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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 737

"Miss Novalee, don't try to hide it as Mrs. Ye has said that the gift that she left here is invaluable."

"You believed her nonsense? She didn't give me any precious item at all."

Novalee's brows were tightly knitted together.

"Doesn't Bosco trust me?"

"Uh, I don't know about this, but please come with me if you don't want to pass me the item and you can talk straight to Mr. Liu in person. Otherwise, I can't give him an explanation."

The man's words made Novalee's face look terrible.

"Bosco treats me like his own daughter, so don't blame me for telling Bosco if you dare to harm me. Also, I can't leave because my boyfriend hasn't woken up yet, so you shall go back now and tell Bosco that Mango didn't leave anything with me."

Then, Novalee walked to Walter's bed after saying that.

However, the man snorted coldly and said, "Novalee, do you really think you are an influential figure? Mr. Liu holds so much power, so why would he look after a little girl like you? He wouldn't have given a d*mn about you if it weren't for your parents' sake, so please have some conscience as you're clearly aware of how Mr. Liu has treated you before. I don't mind telling you that Mrs. Ye took two valuable jades from him and it must be true if she said that she left a treasure with you, so you'd better hand them in and don't make things difficult for Mr. Liu."

At that instant, Novalee trembled with anger.

"For my parents' sake? Would he do this to me and treat my boyfriend like that if he really cared about my parents' reputation? Don't think I don't know that the people in the parking lot got their orders from Bosco... Why are you doing this to my boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure about this too, Novalee, you'd better ask Boss Liu in person. Anyway, I'll say it again, hand over the item, or you come with me."

"What if I don't go with you?"

Novalee was stiff-necked and she asked angrily.

Then, the man sneered and said, "It's fine if you don't want to follow me, but I'll have to take you with me forcefully then."

"What are you doing? I warn you, don't mess around with me as my boyfriend is good at fighting! If he wakes up and comes to know that you've touched me, he...ah!"

Novalee stumbled backward, but she couldn't avoid the man's hands and she was still taken away despite her desperate struggles.

On the other hand, Mango received the news almost right after Novalee had been taken away.

"Mrs. Ye, Miss Zhang was taken away by a man, you..."

"What about Walter?"

"There's no one to take care of him."

At that instant, Mango's expression darkened a little.

Bosco guessed that something had happened when he saw Mango's gloomy expression after she received the call.

Then, Mango glanced at Bosco as she said in a low voice, "Hire him a reliable nurse. I'll go back in a moment."


Mango gave Bosco a meaningful look after she hung up the call and said, "Mr. Liu, did your men go to look for Novalee?"

"No...why would I look for Novalee?"

Bosco denied it immediately.

However, Mango said with a cold smile, "Mr. Liu,

Novalee is one of my subordinates and it's fine if you want the treasure, but don't you dare hurt anyone, if not..."

"Mrs. Ye, you're right, and Novalee is my niece, so how can I hurt her?"

"Oh. What about her boyfriend?"

Bosco paused for a moment when he heard that.

"Mrs. Ye, is her boyfriend your friend?"

"He's my brother."

Nathaniel spoke faintly.

Then, Bosco frowned slightly and said, "I didn't know that. I just wanted him to behave himself and stay away from Novalee as she is very simple-minded."

"I can't tell if Novalee is simple-minded or not, but I know that Walter is rather innocent. Mr. Liu, I won't go easy on the culprit if anything happens to Walter in this place."

Mango said with a smile, but Bosco looked at her gaze and it didn't seem like she was joking at all.

"Well, I will not attack him again since you put the word out."

"Thank you, Mr. Liu. I'll buy the rest of the gambling stones and give them to you no matter what it turns out to be."

Bosco was stunned as soon as Mango finished

her words.

He had seen a forthright person before, but he had never seen someone as generous as Mango.

"Mrs. Ye, is that true?"

"I'll keep my words as long as Walter is fine."

"Fine, fine, I will definitely not target him."

Then, Bosco went to carve the raw stones happily.

Nathaniel shook his head and said, "Why did you give him so much money? Do you really think my money fell from the sky?"

"None of the gems are valuable."

At that instant, Mango's words stunned Nathaniel.

"You can appraise gambling stones?"

"I know a little about it. These raw stones look like old jades, but if you take a closer look at them, you can tell from their color and cracks that they are worth no more than a few pennies. Also, you'll only have an old green emerald at most, so don't worry as I've calculated and these gems cost no more than ten million dollars. Walter will definitely pay us back more than that through business projects to return us the favor."

Suddenly, Nathaniel laughed.

"You are getting better at doing business now!"

"Well, I learn it all from you."


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