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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 477

Hence, Mango suddenly felt a little awkward.

It seemed like she hadn't given much thought about where her children were going to stay.

Mr. Shen had no choice but to interrupt Mrs. Shen upon seeing how much of a dilemma Mango was in, "Hey, what's wrong with you? The kids can choose where they want to go, so why are you asking? Plus, Rita is the Ye family's granddaughter as well, so why shouldn't she go back?"

However, Mrs. Shen felt a little insulted by his words.

"I'm just asking. Rita loves my cooking the most, and I just want to prepare in advance if she's coming home."

Mango's heart was filled with a bitter feeling at Mrs. Shen's words.

Ever since she left home five years ago, her parents had lived a lonely existence. Now that they finally had Rita, they were reluctant to part with her. Thus, Mango was really at a loss as to what to do.

"Mom and Dad, today is the day Nathan comes home, so we might go for dinner at the Ye's Mansion. How about we have a meal here tomorrow? I'll bring Zion along."

Mango's words immediately reinvigorated Mrs. Shen's spirits.

"That sounds great! I'll prepare the food before you arrive then."

Although Mr. Shen did not say anything, there was also a hint of a smile between his eyebrows.

However, Mango felt rather upset when she realized that such a small action was able to delight her parents.

Mango had always thought of herself as a filial daughter, but was she truly one?

On the other hand, Rita had no idea what was going through Mango's mind as her brain was filled with the thought of kindergarten. Thus, she pulled on Mango's hand urgently while saying, "Hurry up, Mommy. If not, we'll be late!"

"Okay, we'll go now."

Mango smiled and she waved goodbye to her parents before bringing Rita onto the car.

Meanwhile, Mango's parents still stood at the door watching them left even as they drove away. Hence, the sight got Mango's heart ached.

On the other hand, Rita was especially excited as she asked, "Mommy, is this the bag you got for me?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

Mango brought out a hot pink bag before handing it to Rita.

"Yes, I love it!"

Rita held the bag in her arms as if it was a hidden treasure.

Along the way, she chattered excitedly like an exuberant lark, and Rita seemed to have an endless amount of questions. Nevertheless, Mango did not get tired while answering them.

By the time they returned to the Ye's Mansion, Zion had already packed his bag long ago. Then, Madam Ye personally sent him off as she saw the car approaching.

"Mom, why did you come out here?

Madam Ye smiled when she saw that Mango was looking much better today, "I told you I'd send them off to school, but why do you insist on going? How are you? Can you handle it?"

"Don't worry about me, Mom. I'm fine. Nathan is coming home today, so please don't mention the fact that I was hospitalized to him. He'll be worried if he finds out."

Mango's reply caused Madam Ye to pause for a moment before she understood what the younger woman meant.

"So, you don't want Nathan to know about your kidnapping?"

"That's not necessary, plus it's already over and I'm fine, aren't I?"

Mango had a serene smile on her face, but Madam Ye was rather agitated internally.

The reason Mango wanted to keep everything a secret from Nathaniel because she was afraid that he would blame himself for it.

After all, any man would think himself useless if he disappeared while his wife was kidnapped.

However, Mango valiantly endured all of her troubles for Nathaniel's sake, so Madam Ye was truly touched by her gesture.

"Well, go on then. I'm going to the supermarket to get some ingredients for our dinner tonight."

"That sounds great!"

After that, Mango led Zion into the car.

However, Zion wasn't very excited compared to Rita.

"Zion, we're going to kindergarten together! Mommy said that we're going to share a classroom, right?"

Rita's enthusiasm began to affect Zion.

He replied with a grin, "Mhm, don't worry. No one will bully you if I'm there."

"Would anyone even do that? I'm so cute!"

Rita's words caused Mango and Zion to burst out in peals of laughter.

"Ah, don't flatter yourself."

Zion then glanced at Rita with a soft smile on his face, "No matter how cute you are, you'd better fight back if someone bullies you. If nothing else, you still have me to protect you."

However, Mango was rather annoyed when she heard what Zion said.

"Zion, what are you teaching Rita? We should learn to cherish our fellow peers."

To be frank, Zion didn't think very highly of what Mango said, but he did not let it show on his face.

Alas, Mango still saw the disapproving expression and she reached out a finger to flick him on the forehead.

"You've gotten brave, huh? Looking down on me now, are you? I'm going to tell your father when he comes home, and I'll make sure he punishes you."

Meanwhile, Zion's lips curved up into a smile when he heard the delight in Mango's tone.

There was nothing else in the world that could make Mango happy other than Nathaniel's return.

Of course, Zion knew this, and he was happy for his mother. However, he still replied, "Ha! What could Mr. Ye do to me anyway?"

"Hey, you little brat! Are you still thinking of challenging your father?"

"I could be."

Zion retorted arrogantly before Rita's disapproving tone reached his ears, "If you drive Daddy away, I won't ever speak to you for the rest of my life!"


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