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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 543

"What is this?"

Mango was a little confused.

The doctor hesitated for a bit and then said in a low voice, "This is a medicine that I developed to increase one's stamina. Once consumed, one's stamina will only be exhausted after a very long time. However, this medicine still isn't perfect because it has some side effects, and I still haven't fully developed it. I know your stamina is lacking, so it is impossible for you to leave this place just like that, but if you use this medicine, you can get out of here in time, right?"

Mango frowned slightly.

"Why do you carry this medicine with you?"

"For research purposes, of course. To be honest, there is a dungeon in this bungalow and some people inside are used for my drug tests, so that's why I always bring it along with me."

Upon hearing the doctor's words, Mango was a little angry.

"You tested the medicine on a living person?"

She couldn't help thinking of Nanny Zhang.

This doctor was as cruel as her.

When the doctor saw that Mango was angry, he quickly said, "This wasn't my idea but Hadley's. He said that the people here were all criminals, ones with unforgivable crimes, so..."

"Isn't a prisoner also a human being? What right do you have to treat other's life like this? What's the side effect of this medicine?"

"I really have no idea because it was just developed not long ago, so I decided to let you try it. However, theoretically speaking, drugs that increases one's stamina will overdraw one's energy, so I think the aftereffects will make you even weaker."

Upon hearing the doctor's words, Mango's frown deepened.

"Is that what you're thinking? Are you trying to use me as your test subject? How dare you!"

Hearing Mango's words, the doctor was so scared that he almost fell to his knees.

"Mrs. Ye, I really didn't mean this, but now I have no other way to get you out of here. With your physical condition, you wouldn't be able to get very far even if you leave. Either way, you will still collapse and no one knows what will happen then."

"If I take this medicine, can I reach A City?"

That was the place where Nathaniel had disappeared and where Walter had his incident. Hence, this was the only thing Mango wanted to know now.

The doctor calculated the distance and said softly, "It's possible, but you may be weak after you get there."

"How many bottles of this medicine are there?"

"Mrs. Ye, don't be stupid! It's dangerous to overdraw your strength too many times. If anything happens to you, I won't be able to explain it to Hadley. By then, Boston will also kill me."

When the doctor heard Mango's question, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Boston? Are you one of Boston's people?"

"Everyone here is Boston's men. After he heard that you were in Nick's custody, he asked Hadley to find you. I don't know why he brought you here, but I guess it was Boston's decision to protect you."

Mango sneered at the doctor's words.

"Protect my safety? This is the first time I've heard of making people faint in order to protect them."

The doctor didn’t know what to reply when he heard Mango's sarcastic words.

Then again, she didn't expect to hear much useful information from him either.

Mango said to the doctor, "Give me the layout and security measures of this place, and I promise I won't hurt you. But if you don't cooperate, I won't go easy on you."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll draw it for you."

The doctor was very cooperative and gave the map to Mango, while she also got the medicine from him.

"Sorry for doing this, but I don’t want you to get into trouble."

Just as she finished speaking, Mango raised her hand and hit the doctor, rendering him unconscious.

She hesitated as she looked at the small bottle of medicine in her hand.

The consequences of her pushing her limits might be more than what the doctor said, but what he said was true. With her current strength, it would be a problem for her to even leave, not to mention reaching City A.

At this time, she really hated herself for her physical condition. She didn't want to be a damsel in distress, but unfortunately, she turned out to be like this when Nathaniel and Walter needed her the most.

This was all down to chance.

This was no longer a question of choice.

Mango looked at the small bottle while she thought of Nathaniel and Walter. She seemed to be able to see Nathaniel's pained expression.

Ah, he would always think of her first.

Thinking of how she had been taken care of in the month after her miscarriage, Mango's lips curled into a gentle smile.

It was already more than enough to have a husband like him.

Since her best friend and her husband had met with misfortune in A City, she would definitely rescue them even if she were to die.

As she thought of this, Mango smiled and poured the bottle of medicine into her mouth.

The medicine was tasteless, just like plain water, but her body was warming up as if a stream of energy was gathering in her body and slowly emerging from the depths.

Mango felt that her entire body was full of strength, and she seemed to have returned to her previous state when she wasn't ill.

After looking at the doctor, Mango recalled what he had said and she took all of the medicine left behind by him.

The map given by the doctor was very clear.

Then, Mango noticed that there were some air

vents marked here.

If she could get rid of the bodyguards in front of the vents, she could exit through the vents.


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