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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 75

After Mango boarded the helicopter, she still felt uneasy. She had a feeling that this wasn't as simple as it seemed.

She hadn't gone out for many days. The past few days in Ye Family, although she didn't get along quite well with Auntie Zhang, it was still acceptable. After all, Sisi was there. But today, as soon as she went out for a walk, she ran into such a situation. Was it really a coincidence?

And the old lady was obviously coming for her.

If she didn't walk over, that old lady would probably still think of a way to blackmail her. However, she didn't have the slightest impression of that old lady. Who was trying to harm her?

Moreover, nowadays, if there was someone trying to blackmail her, as long as she was sincere and was willing to pay them off, there would not be too much of a dispute. But why did she still feel that something was not right there?

Mango's mind was in a whirl and her brows were tightly furrowed. She couldn't think of a single explanation.

Walter glanced at her and asked with a smile, "Gorgeous, what's on your mind? Isn't a handsome man like me enough to attract your attention?"

Mango's thoughts were pulled back to reality by him. She said in a low voice, "I still feel something strange in the incident today." "Well, it's really strange. Do you know the identity of that old lady?"

After hearing Walter's words, Mango felt that something was wrong even more.

"Do you know?"

"I just found out. After we left, I asked someone to check out the old lady. I took a picture of her and sent it over. Here is the information. Take a look for yourself."

Walter raised his hand and threw his mobile phone to Mango.

Normally, mobile phones should be switched off on the plane because there would be signal interference otherwise. However, no one knew how Walter handled it, but the aircraft was not affected at all.

For her own safety's sake, Mango quickly clicked on the screen and scanned the screen rapidly. However, she was in great shock after reading it.

"That old lady turned out to be the mother of a government official?"

"That's right!"

Walter was also quite surprised at that.

He thought it was just an old lady who tried to blackmail him, so it was not a big deal that he kicked her. At worst, he would pay her off. However, after seeing the identity of the old lady, Walter was in trouble.

This was not a case that could be settled with money. He was afraid that his father would break one of his legs this time. It was obvious that Mango was also been aware of this problem.

"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this."

Although she had not known Walter for a long time, Mango thought that he was a very good person. Although he was a bit too flamboyant, he was clear-minded about what he liked and what he disliked. He never hid anything. He did everything openly and he made her willing to deal with him. But she really didn't expect that she would implicate Walter one day.

If all these information was true, then they would be in big trouble, and Walter's wouldn't get off the hook with his last kick.

While thinking of this, Mango felt a little guilty.

Although she did not casue any of this, it happened because of her.

"Walter, if you are in trouble in the future, just tell them you did it for me. Blame everything on me. I'm just a nobody. They can do whatever they want with

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Mango said that word by word.

Walter was a little stunned and said with a smile, "This is the first time that a woman has backed me up. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Besides, you were being targeted in this. I was destined to meet you by the beach because. I'm quite willing to be a hero to save the beauty, but remember this favor and one day I'll need you to return it."


Mango meant it. If that old lady was an ordinary person, she would not have been so serious. However, the information showed that the old lady was the mother of a government official who turned out to be a filial son. This matter would probably not end well. However, it was also because of this very reason that Mango felt it was odd.

The mother of a government official should not be short of money, should she? She couldn't have done anything like blackmailing, so why did she come after her? She had a clear goal, and it was bound to be a deadly trap aimed specifically at her."

But in Ocean City, who would hate her so much?

Now that she had changed her appearance and had completely cut off all ties with the past, who else would want to put her in a deadly situation?

Could it be Macy?

However, Chu family had declined during the past few years. Although they had Nathaniel's support, their business was still shrinking, besides, Susie's strength couldn't keep up with her ambition in business. Chu family's business was hanging by a thread and it was absolutely impossible for them to get close to the mother of a government official.

However, other than Macy, Mango really couldn't think of any other enemies.

Seeing her so upset, Walter said with a smile, "Oh, don't think too much. Let's cross the bridge when you come to it. Besides, there's still Nathaniel, don't worry, he will take care of everything for you."

At the mention of Nathaniel's name, Mango's mood became even more depressed. She didn't expect to owe Nathaniel a favor, but this time she had no choice.

At this moment, she thought of the training base that Walter was going to. She couldn't help saying this.

"The training base is currently filled with children and teachers from kindergarten. Don't act recklessly. Leave behind the personal grudge between you and Nathaniel and resolve it later on your own. Don't implicate the innocent."

Walter was suddenly stunned.

"You even know this?"


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