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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 700

"Who the hell do you think you are? Crashing into my lodge? Do you have a death wish?"

Dakari was livid, and his anger only increased after hearing the car brake loudly. As soon as he walked out, he only saw a figure open the car door right after it stopped. Then, the figure headed straight towards him.


Dakari was taken aback. He turned and ran subconsciously.

Walter would never let him escape since he'd come all the way here for him.

He pushed off the front seat with one hand and leapt right in front of Dakari. Without another word, he took action.

"Mr. Song, please listen to my explanation!"

Dakari quickly dodged and tried to stall for time when he saw Walter walk toward him menacingly, but he was not given a chance. Then, Walter punched him right in the face.

The feeling made Dakari whine. Again, Walter's fist came towards him before he could even react.

Walter punched him like a sandbag.

Whenever he thought of Novalee's bloody appearance, he was enraged.

How could Zendaya act so rashly if it weren't for the fact that she had a powerful brother?

All the while, he thought that his presence was enough to be a deterrent, and he wanted to watch Dakari and Zendaya fight one another. Slowly, they would annihilate each other. However, he did not expect that his ruined mood had caused Novalee to end up like this.

Zendaya deserved to die, whereas Dakari was even more unforgivable. Walter found that he had no way to absolve himself from the blame too.

He would need to collect the debts individually.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Dakari was still wailing at first. Soon, he fell silent and his breathing was shallow.

No one believed that Dakari, who had always been domineering, was beaten up with only bare hands. Neither his bodyguards nor his friends around dared step forward to save him.

Walter's cold eyes took a glance, and everyone stepped backward subconsciously as they didn't want to provoke him.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Walter said coldly, "Every debt has its debtor. The people I am looking for is Dakari and the other two men who followed Zendaya to the club not long before. Tell me who they are! Come out before I hunt you down! If not, this will happen to you as well."

Upon hearing Walter's words, everyone shivered.

"They're not our men. They're Gavin George's men."

"Who is Gavin George?"

Walter wanted to slaughter everyone in sight.

"Gavin is Mr. Liu's benefactor. He is powerful. Rumor said that he has something to do with the border."

Walter frowned slightly and said, "Does anyone have a photo of the both of them?"

"Yeah, I do."

A younger man handed over his cell phone.

"This photo was taken when they came over to have fun. They were sent by Gavin to protect Zendaya."

Walter narrowed his eyes and took a photo of the screen before he turned and left.

No one dared to stop him from leaving. They could only watch as Dakari was thrown into the trunk like a corpse, and then he was driven away by Walter.

"Shall we give a call to Gavin?"

Someone muttered.

The man who handed his phone to Walter said in a low voice, "Are you crazy? I bet that Walter must have a decent background. Otherwise, how could he pick a fight alone in this Winterbourne Lodge? Everyone knows that Mr. Liu is the boss here. Look at how hard Walter hit him just now. I would believe it if you told me that he'd killed someone before. Honestly, I think we shouldn't get involved in this. Let's just take our things and go."

"Yeah, you're right. We'd better leave now."

Those men seconded his opinion.

Soon, Winterbourne Lodge became empty.

If Dakari knew this, he would probably go mad with rage.

When Orion got the news and rushed to Winterbourne Lodge, there were only a few of his men left. They quickly sent him a video showing how Walter beat up Dakari.

Orion shivered in fear.

Walter was truly a very violent man!

He rejoiced in secret that he was not Walter's enemy.

"Don't say anything to Gavin's people regarding this. If they send someone to ask, just tell them that Dakari was arrested and it has nothing to do with us. For those who know what happened tonight, you should keep it a secret, and no one is allowed to breathe a word of this. I'm in charge from now on."

"Yes, Orion."

Thereupon, Winterbourne Lodge had quietly changed hands.

Walter dragged Dakari to the club directly.

The waiters stepped backward when they saw Walter return.

Peoples were scared out of their wits by his murderous aura.

"Which room does Zendaya occupy?"

Walter's voice was very cold.

The waiter quickly pointed to the private room where Zendaya was locked and handed the key to Walter cautiously. After that, they left in a hurry.

Zendaya suddenly jumped out when Walter opened the door.

"You b*stards! Don't you know who I am? I'll ask my brother to slaughter you! How dare you lock me up? Mango, I'm going to make you leave this place in a bodybag!"


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