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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 554

"Thief? What thief?"

The people around her were highly strung.

Mango quickly touched her pocket. She found that her phone was still there, but the stamp that she had just retrieved was gone.

Oh no!

The stamp was a very important item to her. Although her English name was engraved on it, it was more than enough to represent her status.

Mango was very anxious, but she couldn't move forward because everyone was in a panic as well.

Seeing the situation, the waiter quickly reported it to the security department.

Then, the security guards quickly came over to check on her.

Although Mango was anxious, she could not move around in the crowded area. As such, she could only stand where she was.

Finally, the security managed to control the situation.

"What's going on?" "Captain, this lady here has lost something, and she's saying that there was a thief who stole it while passing by."

The waiter said quickly.

The security guard glanced at Mango and asked, "What did you lose?"

"It's a stamp."

The security guard frowned upon hearing her response.

"A stamp?"

"That's right!"

"Why do you have it with you?"

"Is it a crime to bring my stamp with me?"

The atmosphere between them suddenly became tense.

As the onlookers saw this, someone among them suddenly voiced out.

"If it's so easy to lose our belongings here, then wouldn't we need to bring a safe with us in the future? I've never seen such a thing before."

"That's right. Although the stamp isn't worth much, it is private property after all. Who knows what those people are going to do with the stamp?"

Hearing their opinions, the security guard creased his eyebrows in worry.

"Alright, alright. I'll settle this matter. Miss, please give me your contact information. I'll contact you when I find it."

Next, Mango briefly gave him her contact information. However, she applied for the phone number under someone else's name. Therefore, they definitely wouldn't be able to find her.

Soon, the small incident ended uneventfully.

Then, the onlookers dispersed quickly. With the guidance of the waiter, Mango entered the No.3 private room.

"Ma'am, here is your key. Everything you need is in here and if you want to auction anything, you can just press the button here."

"Got it."

Mango received the keys and entered the room.

As soon as she entered, she immediately noticed that there was someone in the room.

"Who's there?"

Mango subconsciously wanted to attack, but someone behind her covered her mouth.

"Hush...don't speak! I'll stay here for a while, just a quick moment."

It was the voice of a woman.

Thus, Mango was startled. She could smell the Chanel perfume on the woman behind her.

She didn't really like the smell of perfume, so she frowned and gestured for the woman to let go of her.

The woman seemed to understand and whispered, "If I let you go, you can't call for help, okay? Please!"

At that, Mango nodded her head.

She didn't want to cause any trouble either.

After the woman let go of her, Mango turned around and took a look at her. However, she was shocked.

It was her!

This was the woman who was caught by Ryan at the entrance! The one who looked somewhat similar to her!

"Why do we look so alike?"

The woman asked, and her eyes were full of surprise.

Mango was also shocked, but she responded coldly, "Can you tell even if I'm wearing a mask?"

"Your mask only covers half of your face, so I can vaguely guess your appearance."

Upon hearing that, Mango was slightly taken aback.

She didn't expect to hear such a thing.

Her IQ had plunged once she came here.

Then Mango took off her mask. Both of them looked surprisingly alike and there was almost an 80% similarity in their appearance.

"You, you're not my daddy's illegitimate daughter, are you?"

Mango was dumbfounded.

"Um, you think too much."

Then Mango sat down at the table next to her and took a look at the surroundings below. The auction was yet to begin. After that, she poured herself a cup of water, but before she could drink it, the woman had already snatched it away.

"Thank you!"

She drank up the water without hesitation, and she looked rather crude while she did it.

Mango shook her head in amusement and poured another cup for her.

"You're so sweet."

She drank it up again. After that, the woman finally sat down and said, "Don't tell me you're the one they want to arrest? After all, I really don't know who they are."

"Me neither."

Of course, Mango would not admit it.

The woman looked at Mango as she rested her chin on her hand. Suddenly, as if she had discovered something, she said, "Have you had plastic surgery? You actually managed to look like me! I say, could it be that you're secretly in love with me? Sigh, let me tell you, I only like men!"

Thus, Mango was at a loss for words.

"Someone else did the plastic surgery for me, but I didn't expect myself to look just like you."

"Who's that someone?"

The woman was very interested, but Mango didn't want to disclose anything. Although she had broken up with Abyss, they had known each other for a long time after all. She didn't want to expose Abyss's identity in front of others, let alone this woman.

"What's your name?"

Mango asked faintly while trying to change the subject.


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