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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 673

Mango drove to the hospital at full tilt and went straight to the ICU as she felt unsettled. However, she remained perturbed when she saw Nathaniel lying on the bed.

"Nurse, may I go in and have a look? Just a few moments will do as I'm his wife."

Mango hurriedly took out her phone and typed when she saw a nurse coming over.

The nurse answered awkwardly when she saw Mango's expression, "I'll need to ask the director for permission."

"Please, I'm counting on you."

Mango waited outside the ICU anxiously.

Several minutes later, the director came and he noticed Mango's worried expression. Then, he spoke in a low voice out of pity for her. "You're usually not allowed to visit the patient in the ward if he hasn't woken up yet, but considering the exceptional situation, I can allow you in with a sterile suit. However, you can't stay too long. Thirty minutes tops, and you must come out, alright? I don't want to make things complicated."

Hearing those words, Mango thanked the director immediately.

Then, the nurse gave Mango a set of sterile scrubs for her to change into before she entered the ward.

A strong smell of disinfectant permeated the ICU.

Mango felt worried seeing Nathaniel lying on the bed motionlessly as she knew that he hated the smell.

She approached Nathaniel, and only then did she notice the numerous small wounds on Nathaniel's forehead and cheeks. Perhaps he had gotten those scratches while falling off the cliff.

With her trembling fingers, Mango reached for Nathaniel's nose. Her pounding heart calmed down only when she felt Nathaniel's weak breathing.

She sat in front of Nathaniel's bed and looked at him blankly, as she couldn't bring herself to say anything although she had a thousand things to tell him.

Mango held Nathaniel's hand and prayed in her heart that he would wake up soon, although he remained motionless on the bed.

She took out her phone and clicked on the message that Nathaniel had sent her last time.

He said that he loved her.

Mango smiled as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Nathaniel, I love you too... I love you more than anyone else in the world."

Her mouth was moving, but no one else could discern the thoughts she had deep down inside of her.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Mango knew that it was time for her to leave when the nurse knocked on the glass door outside.

She kissed Nathaniel on the forehead before leaving reluctantly.

However, Nathaniel could not sense whatever that had happened at all.

Mango was extremely distressed and sorrowful as she walked out of the ICU, but she knew that she had to stay strong.

Nathaniel and the children needed her.

So, she had to stick it out no matter how tough the circumstances were.

The director saw Mango walking out of the ICU, and he was rather impressed by her resilience.

"Mrs. Ye, there's something I need to tell you."

Mango nodded her head in reply.

The director continued, "Mr. Ye hurt his head when he fell off the cliff and there's a blood clot in his brain that hasn't dispersed until now, so it is putting pressure on his nerves and preventing him from regaining consciousness. However, I also noticed some abnormalities in his nerves that might be another reason for his coma. So, may I know if he has experienced any brain trauma or mental stimulation in the past?"

Mango immediately nodded her head upon hearing the director's words.

She took out her phone and typed, "He had been hypnotized earlier and it hasn't been treated yet."

"No wonder he hasn't woken up... Frankly speaking, Mrs. Ye, I'm very sorry but I can't treat Mr. Ye's illness if that's the case."

The director said apologetically.

Mango was mentally prepared for this but she still felt crestfallen hearing the director's words.

"Director, do you have any suggestions then?"

Mango tried to hide her sorrow as she looked at the director.

The director shook his head and said, "A craniotomy is a very dangerous operation, to begin with, and we will carry out the surgery only if his blood clot does not dissipate. However, since he had experienced hypnosis, his injured cranial nerve might not be able to withstand the pressure when we perform the surgery and his blood vessels might rupture. By the time this happens, we cannot rescue him in time... Mrs. Ye, I know that your family is rich and powerful, so why not you use your connections to see if there are any local or foreign neurologists that can save Mr. Ye? We do not recommend moving Mr. Ye around for the time being, so it'd be great if you can call for experts to perform the operation here as soon as possible."

At that moment, Mango was completely stunned.

She wrote hastily, "Can't we find a hypnotist to cure his hypnosis?"

"Mrs. Ye, the patient must be conscious of his hypnosis to be treated. There's no way Mr. Ye's hypnosis can be cured now that his brain is in a vegetative state. Moreover, the hypnosis treatment might not be effective as his nerves are seriously damaged."

Mango's heart sank in despair upon hearing what the director said.

"What is the possibility of him fully recovering?"

"I'm not sure...but surely not more than ten percent."

The director told Mango the truth as he didn't want to deceive her.

Mango felt extremely upset deep down, but a spark of hope lit up in her heart once again when

she looked at Nathaniel in the ICU.

There was still a ten percent chance no matter how things would turn out in the end, right?

At the thought of this, Mango became full of confidence.

She had to have faith in herself as no one else would find a doctor for Nathaniel if she gave up hope.

"Thank you, director... Please take good care of Nathaniel for the time being, and I'll be willing to pay the fee no matter how costly they will be, as long as he is well taken care of."

Mango knew that money couldn't solve everything, but it was indispensable at this point.

The director nodded immediately.

As Mango walked out of the hospital, she felt lightheaded.

She had never expected Nathaniel's past hypnosis to lead to such an insoluble situation now.


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