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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 746

No way!

Novalee would be fine!

Walter kept telling himself, but his hands were trembling.

God wouldn't be so cruel.

He was just about to have a good relationship. How could something so cruel happen to him?

Walter opened the door as he trembled and drove to the airport like crazy.

He couldn't care less how many traffic police were following him from behind.

The hall of the airport was in a mess as there were many people crying and shouting everywhere.

Walter went straight to the front desk after he came in.

"Which flight is it that had an accident?"

"I'm sorry sir, all we know right now is that we've lost contact with flight FG38594. We still don't know what's going on yet."

"What do you mean that you don't know? How can something happen to the plane? It's a sunny day, why would something happen to it?"

Walter was completely out of his mind when he knew that the flight was the one that Novalee boarded.

He grabbed the flight attendant's collar and shouted, "What about the passengers? Where did they lose contact? Where?"

The stewardess was frightened by Walter's agitated attitude, so she cried and said, "I don't know! I really don't know, sir, I know you're in a bad mood, but we can only wait for the rescue team to arrive and search for the plane now. Please calm down and wait for the news, alright?"

"Calm down? My fiancee caught in a plane accident! How do you expect me to calm down?"

Walter was going crazy at this moment and he couldn't care less about everything else as he had the urge to destroy everything.

Then, a security guard came forward and held Walter down.

"Sir, please calm down. We understand your feelings, but please don't make things difficult for our flight attendant. She is not the person in charge of that plane and our company is still looking for it. We will give everyone an explanation regarding the cause of the accident later on."

At that moment, Walter collapsed on the bench.

He could still remember Novalee's smiling face and she was telling him to take good care of himself.

He felt heavy- hearted and really uneasy deep down at this instant.

Why didn't he convince Novalee to stay?

Even if he couldn't do that, why didn't he go with Novalee? So what if she didn't allow him to follow her? At least he could spend the last moments of his life with her.

What should he do now?

How scared would Novalee be if she fell from the sky at such a high altitude since she was so petite?

He couldn't even tell if she was still awake or in a coma.

Then, Walter quickly took out his phone to call Novalee, but he received a signal indicating that her phone was off.

Her phone was off?

That meant that she was still on the plane and that something really had happened to her.

At that moment, Walter blacked out and he fainted.

"Sir, sir, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, the security officer called an ambulance immediately, but they had to contact Walter's immediate family members by finding his relatives' contact in his phone.

However, it was a pity that Walter's contact record did not show any intimate names such as father, mother, or wife.

Surprisingly, they found a contact with the remark "Dear", so they called to the person immediately.

On the other hand, Mango and Nathaniel didn't know about Walter's situation. There was no more follow-up after Walter called her, and Mango didn't care about it either.

Nathaniel had made a few dishes and Mango's phone rang just as she was enjoying her food.

She took a look and found that it was from Walter.

"Walter must be urging you to sign the contract again. Don't worry about him and just let him be."

Nathaniel directly hung up the phone.

The medical staff was a little confused when they saw that the other party hung up the phone, but they still tried to call again.

Then, Mango stopped Nathaniel when she saw that he was about to hung up the phone again.

"You're always so rude, Mr. Ye."

"Why don't you say that he's impolite for interrupting you while you're having a meal?"

Nathaniel was obviously a little aggrieved.

Seeing Nathaniel acting like this, Mango smiled and said, "Why are you getting more childish as you age? It's none of my business whether he's polite or not and he's not my husband after all."

Mango took the phone over as she spoke. Meanwhile, Nathaniel smiled brightly after he heard what Mango said.

Then, Mango shook her head as he was really like a child.

"Hey, Walter, the contract..."

"Hello, madam. Do you know the owner of this phone?"

The medical staff's words caused Mango to be taken aback.

She looked at the caller ID and it was indeed Walter, but he would never leave his phone aside under usual circumstances, and it was impossible for others to use it unless something bad had happened to him.

"Yes, I'm his friend. What's wrong?"

"Greetings, madam. We're calling from the Central hospital and this gentleman has fainted in the airport hall. We're currently sending him to the emergency center. Please come over if you're his friend."

The medical staff hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.

At that moment, Mango was completely stunned.

"What's Walter doing at the airport hall?"

She suddenly remembered that Walter asked her about the flight accident... Did someone he knew board the plane?

All of a sudden, Mango thought of Novalee.

Had something happened to Novalee?


That couldn't be!


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