, but the feeling in her palm was so real that she must be excited.

On the contrary, Rita was scared by Mango.

"Mommy, what's wrong with you? You're hurting me."

Although Rita did not struggle, she sounded as if she was about to cry.

Then, Mango immediately let go of her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not good. It hurts, doesn't it? I'll have a look."

Mango quickly let go of Rita Luo, but he was still very careful and nervous.

It had been a long time since Rita had seen Mango like this.

In the past, Mango would be so excited when she came out of the operating room. But now that she was cured, how could it be like this?

However, Rita had felt rather neglected by Mango recently, so her mood brightened at her mother's attitude.

Hence, Rita grinned brightly at Mango.

"I'm fine. I'm not that weak. Mummy, I'm doing my best! Look, I don't believe you!"

To prove that her body was in a good condition, Rita hurriedly struggled out of Mango's arms and she jumped off the bed.

"Look, aren't I much stronger now?"

A wave of sadness washed over Mango’s heart as she compared the sickly and weak Rita in the past to the girl smiling brightly in front of her now.

"Mhmm, my daughter is alright now. You're the prettiest angel in the world.”

As Mango spoke, the tears in her eyes were forced back.

Rita had no idea what had happened, so everything was fine because she didn't have to worry about the scheming minds of adults.

When Mango said that, Rita replied gleefully, "Mommy is the best! You're so pretty, Mommy! Will I be as pretty as you when I grow up?"

"You'll be prettier than I am, dear."

Mango wasn't stingy in praising her daughter at all.

No one could ever fathom the wondrous feeling Mango felt after regaining something she thought she'd lost.

"Really? Will I be more beautiful than you? Then, that means that I can find a boyfriend like Daddy right?”

Rita's earnest expression elicited a peal of laughter from Mango.

"How old are you? Do you know what a boyfriend is?"

"I know. I want Brother Xiao to be my boyfriend."

Then, Rita sat next to Mango with a serious expression on her face before asking, "Can I do that, Mommy?"

"Mylo? Who's Mylo?"

"He's the boy from the amusement park, Mylo Hans!"

Rita's words left a deep impression on Mango.

However, the last time she’d heard of this boy, he had led Rita off somewhere else, causing Nathaniel to go on a wild search for her. Furthermore, Nathaniel had nearly put out a missing person report for Rita.

Although Mango had never met the child, she didn't think it was a good thing that he had charmed Rita to this extent.

Rita was her daughter. So, she would never let anyone, even a child, take Rita away from her.

"Rita, tell Mommy about where you've been the last two days."

Mango changed the subject in time.

Meanwhile, Rita wasn’t sure why Mango was asking this question, but she answered nonetheless, "Uncle Song brought me to Grandma's house, so I've been staying there for the last two days."


Mango was shocked for a moment as she never expected Nathaniel to send Rita to Mrs. Shen.

"Yup, Daddy said that Grandma and Grandpa missed me, so he had me stayed over at their place for a couple of days. They didn't want Zion as he made too much of a fuss. Mommy, I've been a good girl. Plus, Grandma and I cooked a lot of delicious food. She seemed quite happy over the past two days."

Rita replied in a sweet and obedient tone.

Only then did Mango put her mind at ease.

"Really? Are Grandma and Grandpa alright?"

"They're fine, I just heard that Grandma misses you. Have you been busy recently? If you're not, then go home and visit Grandma. They're bored at home."

Rita Luo spoke like an adult.

Then, Mango nodded her head immediately.

"Okay, I'll take you to Grandma's house later."

"That's a great idea!"

Rita giggled happily.

It had been a long time since the mother and daughter pair had such a happy chat.

Mango suddenly felt that this kind of time was so precious.

"Come on, give Mommy a hug."

Mango extended her arms towards Rita.

Rita hurriedly stepped forward, but hesitated a little.

"Daddy said that you're not feeling too well, and he doesn't want me to trouble you. Can you carry me, Mommy?"

"Of course! Mommy is not that fragile."

Mango's heart ached when he saw such a sensible daughter.

Previously, she had given more attention to Rita as her daughter was unwell, and with that, she had neglected Zion. Thankfully, Zion was sensible but she still felt like she owed her son something.

Now that they had returned to the Ye family and Rita had recovered, Mango’s affairs had taken a turn for the worse. As Mango thought about it, she hadn't spent much time with her children recently.

When Rita heard Mango's words, she threw herself into Rita's arms.


Her sweet voice was like the most beautiful note in the world, causing Mango's heart to warm up.

Nathaniel didn't know when she came in, and when she saw this scene, she was more or less in a complicated mood.

No one could understand Mango's feelings better than him at this moment.

"Thomas bought Rita’s favorite polo buns, would you like to have some as well?"

Nathaniel's voice made Mango pause for a moment, but the expression on his face was more or less restrained.


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