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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 463

Genevieve hadn't expected Mango to suddenly ask this question, so she was stunned for a second before she smiled while replying, "Nothing big, just some lost-miscarriage weakness. Didn't I tell you this?" "Genevieve, there's no need for you to hide it from me. You know I can handle it. If anything happens, you need to tell me, okay? I don't want to be the last person to know about my health."

The way Mango addressed her name directly caused Genevieve to be at a loss for words.

She seemed to see her past self in Mango.

Mango was strong, independent and so very averse to implicating others.

Recalling Nathaniel's current predicament and Mango's lonely fight against her illness, tears sprang to Genevieve's eyes.

"I don't want to hide it anymore, Mango. You're not doing too well."

Genevieve's words caused Mango's heart to skip a beat.

"What do you mean?"

"Your miscarriage has caused a lot of damage. Despite adequate care from yourself and Mr. Ye, something went wrong along the way and your uterus has shrunk slightly. Other than that, there are signs of major uterine bleeding. Your heavy period is one of the signs."

Genevieve's words struck Mango like a bolt from the blue.

"What does that mean?"

"This disease is rather rare in medicine, and cases of the uterus shrinking are only something I've heard of until I met you. Plus, I did your blood work and found that there's a foreign substance mixed in with it which causes major damage to your body."

When Mango heard that, she immediately recalled the pill that Nanny Zhang forced her to swallow.

Was all of this because of that pill?

"Earlier when I miscarried, Nanny Zhang forced an unknown pill down my throat. I don't know what it was, but it might have something to do with this."

Mango recalled the memory in her head.

Then, Genevieve's face looked even grimmer.

"If that's the case, then it's bad."


"Nanny Zhang has gone insane. No one knows why, but news from Santell Capital says that she might have gone insane after an altercation inside the woman's prison. Now, she's confirmed to be insane and she was transferred to a secret offsite location for treatment. If she was the one who did this, then she can't help you in her current state. Nanny Zhang is a genius in the medical field, and it would be miraculous if she'd used her skills for good. Unfortunately, that isn't the case."

Genevieve admired Nanny Zhang's medical skills very much, but not her personality.

When she heard this, Mango realized that she didn't have much hope left.

Thus, she couldn't help but feel saddened.

"What's the worst case scenario for me?"

She needed to know what would become of her.

Mango still had a lot of things left undone and people to spend time with. Now that she'd come down with this affliction, she couldn't help but wonder what she'd done to offend God that put her in this situation.

Then, Genevieve replied in a helpless tone, "Honestly, I don't know. All I can do now is stop your uterus from bleeding, but I can't stop it from shrinking. If worse comes to worst, you may need to undergo a hysterectomy in about a year or a few months. However, this is something you need to think of carefully as I know how important the uterus is for a woman."

Then, Mango touched her belly sadly.

"A hysterectomy? Does that mean that I will no longer be able to have children? I might even lose the right to call myself a woman."

On the other hand, Genevieve didn't know how to answer Mango's question. After a brief moment of silence, she replied, "I will work hard to fix you. Recently, I've been studying your blood composition, and Noah has volunteered to help too. Don't worry, we will try our best."

At first, Mango thought that the doctor couple was good to her only because of Nathaniel's relationship with them. However, at this moment, she knew that Genevieve was genuinely doing this for her good.

Then, Mango suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, I trust all of you. I won't blame you even if you couldn't help me. After all, everyone has its destiny. I will try to have the best outlook of life, but I need you to keep this a secret from everyone, especially this girl right here."

Mango looked over at Rainie, who was sleeping and had drool all over her pillow as if she was having a wonderful dream. Then, the corners of Mango's mouth quirked up in a smile.

Genevieve muttered as she watched this interaction, "How do you have such a good friendship? Usually, friendships between women don't go this deep."

"Perhaps she loves me more than a friend and more like family. Rainie's been an orphan since her childhood, and she was abandoned by her parents. Thus, she's learned how to be tough. I still remember the first time I saw her fight off a guy. She was injured from head to toe, but she still told me that she won. From that moment on, we've been friends until today. Rainie's always been by my side, supporting me despite whatever decision I've made. Although she would get mad if I made stupid decisions, she just let me do whatever I want. I'm pretty sure she'll be devastated if she knows what is happening to me. Honestly, I just want her to be happy."


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