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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 450

"What's wrong?"

The expression on Rainie's face was rather grim.

Although Mango was still somewhat angry with Nathaniel, she would drop everything and leave if she finds out that something had happened over at the Ye's Mansion. So, they couldn't let her know no matter what.

Then, Thomas replied softly as he saw how anxious Rainie was, "Susie is missing, and it seems like someone might have let her go free. However, the Ye family have guarded her very securely, so how could this happen?"

Rainie's brows furrowed together tightly when she heard Thomas's words.

"Haven't you vetted all the current staff working for the Ye family?"

"I have, so that's why I find it strange."

Truth be told, Thomas was also very puzzled.

Then, he continued, "Susie loathes Mrs. Ye greatly, so she might be in danger if Susie walks free. Thus, it might be a good idea if you follow Mango around closely. I'll keep a close watch nearby."

"All right."

After that, Rainie returned to Mango's side.

After receiving Genevieve's treatment, Mango felt much better and her blood loss had reduced plenty. However, she was still worried.

What on earth was Nathaniel hiding from her?

Where had he gone?

Then, the frown on Rainie's face when she walked in caused Mango to ask, "What's wrong? Did Genevieve say something about my health?"

"No, instead I ran into Thomas."

"What's so strange about that? He's always been nearby."

Mango thought it was normal as it was Thomas's job to be close to them.

Then, Rainie looked at her thoughtfully before she said, "Although Dr. Bay wants you to rest, there's something you need to know. I don't want there to be any surprises."

"What's the matter? Why are you so serious?"

Mango unwittingly became nervous at the sight of Rainie's serious expression.

Then, Rainie whispered, "Susie's escaped from the Ye family's custody, and it seems like she's been set free. As far as I know, Nathaniel's vetted all your staff, but since this happened, Thomas wants me to warn you to keep your guard up. Susie hates you, and God knows what she's planning now that she's free."

That made Mango pause for a moment before she said, "I got it, don't worry. I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself. On the contrary, you might be in danger if you stay with me. Perhaps it might be better if you go home."

"What are you talking about? With you sick like a dog, I'm not going anywhere. Plus, I had Thomas seek out Noah to see whether if he knows where Nathaniel is, and to ask him to come home."

However, her words did not bring much comfort to Mango.

If Nathaniel really wanted to hide from her, then surely Thomas wouldn't be able to obtain anything from Noah. However, she was just a little confused. Why did Nathaniel leave Ocean City now and abandon his family?

On the other hand, Rainie assumed that Mango was worried when she stayed silent. Thus, she said, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm here." "I'm not thinking about that. In fact, I want to go to the Ye's Mansion and have a look."

Rainie was instead shocked by Mango's sudden statement.

"Dr. Bay said you needed rest, so why are you going back there?"

"Susie's escaped, and I have no idea how my mother-in-law and Zion are doing. Despite having Nick there, I still think it's better if I go and take a look."

In the end, Mango was unable to stay calm.

Rainie wanted to stop her, but she realized that Mango was worried about her son. Then, she muttered, "I'll have Thomas arrange for transport. Is Rita coming home as well?"

"It's fine, let her be with my mother for today."

After that, Mango sorted herself out as Rainie bid Thomas got the car out for them. Meanwhile, Mrs. Shen and Mr. Shen were quite worried when they heard that Mango was heading back to Ye's Mansion following Susie's escape.

"Isn't it a bad idea to go back now?"

Mrs. Shen held on to Mango's hand as she spoke.

"It's fine, I'll be back tomorrow morning."

Obviously Mango knew that her mother was

worried about her, but Mango was even more worried for Madam Ye and Zion.

Hence, Mrs. Shen didn't try to stop her since Mango had made up her mind.

When the car left the Shen family household, it was just last six o'clock and the sky was just beginning to darken.

Mango sat down tiredly in the back seat.

To be honest, she had the vague notion that something might be very wrong with her body. Why would a simple period make her this weak?

Next, she leaned back on the headrest to take a nap. Aside from that, Rainie and Thomas stayed rather silent throughout the trip too.

Just as they were pulling into a crossroad, the car suddenly screeched to a halt.

"What's wrong?"

Mango asked when she spotted the massive traffic jam in front of her.

Then, Thomas whispered, "I'll go take a look."

"Be careful."

Mango nodded slightly.

There seemed to be some sort of demonstration in front of them, and it seemed quite hectic indeed.

Rubbing her temples in frustration, Mango had no intention to observe the proceedings.

After that, Rainie said, "Would you like to take a nap? By the looks of it, it seems like it'll take some time. Furthermore, it's the evening rush hour."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."


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