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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 515

Mango wanted to sit up for a look, but she wasn't able to do so.

Mango was afraid that Nick would find out that she was pretending to be asleep once she went out of the room.

But what if he was thinking of harming Rita and Wisdom?

How could Mango continue to fake it when she knew that the kids would be in danger?

When would the feigning between Mango and Nick end? And when would Nathaniel return?

Mango was clueless, and all she could do now was to wait.

Meanwhile, there seemed to be no noise coming from outside, and this made her even anxious.

Mango just wanted to go out for a glimpse, even if she had to peer through the crack of the door. However, just as she was about to get up, Mango suddenly saw a shadow underneath the door.

Nick hadn't left yet!

That was to say, he had been waiting outside to see if she was pretending to be asleep?

If Mango went out now, she might bump into him directly.

Her heart pounded rapidly.

Perhaps Nick was suspicious of her? Or was it because he had discovered something?

Mango didn't dare to think about it, nor did she dare to move. She tried her best to fake her sleep, but her eyes were fixed on the shadow beneath the crack of the door.

After a few minutes, Nick, who was outside the door, felt relieved and he finally left.

Seeing this, Mango broke out in a cold sweat.

It seemed that the situation of her and the children was increasingly dangerous by now.

Right now, she couldn't wait for Nathaniel to return home.

She didn't dare to speak on the phone too loud. Therefore, Mango took out her mobile phone to send a message to Merle, asking him to urge Nathaniel to come back as soon as possible. Also, she told him that they couldn't hold on any longer.

After receiving the message, Merle contacted Nathaniel immediately. Unfortunately, he couldn't get through him.

Merle thought that Nathaniel's cell phone was dead, so he left him a text message. Then, Merle continued to call but was unable to reach him.

Mango was in a state of nerves because she couldn't go out to take a look.

Mango was afraid of what Nick would do to Rita. However, she supposed that Rita would be alright with Wisdom by her side.

She tried to make up some reasoning to ease her worries. Despite that, every second felt like an eternity.

It had been more than an hour, and Merle still couldn't get in touch with Nathaniel. Feeling rather uneasy, he quickly drove back to the location where he last parted ways with Nathaniel.

Just as he left earlier, there was a fatal car accident that happened around the area. It seemed to be a life-and-death situation, and Merle was somehow familiar with the car plate number of the involving vehicle.

It was Nathaniel's car!

Did something happen to him?

Merle quickly inquired everywhere, but all the people around Nathaniel were nowhere to be seen. There was no piece of evidence at all.

Merle began visiting all the hospitals nearby, but there was still no sign of Nathaniel.

Nathaniel and his group of people seemed to have vanished without a trace at all.

After all the ups and downs, it was already late at night. At dawn, Mango couldn't hold it any longer and she called Merle desperately.

"Merle, did Nathan tell you when he will come back?"

Hearing Mango's anxious voice, Merle didn't know how to respond.

Mango was a sensitive woman, and her intuition was also very keen. After sensing that Merle was hesitant to speak, she furrowed her eyebrows before getting serious.

"What's wrong?"

"Madam, I can't get in touch with Mr. Ye."

Merle said softly, but full of guilt.

Merle was Mango's assistant and he was responsible to ease all her concerns. However, he had lost track of Nathaniel now.

"What do you mean by that?"

Mango was panicked, but she tried hard to calm down.

Merle said in a low voice, "I called Mr. Ye but his phone was switched off. So I drove to the place where I parted with him and there was a tragic car accident that happened over there. The car involved was Mr. Ye's car, but I couldn't find any news about him. Even the people who went with him were all gone without any trace. Madam, I'm so sorry for being useless. I will send some people to investigate it."

Mango's heart sank when she heard the news.

Nathaniel was invincible!

Ordinary people were no match for him!

Besides, how was it possible that the people who went with him disappeared just like that?

Just what on earth had happened?

The shooting club was under Nick's control, and it was now destroyed by Walter and Terrance. Also, Nick desperately came back home to check up on her. Just then, the series of his actions left her in deep thought.

Maybe Nick was the one who did it?

If so, then he was definitely a formidable opponent. Maybe she and Nathaniel had really underestimated his abilities.

Merle was worried after noticing her silence.

"Madam, don't worry. I will certainly find Mr. Ye back."

"Thank you for your hard work, but you also have to ensure your safety. I don't wish for any more accidents to happen."

Merle was slightly stunned upon hearing her words. Then, the corner of his lips curled up involuntarily.

"I will."

After hanging up, Mango was extremely concerned.

Now that Nathaniel was missing, should she continue to act like a fool in front of Nick? Or should she continue to let Rita stayed in this dangerous place?

She hesitated.

Suddenly, the servant knocked on the door before asking, "Madam, are you awake? It's time for breakfast."

"Alright, I'll be right there in a minute."


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