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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 473


Mango tried her best to steady her voice, but it wasn't good enough.

Thus, Nathaniel noticed that something was wrong right off the bat.

"Are you crying?"

Nathaniel frowned anxiously and he stood up quickly. Hence, the needle in his arm giving him blood shifted into an uncomfortable angle.

"Mr. Ye..."

Evan was a little worried upon seeing this and he made Nathaniel sit down once again before he reinserted the needle.

On the other hand, Mango was sad when she saw what happened before coughing a few times, "I'm not crying, I just have a cold and my throat feels itchy."

Mango looked at the screen and she lied with a straight face.

Nathaniel, on the other hand, became a little anxious.

"A cold? Have you had medication? Did Genevieve come by and check on you? How did you catch a cold? Is my mom there? Have her make you some ginger tea. Your miscarriage has weakened your body, so the tea will help with that. Since I can't do anything for you, please take care of yourself. I'll be home in two days."

"You don't have to worry, okay? I'm fine. And a little cold was nothing. From how nervous you are, it's almost like I've fallen seriously ill."

Mango's words caused Nathaniel to frown even more deeply.

"Hey, stop with that nonsense! You'll be fine, and you'll be spending the rest of your life with me."

Although Nathaniel said so, his frown was so deep that a line was almost permanently etched into his brows.

He was so anxious that he wanted nothing more than to teleport to Mango's side.

Meanwhile, tears sprung to Mango's eyes as she saw how worried Nathaniel was for her.

"Don't worry about me, everything's fine at home. On the contrary, you have to take care of yourself, okay? Eat when you can and let me know if you're feeling unwell. Don't ruin your health just because you want to come back quick. I'll be unhappy then."

A satisfied smile broke out on Nathaniel's lips as Mango said that.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm eating and sleeping like a champ. Plus, I'm the heir of the Ye family, so I'm being treated well here. Let me tell you, I'm staying in a five-star presidential suite over here and I'm loving it."

Mango looked at the scene before her, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

A five-star presidential suite?

He was superb at lying!

However, she couldn't cry because Nathaniel would figure out something was wrong. Thus, she forced her tears back.

"Mango? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Right now, Nathaniel was afraid to video call Mango, but he still had to ask when he heard silence on the other end of the call.

Mango tried her best to suppress her sadness before replying, "I'm thinking about what your presidential suite looks like."

"It's not like you haven't seen it before, so why are you thinking about it?"

"Well, I haven't experienced a five-star suite overseas. Next time we go on a vacation, we have to stay in one."

Mango rambled on about the suite.

Then, a smile instantly appeared on Nathaniel's face.

He looked handsome man when he smiled, and he could even make people fall for him at first sight.

If Helen of Troy had a face that launched a thousand ships, then Nathaniel would be the male version of it.

Mango looked at the video of Nathaniel in a daze before asking, "Hey, I just remembered how good you look when you smile. Are you laughing at how silly I am?"

"No, I'd never laugh at you."

Although Nathaniel said so, the smile on his face widened.

Because of the smile, his expression and demeanor improved greatly.

Mango was afraid that Nathaniel would catch a cold because of his sweaty body. Then, she replied, "Hey, I'm going to cut this call short because I need to take my medicine. Zion and Rita are going to kindergarten for the time being, so I need to arrange things for them. I've been busy recently, so I won't call you if I don't have anything important to say. If you're busy, it's fine if you take longer to come back."

"Why? We haven't seen each other for close to a week, don't you miss me?"

In fact, Nathaniel felt a little hurt.

Mango really wanted to tell him that she missed him, she really did!

Of course she missed him!

She wanted nothing more than to teleport to his side and hold him in her arms.

Alas, she couldn't!

Then Mango coughed to cover the sound of her sobs.

"Of course I miss you, but I'm afraid that you would be tired."

"It's okay, I can sacrifice a little sleep if that means I can see you earlier. Okay, let's end the call so you can have your medication. Make sure you're all healed when I get back, okay? If not, you'll have hell to pay!"


Mango replied as she hung up the call.

She nearly lost control over there.

On the other hand, Nathaniel smiled widely after he hung up the call.

He turned to Evan on the side before saying, "There are still two days left, so my body will be able to heal by then, right?"

"That still depends on your symptoms. If they reduce by tomorrow, then you'll be fine by the day after. However, Mr. Ye, I still advise you to listen to Mr. Soo's instructions and stay for another two days. Didn't your wife tell you that she wasn't in a hurry to see you?"

"How could she not be in a hurry to see me? She always says things that she doesn't mean. God knows how anxious she must be after not seeing me for a week, but she said that only to prevent me from being worried. My wife is a considerate woman, and she always puts herself last."

Mango's eyes filled with tears once more as she heard Nathaniel's opinion of her.

Then Noah turned off the video feed.


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