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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 803

"They have been stalking us all this while?"

Mango asked as she ate.

Nathaniel's gaze was cold and unwelcoming.

"You can have your meal as I'll deal with them."

Their conversation ended when several people approached and surrounded them.

One of the brawny men put his foot on the stool and said fiercely with his hands on his waist, "You aren't locals, are you? Do you know who owns this area?"

Mango couldn't help but laugh when she heard such a classic line.

"Hey, little girl, do you think that this is a joke? You'd better pay me the fees and don't even think of leaving this place if you can't take out at least a million dollars!"

Nathaniel's expression darkened in an instant.

"You'd better take back your words."

"What's wrong? I can even repeat it again! No... I can directly show you in action and there's nothing you can do about it!"

As he spoke, the man reached out his hands to

Mango as he intended to touch her face.

At that instant, Nathaniel's eyes became fierce as he grabbed the man's arm in a swift movement before twisting it. The man started whining all of a sudden as his arm broke.

"Ahhhhh! My arm!"

However, Nathaniel remained expressionless as he asked, "Who sent you here?"

"What are you talking about? Let go of me or else I'll make you suffer!"

Nathaniel kicked him without a second thought and the man was shoved to the ground.

On the other hand, Mango finished her meal peacefully and she sighed while shaking her head as she watched the scene before her.

"Sigh, what a pity for you as you aren't even clear of who we are before you try to trick us. Do you have a death wish?"

The remaining men witnessed how skillful Nathaniel was and they felt afraid all of a sudden, so they started retreating one by one.

"Hey, don't go!"

The man who was kicked by Nathaniel was wailing on the ground and he shouted as he saw his counterparts running away in a flash.

Nathaniel turned a deaf ear to them and he asked in a gentle voice after seeing that Mango had finished eating, "Have you finished eating?"

"Yea, let's go."

Mango got up and Nathaniel helped her to their car before they realized that someone had deliberately punctured the car tires.

Nathaniel's brows furrowed.

Then, Mango stopped him and said, "It's okay, you couldn't finish your food just now as you're fighting, so have some food now."

Mango handed the takeaway food to Nathaniel as she spoke.

Nathaniel whispered, "I don't have the appetite... I'll go to the 4S shop nearby to buy another car."

"There's no need to do that as some other people could still puncture our tires even if you buy it again, don't you think so? These people are trying to stop us from going to the Fang family's house and although we don't know who is the mastermind, I'm sure the person will keep blocking our way."

Nathaniel paused for a moment after hearing Mango's words and he asked in a low voice, "If that's so, are we still going?"

"Definitely, but we don't have to drive as we can take a taxi or a bus there though it would be a whole new experience for you, will it?"

Nathaniel's mood lightened up as he saw the playful expression on Mango's face.

"We'll go with your suggestion then."

Nathaniel started eating the food that Mango had took out for him and it was so delicious although it was just typical pasta.

After their meal, they rested for a while before leaving their car behind and they hitchhiked to the Fang family's house.

It was a young couple that decided to give them a free ride. The girl said enviously after seeing how close Mango and Nathaniel were, "Does a man treat a woman so nicely only when she's pregnant?"

Mango looked at Nathaniel and said with a smile, "He has always been like this and this is not my first pregnancy."

"Oh? Not your first? Girl, you're so courageous!"

Mango felt somewhat embarrassed as the girl seemed really surprised.

Then, the boy quickly said to the girl after seeing Mango's reaction, "Cielo, don't disturb her and let her rest.."


However, the girl stretched out her hand to Mango.

"Hey there, my name is Cielo Fang and this is my boyfriend, Padraig Tang."

Mango was about to introduce herself but she thought about their current situation and decided not to expose their identities, so she said with a smile, "My name is Paola Gerner and this is my husband."

"Paola, you shall take a rest now and I'll wake you when we get there."


Mango ended the conversation with a smile.

On the other hand, Nathaniel was noncommittal to Mango's response.

He just sat quietly by Mango's side the entire time.

Mango felt at ease being with Nathaniel.

She leaned her head on Nathaniel's shoulder and whispered, "I'll take a nap."

"Alright, sleep well as I'm here."

Then, Mango fell asleep after hearing Nathaniel's reassurance as she basked in the familiar scent of him.

Soon, Mango woke up after the car had traveled for some distance and she stretched her body seeing that the sky was getting dark.

"You're awake?"

Nathaniel asked hurriedly.

"Yea, why did we stop here? Where are Cielo and her boyfriend?"

"They went to the bathroom."

Nathaniel took off his jacket and draped it over Mango's shoulders.

"Put this on as it's getting cold... Would you like to go to the bathroom too?"


Mango adjusted the jacket before getting out of the car.

It was indeed quite chilly outside because of the wind.

Mango tucked her jacket as she walked to the nearby public toilet and she heard Padraig's voice coming from inside before she could enter the toilet.

"Cielo, why did you tell them our real names?"

"Why can't I? I have never done anything suspicious and there's nothing I need to hide from others, so why should I lie to them?"

Cielo said nonchalantly.

However, Padraig said helplessly, "Why are you still so sincere when they lied to us? We'd better find an excuse and let them get off the car somewhere in front later."

"How could you do that? Paola is pregnant and it's really unethical of you to leave them behind."

Padraig sighed and answered, "How can you believe her just because she said she's pregnant? Who knows if she's lying to us? To tell you the truth, this woman is Mango Shen and not Paola Lerner."

Mango's brows furrowed at that instant.

It was really surprising to her that Padraig knew who she was.

Similarly, Cielo was shocked.


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