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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 600


Mango rushed forward in a hurry, but Mateo stopped her.

"Let me go! Didn't you see that he's fainted?"

Mango didn't have a good impression of Mateo at all.

Why did this person look like her father?


Unfortunately, Mateo didn't care about her hatred at all.

Addison tried to use all his strength to run to Wisdom when he saw that he had fainted. However, he was grabbed by Jigsaw who was a foot away from him.

"Let go of me! That's my son! Jigsaw, I'll never let you go if anything happens to my son."

Addison seemed to act like Nick at this moment.

Addison felt guilty towards Wisdom from the moment Mango brought him up. That was right, why did the child have to bear the sins of the adults?

He was only four years old!

He was so innocent and lovely. He even called Addison daddy in such a sweet tone. Wisdom always respected and relied on him no matter how he treated him.

Nathaniel became less angry after he saw that Addison was really worried for Wisdom.

"Jigsaw, you know the consequences if anything happens to my nephew."

Nathaniel didn't move, but what he said was very powerful.

Jigsaw smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, you can rest assured. The kid is Yama Hades' disciple and also your precious nephew. I will never let anything happen to him. Somebody take him to Yama Hades' place for treatment. Make sure he is safe and sound."

Jigsaw's men took Wisdom away in a hurry after they heard what he said.

Addison's eyes followed Wisdom. He really wanted to play the role of a good father and accompany Wisdom to know why he fainted if possible, but...

He turned around and looked at Mateo with hatred in his eyes.

Nathaniel did not miss the look in Addison's eyes.

Addison had a grudge against Mateo?

Could it be that all he was doing was to lure Mateo out?

Nathaniel's thoughts whizzed around as he heard Jigsaw say, "Mr. Ye, you see my sincerity, right? Can you let me have the design and contract now?"

"Alright, seeing that you don't have any other tricks up your sleeve. I'll give you what you want, but it's best if you ensure the safety of my people. Otherwise..."

"Don't worry, we only want money, not more deaths."

Nathaniel nodded slightly after hearing what Jigsaw had said.

Then, he looked at Mateo. He didn't know why Mateo was still alive, nor the grudge between Addison and Mateo. However, since he was Mango's uncle, Nathaniel said, "You're a shame to the Hans family. Let go of your niece!"

"I have never thought of hurting my niece."

Mateo smiled faintly and immediately let go of Mango.

Mango lifted her leg and gave him a kick after she finally regained freedom.

"You're really a b*stard! I hate you so much. I would rather not have an uncle like you if I had a choice!"

Her kick was delivered with full force.

Mateo's brows furrowed in pain and he almost let out a muffled groan.

He looked at the woman in front of him, who was said to be his niece. For a moment, he felt quite amused.

"Ha! My brother has a daughter!" He thought.

Furthermore, she had a fiery temper.

Mango was even angrier upon seeing Mateo's smile.

"Mango, come here!"

Nathaniel was afraid that Mateo would have other tricks up his sleeve, so he hurriedly called Mango over.

Mango looked at Addison. Meanwhile, Addison's gaze was fixed on Mateo.

She knew that she couldn't stop Addison at all. Maybe he wanted to get caught on purpose so that he could get close to Mateo?

This idea came up too suddenly. Before Mango could even think, she was dragged behind Nathaniel.

"Did you get hurt anywhere? Are you alright?"

Nathaniel asked anxiously as his men handed the design and contract over to Jigsaw.

Mango held Nathaniel's hand tightly and said, "Quick, stop Addison! Don't let him do anything!"

"What? Who's that?"

Nathaniel didn't know who Addison was at all. Therefore, he was stunned for a while after Mango mentioned his name.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Addison rushed directly towards Mateo at the moment when Jigsaw let go of him.

"Mateo, I want you to pay with your life!"

He was so desperate that he even kicked the people in front of him. He took the dagger that was hidden up his sleeve and aimed straight at Mateo.

"No! Addison!"

Mango had no time to explain. She wanted to stop him, but she was restrained by Nathaniel.

"What are you doing?"

"Stop him! He can't die! Think about Wisdom!"

Nathaniel saw Mango's anxiousness.

What did she call him just now?


He didn't even know the identity of this person, yet Mango had already known about it. Furthermore, this person had kidnapped Mango, yet in the end, she was pleading for him?


What exactly happened between them?

Nathaniel's expression was a little sour, but it was a pity that Mango did not see it.

"Quick, Nathan."

Mango was unable to break free, so she could only ask Nathaniel for help. However, she found that Nathaniel's expression was gloomy.

"Addison? You knew that he was not Nick?"


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