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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 569

He would not give up as long as there was still a glimmer of hope.

Nathaniel only paid attention to the first few words she said and disregarded the rest.

Then, Genevieve said helplessly, "Mr. Ye, I'm not sure about this. My father's junior used to be a famous doctor. It's a pity that she died in a fire a few years back."

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, his only hope had been shattered into pieces.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

Nathaniel clutched the phone tightly. Then, he glanced at the ward that Mango was in and said in a low voice, "Can I get her back from hell?"


Genevieve thought that he wasn't in his right mind due to the sudden trauma.

How could one possibly get a dead person back from hell to treat Mango?

"Mr. Ye, you have to face the reality." "Mango's still alive, right? So why should I grieve for her death? Even if she's asleep, she's still alive."

After that, he hung up the phone. He realized that his entire body was trembling.

He was scared!

He was really terrified!

He had never been afraid even when he was hypnotized or drugged previously, and that was because he knew that Mango was waiting for him at home.

However, he was truly afraid now.

He felt as if he didn't have a place to call home anymore.

A home without a lover was incomplete.

Then, he staggered to his feet and walked towards the ward.

Meanwhile, Mango was still asleep.

Just like what Yama Hades had said, Mango had fallen in deep sleep.

That was right.

Mango was asleep because she was too tired.

Next, he sat beside her and held her hand.

Her hands were a little cold, just like how it was before when she was unwell. However, there was a slight warmth in it and that made him even more


The fear of losing her at any moment made a macho man like him choke up with tears.

"Mango, do you regret it? If you had another chance, would you still choose to fall in love with me? Would you still want to be the daughter-in-law of the Ye Family? You silly woman, why are you so stupid? There are so many outstanding men in the world, but why do you chose me out of everyone?"

Nathaniel rubbed her cold fingers against his face, and the chill made him even more uneasy.

"You're feeling cold, aren't you? I'll warm your hands."

He placed her hands in between his palms and rubbed them gently. He also blew some air onto her hands, hoping to warm her up.

However, Mango remained asleep, and she was still in a comatose state. Thankfully, her heart was beating, otherwise, he would've thought that she was already dead.

What should he do?

Was he going to watch her die like that?

Was there really no hope left anymore?

He used to be so invincible and powerful in the past. However, now he could only watch helplessly as his wife struggled for life in a remote


Hence, he kept asking himself repeatedly.

There must be a solution!

There was a way to fix this, right?

Then, he suddenly thought of Yama Hades.

Since she was able to see Mango's problem, did this mean that she could also save her?

Thinking of this, Nathaniel hurriedly said, "Mango, you won't leave me alone, will you? You said that you would stay with me for the rest of my life, you promised! Also, think about our children. What will Zion do if he knows that you're gone? What about Rita? She's finally recovered from her illness. How will she bear to live without you? What about me? You would never give up for the sake of your family, right? Yes! You won't! I will definitely find a way to save you. You're the one who used to be by my side and helped out the Ye Family without any complaints. Now, it's my turn to take care of you, alright? You must wait for me!"

He looked at her with a determined expression, hoping to see some changes in her expression. Unfortunately, she was still sleeping peacefully.

He was a little disappointed. Then, he whispered, "Wait for me. I'll ask Yama Hades to treat you. Since she knows about your condition, she must be able to cure you. I'll save you no matter what.

Just wait for me."

After that, he tucked her hands back under the blanket before he got up and left.

Meanwhile, Yama Hades was treating herself in her office after being punched in the face by Nathaniel.

It had been a long time since she had been hit like this.

She remembered that the person who had hit her last time was no longer alive. If it wasn't for Mango, she would definitely make Nathaniel pay for it.

Hence, she bandaged her nose angrily.

Just when she wanted to take a break, Nathaniel suddenly kicked open the door of the office and came in.

"How can we save her? I will give you anything you want, as long as you tell me. I will find a way to pay for it no matter what."

At this moment, he had completely calmed down.

Nathaniel, who had lost his rationality just now had transformed into a different person. Instead, he was calm and composed now. However, his presence was absolutely stifling.

Upon hearing that, Yama Hades frowned slightly.

"What if I want the moon? Can you give it to me?"

Yama Hades intended to make things difficult for him.


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