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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 460

Rainie had wanted to ask the nurse outside what was going on, but then she heard Mango's muffled groans.

Although it wasn't clear, she still panicked a little.

"Mango, are you all right?"

She asked with some concern.

Meanwhile, Mango felt extremely weak and both her legs were very uncomfortable. However, she still said, "I'm fine, just a little weak."

"You...hey...you can't go inside!"

At first, Rainie was speaking to Mango but she suddenly raised her voice. Before Mango could react, the door to the bathroom was opened by none other than Walter.

"Ah! Why did you come in?"

Mango was very surprised and the hand holding onto the wall nearly slipped.

Walter did not say anything to her and he swept her up off the ground before carrying her to the bed.

"Hey, Walter, I admit that you saved Mango and we're all very grateful for that, but that was too much. Mango was just in the bathroom, and what would people think if you just went inside before she was done?"

In fact, Rainie felt that Walter was simply too bold.

Wasn't Terrance standing guard outside?

Why was Walter here?

Didn't he go home to rest?

If so, why was he back?

A series of question revolved in Rainie's head, but Walter had already carried Mango to the bed before she could react and he gently rolled up her pant leg.

"Walter, that's enough!"

Upon seeing this, Rainie quickly pushed Walter away. However, she didn't expect that she would accidentally touch the wound on his shoulder.

Then, he let out a muffled groan as blood seeped out of his shirt. The bright red liquid was especially eye-catching as it flowed out.

Then, Mango felt a lump form inside her throat as an inexplicable sense of gratitude rose in her chest.

It wasn't enough to just thank Walter for what he'd done, but if she didn't do so, Mango

would feel like she owed him something.

"Forget it, Rainie. I only tripped and fell, so my knee hurts."

At first, Mango hadn't planned on telling her in fear of Rainie worrying about her. But from the looks of it, Walter knew that she'd fallen.

The expression on his face was dour, and he raised his head to look at Mango once she finished speaking. Then, their eyes met.

Gratitude filled Mango's eyes among other things, and it made the haze of anger disappear from Walter's mind.

"You're an adult and the mother of two children, so don't you know how to take care of yourself? I worked so hard to save you, so you shouldn't hurt yourself like this."

Walter was still angry, but his tone had softened involuntarily.

Then, Mango just chuckled at his annoyed expression before replying, "I just slipped because my legs gave out. Look at you, you're acting like I've committed some major sin."

"Am I wrong? Do you think you're Supergirl or something? Gosh, you're so clumsy."

Walter's heart throbbed at the thought of Mango's expression when he first found her.

Walter didn't know if he could bear to see it again, alas he couldn't forget it.

Meanwhile, Rainie sensed an easy camaraderie between Mango and Walter and even some intimacy in the mix. Hence, she gestured for the nurse to leave the room together with her.

She knew it was a bad idea to do something like this.

Mango was a married woman, and people would talk if they saw her together with a playboy like Walter.

However, Rainie still thought that someone should be there by Mango's side.

At first she'd assumed that Nathaniel would be here, but where was he now?

In fact, Rainie's impression of Nathaniel gradually got worse, and she even hoped that Walter would somehow find a way to clinch Mango's heart.

This was the very first time she'd ever seen Walter so crazy about a woman.

On the other hand, Terrance was surprised when he saw Rainie leaving the ward.

"How could you leave Mango and Walter alone inside?"

"Why did you let him in?"

Terrance was taken aback by Rainie's question.

"Well, I can't stop him from going inside if he wants to."

The dismissive tone in Terrance's voice was clear.

Then, Rainie smiled before saying, "I think you also feel that someone who loves Mango romantically should be there for her, right?"

Terrance sighed at Rainie's guess and replied, "But it's not fair to Walter. You and I both know that Mango only has eyes for Nathaniel, so no matter how good Walter is to her, he'll only ever be her friend."

"It's fine. He can still keep her company as a friend."

Rainie's words made Terrance silent.

She was right!

After going through a near-death experience, no one knew what had happened to Mango over the last five days. She remained steadfastly silent about it, and it was hard to gauge her true feelings about it.

Walter was the first person to find her, and he knew better than anyone how bad she was at the time. Perhaps Mango's true desire was to be with Walter now?

However, the fact of the matter was that Mango was embarrassed.

One of the most embarrassing moments in her life was letting Walter witnessed a very unrefined side of herself.


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