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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 7

Zion calculated the time.

He quickly thought to himself.

This Wisdom Ye was four months older than him. Nathaniel fathered another son, but not with Zion's mother. What did that mean?

He had an affair with another woman! Nathaniel cheated on my mother!

Zion's beautiful eyes were wide rounded with anger. He hated Nathaniel's guts!

Maybe the punishment at the airport wasn't enough.

Zion found out the pinhole camera, dumped the video to his computer, about Nathan being peed on the face earlier. He uploaded the video through a remote IP address.

When everything was set up, Zion laughed.

He framed my mother for cheating? How about his own scandal on the headline of the front page?

After that, Zion dug deeper about Wisdom Ye. He found out the boy went to the kindergarten where Rainie Blu worked.

Not so bad going to this kindergarten in Ocean City, it seemed.

With a sly smile, Zion erased all traces, turned off the computer, then started to unpack.

It was indeed a little challenging for him to hang his clothes in the wardrobe with his little body.

Zion looked at his baby legs with annoyance. He secretly vowed to eat well and to grow up quickly, so that he could protect his mother.

He placed a stool and stepped on it to hung all their clothes.

A sound of the owner coming home. It was Rainie Blu.

"Mango, you're home? It's been five years, can you believe that?"

Rainie came forward and hugged Mango, tears in her eyes.

"Silly girl, I'm alright. Why are you crying? Oh... don't cry, you are making me crying."

Mango was excited too.

"Well, well, you stay longer this time, you know what, how about not leaving? I'm here. I'll support you."

"Okay, I'm counting on you. I won't leave for the time being. I'm stuck with a project here, for at least half a year. Don't cry, come see my son."

Mango took Rainie to her room.

"Zion, meet Auntie Blu."

When Mango opened the room, Zion was tiptoeing on the stool, with clothes in his hands. As soon as he turned his head, he was unbalanced and fell from the stool.

"Watch out!"

Mango stepped forward, tried to catch him, but Rainie was faster. She hugged Zion, and the two fell to the floor together.

As a teacher, protecting Zion was Rainie's nature. She hugged Zion's little body with love. And even more, when she saw Zion's doll- like face, she screamed.

"OMG, Mango, your boy is so cute!"

After that, Rainie kissed Zion on the face.

Zion had a depressed look.


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