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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 766

"Who is this?"

Mango couldn't help but ask when she saw a girl that she didn't knew.

Sophia looked at Nathaniel in confusion as well.

Nathaniel brought the girl in and hinted at her to introduce herself.

The girl was a little shy, but she still introduced herself in a low voice after seeing Mango and Sophia, "I'm Itzel Zhang's daughter. My mother is missing."

"Who is Itzel Zhang?"

Mango subconsciously looked at Sophia.

Sophia quickly explained, "Itzel is our nanny. She said that her daughter was ill, and asked me for some money then left. What do you mean that she's missing?"

The girl bit her lower lip and pondered for a while before saying, "My name is Iona Abbott. Itzel is my stepmother. She mistreated me ever since I was a child. I would only drink some ginger soup to get me through it whenever I am sick. I rarely go to the hospital. A man came to see her yesterday, and she went out for a while. She barely spoke to me when she came back, and after going out this morning she never came back. It was not until this uncle came to look for me that I found the family's deposit and household register missing."


Sophia was very surprised.

"The real estate agent had said that Itzel did an excellent job at taking care family, which is why I chose her as a nanny in the first place."

Iona mumbled, "My father left a sum of money when he passed away in a car accident. Because she was afraid that people would say she mistreated me, she would put up a facade and be kind to me when we're out in public places. But it would be the opposite when we're at home. My father left that money to me, but now it's gone. My mother might've run away with that guy. I know who he is. He works in a pub.

After listening to her, Mango and Sophia would be naive if they still believe that the food oil on the floor was an accident.

"Who would have such hatred against our family?"

Sophia had been in the nursing home for quite a while now, so she had no idea how people could be so cruel and disgusting. She was a little overwhelmed after hearing such things.

Mango looked at Iona and asked, "Do you know that man?" "I sort of knew him. After my father passed away, he came to our house several times, but I didn't like it. My mother told me that we might live together in the future, but I really didn't want to. She probably ran away with him."

"What's the name of this man?"

"I'm not sure, but everyone calls him Cyrus."

Iona's words caused Mango's brows to furrow slightly.

Nathaniel spoke up at this moment.

"I've done some research. Cyrus's full name is Cyrus Fang. Coincidentally, he is Mrs. Song's younger brother."

"Huh? Which Mrs. Song do you mean?"

Mango didn't know how to react for a while.

Nathaniel looked at Sophia and Mango immediately understood, but she couldn't deny that things turned a little awkward.

Sophia seemed to understand as well as she said with a wry smile, "She calls herself Mrs. Song now?"

"Aunty, don't treat me as an outsider. You also know that Carter..."

When Mango found out that Sophia was her aunt, it was a little weird for her. However, she still

called her auntie like how Sophia wanted her to.

Sophia was glad but still somewhat emotional as she said, "For all of the years I've spent in the nursing home. Never once had I let go of my feelings for Carter. It seems unreasonable for me to continue holding on to the title Mrs. Song after so many years. It's time for me to give it back to who it truly belongs."

"No, Auntie Liu, you may not understand what I mean. Cyrus is the younger brother of Delilah. Her younger brother knows your nanny, Itzel. And the reason why you fell was that someone purposely poured food oil on the corridor so that you would slip and fall. If I guessed it correctly, they intended to let you accidentally fall from the stairs and had a fracture, or injuries or something more serious, or they wanted to kill you behind your back. So I think you should tell Mr. Song about this. I don't believe that her younger brother dared to do anything without Delilah's instruction."

Nathaniel's words were very straightforward.

Mango knew that Nathaniel truly thought of Walter as his brother. Therefore, he did not want Sophia to be in danger. The current situation made Mango very sad.

"Nathan, I found out something just now."

"What is it?"

"Aunt Liu and my mother, Queena are biological sisters, but one is surnamed after mother, and the other is surnamed after father."

Nathaniel was stunned for a moment, but he immediately turned happy.

"Nice to meet you, auntie."

He greeted her in a very well-behaved way.

Sophia looked at him gloomily and said, "Don't think that I don't know the reason behind why you're so happy. It's because now that I'm Mango's aunt, Walter and Mango had become cousins. Therefore they wouldn't have a chance at being together anymore. You're relieved, aren't you?"

Nathaniel giggled. Obviously, Sophia had guessed it correctly.

Mango gave up.

They've gone through so many things together over the past few years. How was it that Nathaniel was still so narrow-minded?"

She said it herself that her relationship with Walter wasn't what he thought about, yet he was still insecure.


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