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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 574

"Mr. Ye, is there still a need to consider? The oil fields are the lifeblood of your family, and they're where your family's roots lie. Without them, the Ye Family will be unable to dominate the upper echelons of the city. Needless to say, you guys can't even gain a foothold in society without them. Don't tell me that you're gonna ruin your family business that has lasted for hundreds of years just like that, will you? However, the car design schematics are a totally different matter. You're so talented and intelligent, so I believe that you can design something even better in the future, right? What I don't understand is why you're hesitating over a design you did casually in the past. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Nathaniel's expression turned ugly upon hearing Jigsaw's remarks.

"Is our nation's trust in its people a joke to you? If you just need a car design, I can do it for you. Why do you need the one I designed in the past?"

Nathaniel had no idea how the design was leaked. However, it was not just about the Ye Family's matters now. This was related to national interests and military secrets. Hence, he would never betray the military no matter what. That was the last thing he could do as a retired veteran.

Seeing his reaction, Jigsaw was immediately displeased.

"What do you mean? Do you think that such a design is more important than your wife and family?"

"I put my country's interests above all else!"

Nathaniel looked at him harshly and said, "I don't think people like you will ever have such awareness, nor can you relate to the respect and honour you feel after serving our country."

"It seems like you're really a devoted soldier. However, are you a good husband? A dedicated son or a good father?"

Truth be told, Jigsaw's words cut deeper than a knife.

He was a good soldier. Earlier, he chose to retire from the military to protect the design, and he was even willing to risk the entire Ye Family for it. He always thought that it was his obligation and duty as a citizen. However, he was torn after having to choose between Mango and his country.

He was true to his beliefs, but he couldn't bear to give up on his loved ones either. It was a torturing moment for him.

Furthermore, Jigsaw's words hit a nerve in Nathaniel.

A military spouse had to give up everything for their loved ones who were serving the army. That was why people respected them. However, Mango was not a military spouse as he was already a retired soldier. Nevertheless, he was still serving the army.

Seeing that Nathaniel seemed to be wavering from his decision, Jigsaw quickly added, "What did your country ever do for you? What do you lack? You are the king of Ocean City, and you have an amount of wealth that many people could only dream of. Now, you also have a beautiful wife and two lovely children. Your family should be very happy, right? Why do you have to destroy your family for those bullsh*t beliefs of yours?"

In fact, Nathaniel felt sorry for selfishly putting Mango through all these things. Although he was retired, there were still things that he needed to do for the sake of his country.

He looked at Jigsaw and said firmly, "Give me the medicinal herbs and let me save my wife. Then, maybe I will consider giving you the design."


Hence, Jigsaw was overjoyed.

Nathaniel replied coldly, "When do I not keep my word?" "Well, I'll believe youthen!" Perhaps the hesitation in Nathaniel's eyes convinced Jigsaw to believe him. Furthermore, he probably thought that no one would ever put their family at risk because of some useless beliefs. On the contrary, it could also be because that Nathaniel had a reputation for being true to his word, so Jigsaw decided to trust him.

Then, he asked someone to send for those precious medicinal herbs and he personally handed them to Nathaniel.

"Here it is. I hope that you can fulfill your promise after Mrs. Ye has recovered."

Nathaniel took it before he nodded and left in a hurry

He rushed all the way back to the hospital.

Upon seeing the medicine that Nathaniel brought back, Yama Hades was deeply impressed.

"Wow, you're quite a capable person. You actually managed to get these things from the Underground City so quickly. I guess there's something that old Jigsaw needs?"

"Cut the crap. Hurry up and save her."

Nathaniel had no intention of talking to Yama Hades.

However, Yama Hades did not care. For her, it was enough that she got her own apprentice and Desmond's blood.

"Okay, I will save her. But during this period, no one is allowed to disturb me, alright?"

Soon, Yama Hades started the preparation for the surgery.

Desmond was wheeled in and 400ccs of his blood was drawn.

As she held the vial of Desmond's blood, Yama Hades took a little out, while the rest was locked in a safe.

Then, Nathaniel furrowed his brows.

"Wasn't it going to be used to save Mango's life?"

"A few drops of it is enough to save her. Do you really think that I asked for his blood just to save your wife? I should collect some of it since his blood is so precious."

After that, she ignored Nathaniel completely and asked someone to push Mango into the operating room.

After that, the lights in the operating room flicked on.

Nathaniel's eyes were fixed on the operating room, and his thoughts were speeding around his mind like a bullet train.

He wouldn't have given up the design that Jigsaw wanted no matter what. However, he had to lie in order to save Mango.

Now, if Yama Hades was able to save Mango, he would need to think about how to settle the matter with Jigsaw.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and made a call to Noah as he stood in the corridor.

"Can you seek out Chief Morgan Eaves for me?"

"What happened?"

On the other hand, Noah was a little startled.

Morgan used to be Nathaniel's commanding officer in the military. So, Noah knew that something was wrong when he heard that Nathaniel was trying to get in contact with him despite being retired.

However, Nathaniel said, "It's a secret. I can't tell you."


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