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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 519

"Let go of me!"

Mango snapped in a stern voice, causing Hadley to loosen his grip involuntarily. However, he still said anxiously, "Mrs. Ye, please trust me! I'm really a subordinate of Mr.Lucy, and my boss is doing this for Mr. Ye's sake."

"Get out!"

Mango rebuked coldly. It was as if she had no intention of talking to him anymore.

Hadley was stunned by her response.

"Are you really Mrs. Ye? Or are your feelings for Mr. Ye are fake? Aren't you worried about his safety?"

Seeing his desperate expression, she suddenly thought of something before saying impassively, "My family issues have nothing to do with you. Now, my identity is Katherine, the designer. I won't be caring about your issues anymore if it's unrelated to my work. I know the best about my husband's abilities and character. Thank you for your concern."

After that, she lowered her head to work again.

Hadley was stunned for a moment before walking out dejectedly.

Mango's gaze wandered for a bit and she was in a trance-like state. Unknowingly, the design plan in front of her seemed to have transitioned into something different, and her mind was filled with the images of Nathaniel.

What on earth had happened to him?

Where was he?

Mango reached out for her phone.

At this time, Nick suddenly came in.

"Mango, here's your lunch."

She retreated her hands once more.

"Why did you bring it up here?"

"It's nothing. I just came to see your progress with the design. After all, the customers are in a hurry, so I hope you won't blame me for urging you."

Nick placed the fo od in front of her.

She said smilingly, "It's fine. I'll be able to complete it before getting off work today."

"You're really amazing!"

Nick took a glance at her work. Indeed, her design was much better than those rookies he employed. Upon seeing this, he was relieved.

"I won't disturb you then, and I'll go back first. Eat up while the food it's still warm."

After saying that, Nick left.

Mango suddenly lost her appetite as she looked at the food in front of her.

What a coincidence that Nick came in right after Hadley left!

This was obviously a trick. However, she had no idea whether that guy was working for Nick or not.

Was he aware of Nathaniel's whereabouts for real? Or was he merely someone sent by Nick to set her up?

Mango narrowed her eyes and she was deep in thoughts.

She called Nathaniel once again, but unfortunately, the phone was still not connected. Just then, Mango felt a little more uneasy.

Did something really happen to him?

Mango thought of Merle again and she quickly gave him a call. Unfortunately, she couldn't get in touch with him as well.

Since Mango had no appetite, she focused all her attention on the design drawings.

Soon, the rookies returned to the office one after another. Upon seeing that Mango was still working, they didn't dare to slack off. Therefore, they quickly started working according to Mango's instructions previously.

Under Mango's lead, the employees in the design department were full of passion.

Finally, it was about time to get off work, and Mango had finished designing the draft.

She stretched herself with a yawn while heading to the resting room to get a glass of water. Suddenly, Mango heard some noise when she passed by the storeroom.

She couldn't help but stop in her tracks.

There seemed to be someone inside!

Mango opened up the door and she saw that Hadley was tied up against the wall with his mouth stuffed with something. He was crying helplessly.

Seeing this, she frowned slightly. Then, Mango walked over in a hurry to remove the stuff from his mouth.

"Mrs. Ye, get out of here quickly!"

Hadley said anxiously.

Just as Mango was about to say something, she suddenly heard footsteps resounding from the outside.

Mango quickly stuffed the item back into his mouth. Then, she closed the door before hiding in a corner.

When the door was opened again, a man walked in. However, Mango couldn't recognize the person. She supposed that the person was a member of the HY Group because he was wearing the company's uniform.

Meanwhile, Hadley became agitated when he saw this person.

The captor looked at him before smirking, "You are really stubborn! You should know that you can never benefit from Boston, and now you've also lost your job. Mr. Ye said that as long as you are willing to tell him about Boston's whereabouts, he will appoint you as a sales manager. I heard that your mother is seriously ill, and she needs cash recently, right? Mr. Ye will give you as much money as you want if you reveal the truth."


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