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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 751

As she said this, Mrs. Song became agitated.

Carter couldn't blame her. She had been by his side for more than 20 years, but she still wasn't granted with a proper title.

As Carter saw how furious Mrs. Song was, his anger was fueled too.

"Then what do you expect me to do? Huh? Because of you, I have already lost one of my sons, and now Thomas isn't willing to come home. What do you want me to do? After I die, everything in the Song family will be handed over to them. Besides, who provided you with all the luxuries you're enjoying and flaunting now? Walter did! He doesn't respect you that much, but did he ever kick you out? What's the difference between you and the real Mrs. Song except for a piece of paper? What are you still so dissatisfied with?"

Mrs. Song was frightened by Carter's sudden outburst, and suddenly burst into tears.

"You're blaming me now, aren't you? Why didn't you think of your family when you slept with me? Why didn't you think of Walter, who was still a child then?" "Enough! Get the hell out of here if you want to keep acting like this!"

As Carter said these harsh words angrily, he then slammed the door and left. He left Mrs. Song to burst into tears in the living room on her own.

The servants didn't dare to say anything. They all went to work quietly and tried to minimize their presence as much as possible.

When Carter came out of the room, he was still upset.

So many years have passed, and every time he quarreled with Walter, he was actually guilty on the inside. If he had not made that mistake in the past, his family would not have become like this. But he was Walter's father. How could he admit his mistakes to him?

Now, after hearing Thomas's words, Carter felt uneasiness creep up inside him, as something might have really happened to Walter.

Walter was used to solving problems on his own all these years. He hadn't asked for his help in a long time. Even at the time where the Song family was nearly bankrupt, it had been Walter himself who turned the tide with his own efforts and went through it.

He had always wanted to ask Walter how he managed to rise again, but he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips. He was afraid that Walter would mock him.

Despite it all, Walter was Carter's pride and joy, though he never admitted it.

Because of this, Carter still respected his former wife. Without her guidance, Walter would not have grown into the man he is today.

In so many years, it was the first time that Carter had wanted to visit his wife.

Many years had gone by, but he didn't have a clue about how she was doing in the nursing home.

Carter didn't have the heart to go before, and now, he didn't dare go either. However, for Walter's sake, he mustered up the courage and headed to the nursing home.

The people in the nursing home knew about Carter, but they didn't know him personally. When they heard that he was Sophia's husband, they had wanted to call Walter for permission but were stopped by Carter.

"I just want to see her. Please don't inform my son."

"But Mr. Song said that no one is allowed to see Mrs. Liu except for himself."

As Carter heard the nurse's words, he felt a tugging in his heart.

"I said, there's no need for that."

After he said that, he went into Sophia's room.

Inside, Sophia was acting as she normally did. She was sitting in a wheelchair and staring blankly at the sky.

It was the first time in more than 20 years that Carter had seen Sophia.

She was getting old.

The hair at her temples had turned white.

However, she still gave out the same cold and unfazed aura.

If she hadn't been like this in the past, perhaps he wouldn't have cheated on her.

With this thought in mind, Carter walked to Sophia's side.

"What are you looking at?"

He asked softly.

Sophia did not turn her head, and continued to stare at the sky outside.

Just when Carter thought that she wouldn't reply, Sophia suddenly opened her mouth.

"It's going to rain soon. Walter didn't bring an umbrella. Did the servants send one to him?"

Carter suddenly felt a lump form in his throat.

"Walter is all grown up now. He can take care of himself."

"Walter hasn't been eating well recently, so I wanted to cook for him, but I don't have the strength to. Plus, Asher doesn't allow me into the kitchen either. Why hasn't Walter come back yet?"

Sophia didn't seem to hear Carter's words, and she was still mumbling to herself.

As Carter looked at his wife in front of him, he suddenly felt terrible.

The nurse whispered to Carter, "Mr. Song, Mrs. Liu's mental condition has not been well recently. You'd better not upset her. She has attempted to commit suicide several times."

At this, Carter's eyes drifted to the wounds on Sophia's wrist, and each scar was heartwrenching.

His eyes instantly filled with tears.

"Sophia, I'm sorry. I've screwed up for so many years. It's all my fault. I ruined our family and let you and our son suffer. But I can't erase what I've done. I have already lost you, and I've caused pain to both you and Walter. So, I can't hurt her and my other son now too, can I? I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Carter said remorsefully in a low voice.

But to Sophia, he was no different from the furniture in the room.

Sophia had been living in her own thoughts for a long time, and she could not be disturbed.

Initially, Carter had came here to ask about Walter, but looking at Sophia now, he couldn't bring himself to do it.


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