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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 506

"Watch out, Mr. Ye!"

At the crucial moment, those subordinates finally arrived.

Upon witnessing such a dangerous scene, they immediately reminded Nathaniel. Yet, he couldn't hear anything due to the impact earlier.

Nathaniel frowned and he instinctively sensed the danger behind him. He then immediately squatted down. In the nick of time, the bullet flew past his ear, leaving a trace of blood behind.

Nathaniel covered his ears in pain and his gaze suddenly turned cold.

It seemed that Nick was indeed trying to kill him!

Then, he rolled to the side while avoiding the shots that were blasting from behind.

Nathaniel's group of people immediately fought against the opponents, and it didn't take too long for them to be subdued. However, the enemies refused to expose the mastermind behind the scheme to Nathaniel no matter what.

Upon seeing their faithful attitude towards their boss, Nathaniel knew that he couldn't gain any clues from them.

"I'll leave it to you guys. I still have to find my child."

Nathaniel wiped his injured ear with a handkerchief and he drove another car away.

Nathaniel had specially instructed his people to hide the matter about the accident from Mango.

He didn't want to cause her any more worries.

In the meantime, Genevieve came over to examine Mango's condition. Then, she frowned before saying, "You should avoid intense stress and emotional situation."

"But I can't control myself. After all, my child is missing now."

Mango knew about her health condition, but unfortunately, she couldn't stay calm about the situation.

Genevieve shook her head in disapproval and she treated Mango with IV therapy.

Meanwhile, Rita had been in low spirits for the entire day while she was at the kindergarten. She was very worried about Wisdom and Zion. After returning home, Rita quickly visited Wisdom upon knowing that he had come back safely.

Mango allowed her to go. She thought that Wisdom would feel better with Rita's company.

After receiving the treatment, Mango felt a little drowsy.

"Will this medicine cause drowsiness?"

Mango asked Genevieve.

Genevieve said in a low voice, "Yes. You need sufficient rest now, so don't worry about anything else!"

"I can't rest! To be exact, I shouldn't fall asleep! At least I can't do that before Nathan comes back!"

Genevieve was slightly angry.

"Do you think you're a superman? Take a look at yourself now! Why don't you listen to me? You must listen to my advice!"

"Genevieve, it's not that I wanna go against you, but I really shouldn't sleep now. Wisdom and my mother-in-law are still in the house, so I can't leave them alone."

Genevieve was infuriated by her words.

"What are you talking about? This is the Ye's Mansion, which is equipped with a first-class security system. You can even sleep here safe and sound for as long as you want. Don't try to fool me with this silly excuse of yours! I understand that you're worried about Zion, but you should take care of yourself now."

Mango was extremely anxious. However, she couldn't disclose much of the matter to Genevieve. Therefore, she continued, "How about this? I'll rest for a while, but can you do me a favor?"

"If you're trying to beg for permission to go out or not wanting to rest, then don't ever think about it. I will never agree to it."

Genevieve thought that she was referring to this. However, Mango shook her head before saying, "Can you think of a way to send my mother-in-law away from this place?"

"What did you just say?"

Only now did Genevieve feel that something was going on with Mango.


Maybe something had happened to the Ye family.

Also, it wasn't just only Zion's disappearance. Something was definitely off about this matter.

However, Mango couldn't explain it to her at the moment, "Don't ask about it first. Can you help me with this?"

"No problem. I'll check up on Madam Ye and see if I can find an excuse to let her go to the hospital. But I don't get it, why don't you go with me to the hospital? Isn't it better to let the children follow us?"

"I can't go."

Mango whispered in a low voice. It seemed that she was planning about something.

"If I leave, then everything will never be the same. Also, the situation may be very unfavorable to Nathan. The only thing left to do is to stay here with my children so that the enemy will not suspect about us."

Genevieve couldn't decipher her words at all.

"So why did you insist on sending Madam Ye away?"

"Just in case if anything happens, I'm afraid that I can't protect her with my current state. Sending her to the hospital is the only way to ensure her safety. Both you and Noah will take good care of her, right?"

Mango tightly gripped Genevieve's hand.


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