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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 453

At the thought of this possibility, Thomas felt even more uneasy.

"Well, let's try our best to find her. Now that we still can't reach Mr. Ye, we can only hope for the best for Mrs. Ye. No matter how you put it, we might have some hope with Walter around. His methods are crass, but they might have better luck finding her."

To be honest, Thomas had no idea what to do now.

Meanwhile, Rainie cut in with a dissatisfied tone, "That scumbag is undeniably good to Mango, and he's right. Where is Nathaniel? No one can contact him despite running into such a huge problem, so do you think something happened to him as well?"

"No, he is Mr. Ye! Nothing will happen to him!"

Thomas dismissed Rainie's speculation immediately.

In his mind, there was nothing Nathaniel couldn't do, so nothing would happen to him!

However, there was still a niggling feeling of worry in his heart.

There were a large number of calls originating from Ye's Mansion, and Madam Ye even personally came to ask about it. Plus, Zion also employed his computer skills to look for his mother. Hence, it seemed like everyone was joining in the effort to look for her.

Alas, no one could find any trace of Mango in Ocean City.

Meanwhile, Terrance avoided alerting Madam Hans as to what happened in order not to alarm her. Nevertheless, he still utilized the full might of the Hans family to search for Mango.

So many people were looking for Mango, but why couldn't they find her?

A similar amount of effort was extended when Zion had disappeared, but at that time, Nanny Zhang was still in control of the Ye family. Thus, there were still people loyal to her within the family.

Now that Nathaniel had swept clean all of Nanny Zhang's influence, who else had the power to kidnap Mango so discreetly?

Hence, Thomas was puzzled.

The prime suspect was Susie, but she had also disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was in a gloomy mood due to Mango's disappearance.

On the other hand, Mango felt as if she couldn't go on any longer.

Frankly, this was not how she imagined her death to go.

At that moment, Mango laid on the ground and she gasped for air as if she'd just run a marathon.

The floor was ice-cold, and her body felt as if she'd spent the night in a freezer. The cold caused her to fade in and out of consciousness.

Honestly, Mango did not know how much longer she could go on.

She missed Nathaniel very dearly.

Where was he now?

Would he be worried over her disappearance? Had he returned to Ocean City to be with their children?

Would she still have a chance to see her children?

Truth be told, Mango felt like a failure indeed. She had no idea who kidnapped her, or even who wanted to kill her?

Was she going to die like a fool?

She wondered how Madam Ye was doing. How was Zion? Would Rita cry for her?

If the culprit behind this only wanted her dead, then she would willingly comply. However, if this attack was targeted at the Ye family, Nathaniel, and her kids, would she be content to accept her fate?


She wasn't going to give up!

Alas, all her limbs were numbed completely.

Earlier in the morning, Mango was still able to wriggle around like a worm but now she had no more strength left to expend.

Mango felt as if she was placed in a freezer as waves of heat and cold overtook her body.

Logically, her period should have tapered off after a few days, but Mango realized that she was losing blood at an accelerated rate.

Her pants and clothes were soaked through with blood, and the pungent scent invaded her nostrils.

She'd never been placed in such an embarrassing state before, so it was absolutely frustrating for her if she died like this.

Then, Mango couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Even now, she still had the mood to humor herself. What would Nathaniel think if he saw her in this filthy state?

That man was quite obsessed with cleanliness, so he would never believe that his wife would pass away in such filthy conditions, right?

Then, Mango suddenly recalled all the promises Nathaniel made to her.

He'd told her that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Plus, Nathaniel even promised to take their entire family on a trip around the world, but Mango guessed there wasn't any opportunity for that now.

It was as if her soul had vacated her body.

Mango could no longer feel the cold or pain, as her body was numbed beyond all feeling.

Meanwhile, there was still noise filtering in from the outside. At this point, Mango could no longer tell if it was day or night.

In the beginning, she had hoped that someone would come and save her. Thus, she incessantly used her head to strike the door to alert someone. However, that action broke the skin on her head, causing blood to flow down her face, which coagulated into a thick lump later on.

However, there was no more strength left in her to go on.

Maybe she was really going to die.

Mango looked at the lights above her on the ceiling, and the chandeliers above her had shadows around them.

She had never looked at the chandelier in much detail, and she vaguely felt that the fixture was familiar. Where had she seen this before?

Alas, her brain was far too muddled to think of anything.

Then, she seemed to see Queena's face in her daze.

Perhaps humans would miss the people closest to them during their most dire of moments.

Mango believed in that very much.

After that, Mrs. Shen's face floated into view. Her mother was crying messily, and it was heart-wrenching to watch.

Mango wanted to comfort her, but she no longer had the strength to do so.

In the midst of her dazed state, she seemed to hear the sound of a door slamming and someone calling her name.

Was that an illusion?

Hallucinations were common when people were pushed into desperate situations.


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