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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 458

The moment Rainie heard Mango mention Nathaniel, she was filled with anger.

"What Nathaniel? Where did you see him? Mango, I'm not trying to piss you off but Nathaniel is really an a*shole. God knows how many times Thomas has called him, but no dice. Now that you're like this, he didn't even have the courtesy to show up. Furthermore, Thomas texted him, but they all went unanswered. Honestly, I'm wondering if he changed his number or something."

Mango was shocked for a moment when she heard what Rainie said, and pain started to bloom in her chest.

"Wasn't Nathan the one who saved me?"

"Of course not!"

Glancing over at Mango, Rainie sighed and she said, "Walter was the one who saved you. You have no idea how much he scared us when he sprinted madly to the hospital covered in your blood with you in tow. Furthermore, he stayed here with you for the whole night and he's just left a moment ago. Yesterday while you were in the ICU, Susie actually dressed up as a nurse to kill you, but Walter took that knife for you and it nearly put his shoulder out of commission. Really, you're going to have to thank him properly later on."

As Rainie spoke, she dabbed at Mango's face with a towel.

On the other hand, Mango was astonished as she never expected Walter to save her.

Now that she thought about it, she must have missed Nathaniel so much that she assumed that he would be the one to save her.

But why couldn't anyone get in touch with Nathaniel?

Thus, Mango felt a little uneasy.

"Did you hear any news from Nathan?"

"None. If I did, perhaps I wouldn't be so angry. How could he just disappear when you needed him most? Ridiculous."

The more Rainie discussed it, the angrier she became for Mango's sake.

However, Mango struggled to get up from the bed.

"What are you doing? Mango, you nearly died! Dr. Bay said if you didn't take care of yourself this time, you're going to lose your uterus, okay? If it weren't for Walter, I wouldn't dare imagine the consequences. You've just gotten out of a fourteenth-hour surgery, so what are you doing?"

Rainie immediately stopped Mango.

Mango had no idea that she was in such dire straits, but she muttered, "I want to call Nathan."

"The call won't get through!"

"I'll still call him anyway. He's not a cruel man, nor will he abandon me and the children in our time of need. How long has he been gone? Other than the phone call you had with him, did anyone else manage to contact him? I'm afraid that something's happened to him!"

This was what Mango was worried about.

Mango thought of the nightmare she had while she was unconscious.

Although she did not know what it meant, Mango couldn't help but feel uneasy.

However, Rainie got angry when she saw that Mango was still worried about Nathaniel, "Can you not think of him for one second? What could happen to him? Think about it, Mango, he used to be a soldier and no one can fight better than him. If something happened to him, would he have called me? In my opinion, he's hiding something from you. God knows what sort of fun he's having out there." "No, Nathan is not that kind of person!"

Mango still struggled to defend him, so

Rainie had no choice but to relent in the end.

"Okay, fine, you're right. Nathaniel isn't that ruthless, okay? You want to use your phone, right? I'll only let you have it after Dr. Bay gives you a full checkup."


"This is not up for discussion!"

Rainie immediately rejected Mango's request.

Since Rainie was so stubborn, Mango let it go for now, but the uneasiness in her heart only grew.

Meanwhile, Genevieve rushed over to her ward and she heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing that Mango was awake.

"Oh god, you're finally awake! You nearly scared me half to death."

Genevieve's concern was clear on her face.

Then, Mango smiled and she said, "I'm fine now, see?"

"Fine? Do you know that you would have died if you came here half an hour later? I told you that your body is especially frail and you should stay home and rest. Why did you leave the house?"

Genevieve didn't really mean to blame Mango, but she was just a little fearful for her.

Of course, Mango knew that Genevieve was worried about her, so she smiled before replying, "There won't be next time."

"Next time? Let me tell you that my word is the law in this hospital. Without my permission, you're not allowed to go anywhere."

Right now, Genevieve was being especially domineering, which warmed Mango's heart.

At first, she'd thought that Genevieve might have been hiding something, but perhaps Mango was wrong about her.

"All right."

Genevieve heaved a sigh of relief when she saw how cooperative Mango was being, so she quickly carried out a full- body examination.

Fortunately, Mango had stopped bleeding. Although her uterus was still in danger, the situation was a lot better than it was before.

Genevieve replied in a low voice, "Don't get out of bed for the next few days and let the nurse handle everything. Make sure to take care of your hygiene, and please notify me if anything strange happens especially if your blood flow increases or your stomach hurts, okay?" "Got it." Right now, Mango was acting like an obedient puppy who would do anything she asked.

Seeing her like this, Genevieve didn't have the heart to yell at her any longer.

"Okay, rest well. Please do tell me if you need anything because I'll be in the hospital caring for you for the time being."

"Thank you, Genevieve."

Mango's heartfelt gratitude made Genevieve felt a little sheepish.

"Go and rest."

She couldn't meet Mango's trusting gaze, so she quickly left the ward.

When Mango saw her leave, she quickly told Rainie, "Genevieve said that I'm fine, so give me my phone."

Rainie flew into a rage when she saw that Mango was still hung up over Nathaniel, "Walter saved your life, but you don't even thank him. Instead, you seek out Nathaniel the moment you wake up. You're truly heartless, Mango! Despite what Nathaniel did to you, you're still missing him that much? Don't you think that's kind of b*tchy?"


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