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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 494

Since Mango couldn't figure it out, she simply stopped thinking about it.

"Things like this will slowly come to light. You've just returned, so don't think too much about it. Why don't we rest for a while since you're so tired? We'll look into this once you feel better tomorrow."

Mango comforted Nathaniel.

However, how could he sleep when it was just eight o'clock?

Nathaniel put her hands in his embrace and he said, "Do you know? All I've wanted to do for the past eight days is hold you in my arms. We don't have to do anything except talk. We could chat about our kids, our future, anything."

"What do you want to talk about? Go on!"

Mango snuggled up beside Nathaniel and she felt extremely content.

She had no idea how long her body could last, nor how much time the toxins in her body would afford with Nathaniel and her family. However, Mango felt that it was worth it if she could spend every day in bliss like this.

Nathaniel kissed the top of her head and he said, "Thank God for putting you in my life."

"What are you saying?"

"It's true, that's what I think. Let's go visit the Hans family tomorrow."

Nathaniel's words caused Mango to be slightly taken aback.

"The Hans family?"

"Yes, let's go visit them tomorrow!"

Nathaniel looked over at Mango and he said, "Madam Hans was drugged just like me. Plus, John was the originator of the drug, and Nick was supposed to have custody of him. After Susie and Andrea escaped, Walter has captured Susie, but what about Andrea? I don't know if Nick still has John in his custody, and I want to check about it. Yet, I was afraid that Nick would resent me as it would seem like I didn't trust him."

Truth be told, Nathaniel was feeling a little conflicted.

If it weren't for today's events, maybe he could have found a reason to check in on John. However, the plan was put on hold after his fight with Nick.

"Right now, we can only go to the Hans family and see if there are any clues to be found there. Although Andrea is gone, there might be some traces of evidence left."

Mango frowned slightly.

To be honest, she didn't really want to see the Hans family.

It was due to Madam Hans as well as the bad memories associated with them. However, Mango knew it was unavoidable once she heard Nathaniel's idea.

"All right, I'll go with you tomorrow."

"Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of visiting the Hans family?"

Nathaniel looked at Mango and he understood what she was thinking instantly.

Mango smiled and she replied, "It's not like I'm extremely uncomfortable, but I just don't feel like going there. But since we are looking for proof, then I have no issue about the plan."

"Sorry to trouble you."

"Not at all."

After they chatted for a while, both of them felt quite tired.

Nathaniel's body had just recovered, while Mango's was still weak, so they weren't as robust as regular people.

Nathaniel hugged Mango as she yawned. He said, "Take a rest."

"About the kids..."

"Mom and Lucy are there, so don't worry. Just sleep."

Nathaniel's words reassured Mango.

That's right. This was the Ye's Mansion, and their safety could be guaranteed.

As she thought of this, Mango found a comfortable spot in the crook of Nathaniel's neck before falling asleep.

Nathaniel had also been exhausted over the past eight days, and he fell into a deep sleep as he embraced his wife.

Meanwhile, Rita pestered Wisdom into telling her stories.

Of course, he did not refuse any request from Rita.

On the other hand, Zion shook his head before saying, "Why do I feel like you two are the actual twins instead?"

"Are you jealous?"

Rita shook her head pridefully.

However, Zion couldn't be bothered to argue with her.

Fortunately, Rita was naughty and clingy, and she'd tired herself out by eight-thirty.

"Zion, I'm so sleepy!"

Rita leaned on Zion's shoulder before putting her entire weight on him.

Zion looked over at her and he said in a low voice, "Rita."


Rita was half- asleep and she answered sleepily when Zion called her name.

Zion gazed at her while muttering, "If I'm not home, take care of our family, okay?"

"Got it."

Rita agreed unconsciously.

After that, Wisdom quickly called for Lucy to take Rita to her room.

When Zion and Wisdom were left alone in the room, Wisdom was a little hesitant.

"Are we going to sneak away like this? Our parents will be worried."

"Are you going to stay and get hit by your father? Are you going to make my Mommy sad by seeing your injuries? If we can succeed by ourselves, your Daddy will never beat you again."

Zion's words made Wisdom frown.

He really couldn't bear Nick's harsh treatment any longer.

"But if we leave, there won't be any guys left in the Ye family."

"There's still Mr. Ye, right? He's still young, and he can keep going for many more years. Hurry up and leave a note! We need to rest and leave by midnight."

"All right!"


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