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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 644

Was she still able to speak?

Mango had always wanted to know.

At first, Denver said that there was an expert that could help out. However, there was no update on it.

She was initially excited about it but became disappointed after the constant wait. Eventually, she had slowly accepted the fact that she was mute. However, she realized that Zion was hoping for her recovery.

He did care about his mom, and he wanted her to speak again. Although she wished for the same thing, was it possible?

She subconsciously touched her throat, and flashbacks of Madam Ye appeared in her mind once again.

Until now, she still could not forgive Madam Ye.

How could she have died so easily?

She hadn't even paid for the misdeeds she'd done, so how could she die just like that?

However, Mango couldn't do anything about it.

Seeing her like this, Zion immediately realized that he might have said something wrong. Then, he quickly said, "Mommy, don't be sad. I'll be with you and be your eyes and your voice in the future. Don't worry, I'll learn sign language as well to help you translate in the future."

Mango was touched by his heartwarming words as if the miserable past wasn't that unbearable after all.

She patted his head again and smiled. Then, she said in sign language, "Will you be happy if Wisdom stays here to accompany you? I want to find us a house and move out of Uncle Denver's place, and then you can live with Mommy after you leave the hospital, okay?"

Zion immediately understood the meaning behind her words.

Then, he asked in a low voice, "Mommy, are you going to divorce Mr. Ye?"

Mango didn't know how to answer his question.

Looking at the innocent gaze in his eyes, Mango felt that her decision was too cruel for the children.

"I'm sorry, Zion."

Mango knew how much the children yearned for a complete family and how much they wished to have their father by their side. However, she really couldn't do it.

She knew that this matter was not directly related to Nathaniel, and it was all Madam Ye's fault. However, she couldn't help but think of Madam Ye every time she saw Nathaniel's face.

How could she continue to live with Nathaniel in this state?

Zion plastered on a smile and comforted her, "It's okay, I'm used to it. Wherever you are, I'll be there. I'm your son, so I have to protect you for the rest of my life."

Mango's eyes became tearful again.

How did she deserve such a sensible and lovely son?

Meanwhile, Wisdom remained silent.

He didn't quite understand why Mango wanted to divorce Nathaniel. However, he decided to stand by her. Despite that, he still felt depressed because of it.

Did that imply that he wouldn't have a chance to see Mr. Ye anymore after their divorce?

He would miss Nathaniel so badly!

He would miss his daddy too!

Wisdom stood up quietly and walked outside.

"Where are you going, Wisdom?"

Mango was a little worried.

Zion chipped in, "Mommy, let him be alone for a while. I've been with Mommy for five years, and he's been with Mr. Ye for five years."

Mango suddenly felt that even a child could comprehend things better than she did.

How could she not think about the children before making such a decision?

However, she felt that she could not continue with the marriage for the sake of the children.

"I'm sorry, I really am."

She really didn't know what to say to the children anymore apart from apologising.

Wisdom and Zion were easy to deal with, but what about Rita?

How would Rita react if she found out about her divorce from Nathaniel?

Mango didn't even dare to think about it.

After Wisdom left the ward, he began to look for Nathaniel but to no avail.

Soon, he came to the parking lot and found Nathaniel's car at a glance.

Nathaniel's car was very eye-catching.

Wisdom walked over quickly, but before he could get close to the car, he heard Nathaniel's muffled groan coming from inside.


Wisdom hit on the door repeatedly, but Nathaniel was in so much pain that he couldn't hear a single sound around him.

Seeing that Nathaniel refused to open the door, Wisdom quickly ran to ask for help.

He trotted all the way to the security guard's office and pulled the guards to the front door of Nathaniel's car.

The security guard heard Nathaniel's painful groan from the inside. However, Nathaniel's car was too expensive and high-end, so they did not dare to force it open. For a moment, they were in a bit of a dilemma.

Meanwhile, Wisdom was very anxious, as he pulled at the guards and urged them to open the door.

Wisdom was worried sick that he almost started crying.

Just as Wisdom was about to go and look for Mango, Nathaniel's pain suddenly eased away and he felt much better.

He saw two security guards standing outside the car door and opened the door slowly.

"What's the matter?"

His entire body was weak and his face was pale.

His clothes were soaked wet with sweat.


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