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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 446

Terrance was rendered speechless after he heard what Rainie said.

"Is this what Mango wants?"

"Do you think I'd let Mango know that you're outside?"

Rainie looked over at Terrance and she sighed before continued, "Mr. Hans, Mango is severely disappointed in the Hans family and the both of you have cut ties with one another. Is there really any more need to fix things? Your mother is old, and perhaps she regrets some of the things she's done, but so what? You've hurt Mango so much, yet do you expect her to just be fine and forgive Madam Hans for everything that happened just because she's about to pass away? Moreover, who caused Mango to end up like this? I'm sure you know very well who did this."

"Think about it. Mango used to be a healthy and robust person, but now she's become extremely sickly. Can you understand how painful it is for us to watch her be like this? You always call yourself her uncle, and you claim to want the best for her and that you care for her. But if you really do, then I beg you please don't ever appear to her ever again and let her recover. Hasn't your family done enough to her? Dr. Bay said that Mango's mental health is affecting her body, and it's stunting her recovery. I'm begging you, just go home. Mango will never be able to assuage your mother's regrets."

Since Rainie had made her stance very clear, it would be too much for Terrance to insist on staying.

Then, he looked in the direction of Mango's room. Despite his sadness, he muttered, "Don't worry, I won't bother her again. But please do tell me if something really happens to her."

"I will."

Although Rainie was giggly and happy in front of Mango, it was all an act for her sake. After she found out from Thomas about what happened between the Hans family and Mango, she had tried to obtain justice for Mango but Thomas stopped her.

After all, it was not like an outsider like her could interfere with the relationship between the Hans family and Mango.

But now, Rainie could no longer hold it in.

Despite the fact Terrance wanted to cut in, Rainie didn't allow him to speak.

Then, he turned around with a devastated look on his face and Terrance left the Shen family household.

After that, Rainie finally let out a huge sigh of relief.

Subsequently, she headed to the nearby supermarket to buy something before returning to the house.

By then, Mango was fast asleep.

She had fallen asleep quite quickly, one might add.

Hence, Rainie was a little confused as she glanced over at Genevieve before asking, "Why is she so sleepy?"

"It's normal. Anyone who loses this much blood is bound to be exhausted. Furthermore, this IV drip is a little slower than the others, so please watch over her for me as I need to swing by the hospital. I'll be back soon though."

Genevieve's words surprised Rainie.

"You're still going to come back?"

"Well, she needs three drips in a row and unfortunately you can't do them for her as you're not a nurse. Let me go back to the hospital to arrange a few things before I return."

Rainie let out a heaving sigh of relief after hearing Genevieve's explanation.

"Sorry to trouble you."

"Not at all. It's what I should do."

Genevieve smiled lightly before she left the Shen family home with her medical kit.

After leaving the house, Genevieve immediately placed a call to her husband.

"How's Mr. Ye doing?"

On the other end of the call, Noah stretched his aching neck as he glanced at the surveillance videos in front of him. "Not too good, he's still under treatment. What's up?" "Mango isn't doing too well either."

Anxiety gripped Noah's heart as he processed what Genevieve said to him.

"What? What's wrong? Isn't she just a little weak?"

"I don't think that's all. Noah, I have to go back to the hospital to get her blood work done. If possible, I'll try to have her come in for a full checkup, especially on her uterus."

Genevieve's expression was glum, and her tone was not as light as before.

"What's wrong with her uterus?"

"I suspect that these are all the early warning signs of excessive uterine bleeding. Her period blood is dark, almost black with a pungent scent and there are more blood clots than normal. I didn't have my instruments in me, so I could only guess with my years of experience what's going on. So, I gave her a drip to stop the bleeding, but who knows whether it'll work. Additionally, she's emotionally unstable, frequently sleepy, and dispirited. If possible, I'd want Mr. Ye to be by her side. Mango is going through one of the darkest and most helpless times in her life right now."

Genevieve explained softly.

Meanwhile, Noah replied with some difficulties. "But Nathan can't be released as his condition won't allow it. The cat's going to be out of the bag once he goes home. Don't you think that Mango would suffer if she knew about Nathaniel's true condition?"

Naturally, the answer would be a resounding yes, and Genevieve was very sure of this.

"Even so, someone needs to have the power of attorney if Mango really has a uterine problem. I fear for the worst, you know?"

"I do, so let's try our best to protect Mango, okay? It doesn't matter what you do as long as she recovers."

"Noah, we're doctors, not gods. You should know better than anyone that we can't stop some diseases despite our best efforts. I can only promise to do my best to save her, but I can't guarantee that well have the results we want."

Of course Noah understood the implication behind Genevieve's words.

"I understand, I was just overly anxious. Don't worry, I'll find a suitable time to speak with Nathan about this."

"Yeah. Right now, what Mango needs are Mr. Ye's love and care, so please ask him to call her when able. At least it'll give her a form of emotional support."


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