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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 529

Mango was not on a call actually. She had just forgotten to hang up the phone, which caused others couldn't reach her.

When Walter arrived at the coordinate provided by Wisdom, the villa was in a mess. But the boy was still being subdued by bodyguards due to his small size.

"Let me go! You jerk! If you do this to me, my Daddy will punish you for sure!"

Wisdom shouted at the top of his voice.

He used to be a naive child who knew nothing. Previously, Wisdom grew up happily and healthily under the protection of Nathaniel. But, after going through what Macy did and the special militarization training by Nick, Wisdom could remain calm while dealing with the situation now.

He screamed as loud as he can, hoping that his voice could be heard. Even if there was a little chance of success, it was still considered a glimmer of hope.

Walter heard Wisdom's yelling as he parked his car.

He frowned slightly before getting out of the car immediately. Walter didn't even bother to close the door, and he rushed in the direction of the sound.

"Who's there? This is a private residence. Please get out from here!"

As soon as the bodyguards stationed at the door were alerted by Walter's arrival, they quickly stopped him to go further.

"Do I look like I care?"

Walter kicked away the bodyguards who tried to approach him without hesitation. Then, he took the initiative to attack by knocking down the bodyguards in the blink of an eye.

After that, Walter rushed into the villa. He saw Wisdom was struggling, and the boy's wrists and face were bruised as well.

"Hitting a child? A group of f*cking b*stard!"

Walter's words had attracted everyone's attention immediately, including Wisdom.

"Uncle Song! Help!"

Wisdom's eyes lit up and he struggled even harder. The bodyguard that was restraining him then slipped his hands, which made Wisdom fall directly to the ground.


Wisdom shouted in pain, and Walter went on rage.

"What the hell are you doing? You can't even hold a child. How did your boss train you?"

His words confused the bodyguards.

Was Walter on their sides?

Walter and Wisdom attacked the bodyguards when they were slightly stunned. Their movements were quick and neat.

Walter glanced at Wisdom. He stepped forwarded while pulling Wisdom over to his side.

"Do you know how to lock the car?"

Walter's words slightly surprised Wisdom, but the latter nodded quickly.

"Nice! Wait for me in the car using this key."

Walter passed the car's key to Wisdom.

Just then, the boy was a little worried about him.

"Can you do it by yourself with so many people?"

"Trust me! Now, get into the car and count to fifty. I'll be back once you are done counting. Oh right! Where is Rita by the way?"

As Walter spoke, he fought with the bodyguards. Upon seeing Rita was not around, he couldn't help but ask.

Wisdom whispered, "Rita has escaped. She probably went to look for Mommy."

"Good job! Now, go!"

Walter sent Wisdom out from the villa ingeniously.

The latter did not hesitate. Wisdom could see that Walter was skillful, and that guy was on a par with Nathaniel. He quickly turned around to run away. It didn't take long for him to get on the car before locking it immediately.

Two bodyguards came after Wisdom but they were dragged away by Walter.

Wisdom took the elder's word seriously and he started to count.

"One, two, three, four..."

Accompanied by Wisdom's counting, Walter attacked quickly, and he knocked those people down in a short time.

When Wisdom counted to forty-nine, Walter was standing in front of the car. He then knocked on the window before saying, "Open the door."

Wisdom quickly unlocked the door.

When Walter got into the car, he said smilingly, "How is it? It's less than fifty seconds, right?"

Wisdom was a little impressed, but he still said stubbornly, "Compared with my Uncle, these people are weak. If Uncle wants to deal with these people, he can defeat them within thirty seconds!"

Walter suddenly became gloomy.

"Where's your Uncle now then? Why don't you ask him to show up?"


Wisdom snorted and he asked worryingly, "Uncle Song, hurry up and call my Mommy to see if Rita has gone back!"

"You ungrateful boy! I saved your life but you didn't even say thank you. Instead, you only care about your sister, as expected from a kid raised by Nathaniel! Don't you know how to appreciate my efforts?"

Although Walter said so, he still passed the phone to Wisdom.

"Call your Mommy."

Wisdom was a little embarrassed to see how Walter treated him before replying, "Uncle Song, thank you."

"Come on, it is too late to say now! But if you really want to thank me, why don't you follow me?"

Walter felt that Wisdom was a gifted kid. Although he was not as good as Zion, the children of Ye family were always outstanding nonetheless. Moreover, Wisdom was brought up by Nathaniel. If Walter became Wisdom's mentor, that guy would be enraged by that. Besides, he could access Ye family's residence freely due to his relationship with Wisdom. It would be easy to meet Mango by that time too!


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