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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 757

Mango didn't know how to Thomas' question.

"Thomas, I'm not that sure about this. You should ask Walter. Also, not long ago, they found a woman's body at the port. Walter was worried that it might be his mother and has went there already. If you're worried, you'd better go and have a look. I'm at the Hans family's house now with the children."

Mango told him about her current situation.

As he heard this, Thomas understood at once.

"Okay, Madam, I'll head over and take a look. Don't worry about it first. When Rainie calls me, I'll ask her to return your call."


After learning that Rainie was okay, Mango finally let out a sigh of relief.

As she laid on the bed, she felt overwhelmed with the tiredness of the past few days.

It was not that she didn't want to get involved in Walter's matters, but she didn't know where to start.

Merle and others were no longer in her command. She was now powerless. How could she help


In the end, she would need Nathaniel and the power of Ye Family to settle things, so she left everything to Nathaniel entirely.

She hoped that the Blu siblings would be fine too.

Although Mango had told herself to focus on her work as she had already put it aside for so long. If she had really wanted to win the competition, she would have to put in more effort than others. However, as she laid there, her mind was thinking about the events that had happened recently.

Why did Novalee want to get close to Walter?

Was it because of Sophia?

However, Walter had never told Novalee where his mother was. Besides, if this was really Novalee's purpose for approaching Walter in the first place, she would have stayed with Walter instead of running away, wouldn't she?

Mango couldn't work it out no matter how hard she tried.

Now that Henry was missing too, finding them had become an extra difficult task.

Mango flipped to the side, and was suddenly propped up by something.

She got up to take a look, only to find that it was her bag.

Recalling that Queena's letter was inside, Mango sat at the edge of the bed, took out the letter and opened it.

The letter from Queena was very simple, with only one short sentence.

"I'm doing well. Don't worry."

This sentence was written on a piece of paper and it rested neatly inside an envelope.

Mango had thought that Queena would write more, but she had not expected that she would only write one sentence.

Instead writing to her like this, why didn't she just tell her on WhatsApp?

Mango was a little disappointed. She folded up the letter, but suddenly, she felt that something wasn't right.

"That's not right. If she had wanted to tell me that she was alright, she wouldn't have written only one sentence. Besides, why would she need to send a letter if she could easily tell me this on WhatsApp?"

Mango muttered to herself as she read the letter again and again. Then, she paused at the address written at the end.


Queena was in Nakasara?

Did she send her a letter to tell her about her destination?

Mango was a little confused. She quickly took out her phone and called Queena, but a robotic voice informed her that Queena's phone had been stopped.


It wasn't turned off and it wasn't an empty number either! It was stopped!

Something wasn't right.

Although Queena wasn't wealthy, she could still afford to pay her phone bill. How could her phone be stopped?

Mango sent a message to Queena on WhatsApp, but she didn't receive any reply.

Uneasiness crept up inside her.

"Uncles, have you received any letter from my mom?"

Mango asked Mateo and Terrance hurriedly.

"No, what's wrong?"

"Has my mother ever contacted you since she left?"

Mango added.

"No, she didn't."

Terrance shook his head.

Mateo saw how anxious Mango was and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Look, there's only one sentence in my mother's letter. Something's not right. She could just tell me on WhatsApp, why did she have to send me a letter?"

Mango's confusion made Mateo frown and took the letter over.

"It is indeed a little unnecessary. Could it be that she's trying to tell Mango that she is now in Nakasara?"

"I tried calling. My mom's phone has been stopped and she didn't reply to my WhatsApp. I'm worried that something happened to her."

Mango worried about her mother's safety the most.

Although the two of them hadn't been in contact for a long time, blood was still thicker than water. After all, she was still Mango's mother, and it was natural that she was worried.

"Mango, why don't you leave this letter with me. I'll get someone to check if your mother is at this address. Don't worry, she would be okay."

Upon hearing Mateo's words, Mango quickly nodded her head.

"Alright. I just came back from Nakasara, if I had known that my mother was there, I would have

stayed for a few more days."

Mango was a little upset.

"Don't blame yourself. If you hadn't came back, we wouldn't know what was in your mother's letter. Fate does fool around with people. You don't have to worry about it. Leave it to me."

Mateo offered to help with this matter.


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