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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 613

"H... have some water, Madam!"

Mango pushed the cup of water he handed over away.

She could feel that her throat was burning because of the medicine.

Mango held on to her neck. She couldn't help but twitch out of pain.

The servant beside couldn't bear to witness this so he walked out of the door.

Madam Ye smiled in satisfaction when she saw Mango in such a state.

"Go get a boat ready, I want them out of the mansion by the next morning."


The subordinate was somewhat puzzled.

Madam Ye then said, "Rita will leave with her. What' s the point of keeping such a useless girl? Wait, keep her. I can make her useful, as she can be married off to someone else. How is Wisdom now?"

"Dr. Bay told Mrs. Ye that Sir Wisdom has isolated himself from the outside world now."

"What a useless boy! But you can't blame him for behaving like a coward. Just look at his mother, what a b*tch. He won't be useful in the future, so let Mango bring him with her. Consider it as a chance for her to make amends."

"Make amends?"

The men were even more puzzled.

Madam Ye then explained, "Wisdom is Nick's son, and Mango is Mateo's niece. What is wrong with her raising Wisdom for Nick?"

The men beside lowered their heads.

They all knew that it was an excuse. She just wanted to kick him out because she thought that he was useless.

Between a mute and an autistic, it was crystal clear that they wouldn't end well.

Truth be told, they all felt pity for Mango.

"Madam, I think you should let Sir Wisdom stay. After all, he is the eldest grandson of the Ye Family."

"Since when do you have a say in my decision?"

Madam Ye didn't like it when people disobeyed her.

The one who spoke immediately shut his mouth.

Madam Ye snorted coldly and said, "Nathaniel will never fall out with Mango. Now that Madam Hans is dead, Nathaniel must feel extremely guilty towards her. All he knows is that Mango is his wife, and he should make her happy. Does he still remember that his brother did not die peacefully? Nathaniel will only start hating Mango only by thinking that she purposely took Wisdom away because she hates him for Madam Hans' death. Do you understand now?"

"Yes, Ma’am."

There was a hint of sympathy for Mango in their eyes but they didn’t say anything else.

They just considered it as Mango's misfortune to have met with such a ruthless mother-in-law. It was a pity that she didn't notice it in advance.

Meanwhile, Mango felt like she was going to die soon. Her body temperature was rising and dropping like a roller coaster.

She hugged herself tightly.

Madam Hans's face kept popping up in her mind.

She remembered how badly Madam Hans had misunderstood her. She even drove her out of the Hans family for an outsider, but in the end, Madam Hans gave up her own life for her happiness and freedom.

A tear rolled down her cheeks.

She cried her heart out that day.

How badly she wished that all of this never happened. How badly she wished that she was still in school, where all she wanted was to peek at Nathaniel from far away.

Perhaps, if she had not married Nathaniel, all of this would not have happened.

Her life would be boring, but it would not be so painful.

Did she regret it now?


She didn't regret falling in love with Nathaniel!

She just regretted losing herself in love and not noticing that danger was approaching. She regretted that she trusted others easily.

She was too weak to even protect herself and her family

Mango cried herself to sleep and woke up just to cry again. This cycle repeated itself over and over.

She felt like she had been in the basement forever until the door was opened.

She was then carried out.

She opened her eyes and saw Madam Ye covering her nose in disgust.

"She smells like a dead fish, get her out of the mansion now!"

What else could she do?

She was helpless.

Her arms were too weak to move, she had no strength at all because she had a fever. Her throat was burning and she couldn't say a word.

Oh, right!

She was mute now.

From today onwards, she was a mute.

Who would want someone who couldn't speak as a wife?

A bitter smile appeared on Mango's face.

Madam Ye couldn't bear to take another look at her. She asked with annoyance, "Where's Wisdom?"

"Miss Rita has just fallen asleep, so we will bring him down now."

Mango became nervous when she heard her daughter’s name.


Rita Shen!

Her baby!

She was not going to leave her baby with this monster!

She looked at Madam Ye and wanted to say something, but her throat hurt so bad.

Madam Ye seemed to know what she was going to say. She smirked and said, "Rita is my granddaughter. I will not allow her to leave and suffer with you. Since you love Wisdom so much, I’ m generous enough to give you a chance to make amends to the Ye Family. Hence, I'm allowing you to take him."


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