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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 621

"Mr. Ye, Zion is missing."

"What do you mean 'missing'?"

Nathaniel was near the edge of breaking down as he held the phone tightly.

His men said warily, "Madam Ye asked us to bring Zion to the outskirts and settle down there. On the way there, Zion had overheard a few men talking and found out that Mrs. Ye was in trouble. After that, he escaped when we weren’t looking. I'm sorry, Mr. Ye. We have failed to look after Zion."

"If Zion isn’t found, every one of you will have to pay."

Hearing this, Nathaniel barked furiously and threw his phone at the window.

Was his family breaking apart just like this?

Mango had left, Zion was missing, and Rita was now with Merle. What on earth was going on?

Suddenly, Madam Ye's shrill scream came from The Ye's Mansion.

"Nathaniel, you monster! How could you let Lucy splash me with hot water! You’ll be doomed to a tragic death!"

Madam Ye cursed angrily. Her voice traveled far and wide, but someone muffled her screams.

Lucy continued to splash hot water onto Madam Ye's back. She trembled in agony but could not make a sound no matter how hard she tried.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel ignored her screams. He started the car and departed to the military compound.

Soon, Nathaniel entered the military compound easily due to his special connections.

When he found Rita, Merle said guiltily, "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry."

"Mango is your mistress, yet you forced her grandmother to death. Merle, what exactly were you thinking?"

Nathaniel knew that Merle liked Mango. He couldn't hide it, but Nathaniel had never pointed it out. In some way, Merle's feelings for Mango would make him risk everything to protect Mango, and this was also what Nathaniel wanted. However, he had never imagined that Merle would go to the Hans household and force Mango's grandmother to her death.

Merle bit his lower lip and said painfully, "I had no choice. Madam Ye forced me to do it."

"I thought that your feelings for Mango would make you risk everything to protect her. I was wrong. At the most critical moment, all you cared about is yourself. That’s why you don't deserve her."

Hearing Nathaniel's words, Merle was completely stunned.

He thought that no one knew about his feelings for Mango, so he hadn't expected Nathaniel to say something like that today. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. As he thought back to when he wasn't determined enough to protect Mango, Merle was in pain once again.

"I... "

"Although you saved Rita, I won't be grateful to you. If you could’ve saved Madam Hans back then, everything might be different. But now, I won't rely on you anymore."

After that, Nathaniel walked into Rita's room.

Rita had already fallen asleep, but there were tear streaks on her face. Even her favorite fried chicken was left untouched on the table.

Nathaniel's chest tightened at the sight of this.

Then, he gently picked Rita up.

Rita opened her eyes abruptly. When she saw Nathaniel, she stretched out her arms and wrapped them tightly around his neck. She sobbed and said, "Daddy, you're back? You came to pick me up, right? Daddy, there is an old witch who looks just like grandma at home, and she is very fierce! She made mommy and Wisdom go away. Daddy, tell her to bring mommy and Wisdom back!"


Nathaniel hugged Rita tightly as his heart filled with pain.

Rita quietly let him hug her but piped up all of a sudden, "Daddy, is mommy not coming back?"

"Of course not! Mommy will come back. Mommy loves Rita so much. She worries about you a lot too, so she will come back. Come on, daddy will take you home now!"

Then, Nathaniel turned around and left with Rita in his arms.

Merle had wanted to follow, but Nathaniel said, "From today onwards, you are no longer a member of the Ye Family. As for your position as the leader of the Dark Night Empire, it is up to Mango's decision. I don't know if she'll let you stay. Regardless, you should look out for yourself from now on."

After that, Nathaniel walked away.

This left Merle feeling lost all of a sudden as he didn't have a home anymore.

If he couldn't return to the Ye Family, would he be able to return to the Dark Night Empire?

Now that Mango was still missing, Madam Ye and Nathaniel would fall out sooner or later. What would happen to the Empire then?

Merle paused suddenly.

He needed to return to the Dark Night!

As Mango was not around, he needed to help her watch over the Empire. Only then would he be able to make sure that Mango came home to her organization untouched.

This was what he owed Mango!

Yes! That was it!

With these thoughts, Merle got up and departed to the Dark Night Empire.

Nathaniel didn’t bring Rita back to the Ye's Mansion. Instead, they settled down at the seaside villa where he and Mango used to live.

Seeing that Nathaniel had brought Rita back, Newell asked with concern, "Mr. Ye, where is Sisi? What about Mrs. Ye?"

Hearing these words, Nathaniel's heart ached all over again.

"Sisi will be back shortly."

Then, he brought Rita back to her room.

With Nathaniel's company, Rita slowly went to sleep. However, she did not sleep very well, as if she had been frightened.

Nathaniel never left her side.


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