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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 885

At that moment, Caleb was shocked by Mango's gaze.

If it weren't for the fact that he knew that Nathaniel wouldn't show up, here, he would have mistaken Mango as Nathaniel.

Was it possible that Mango's fierce gaze resembled Nathaniel because she had been with Nathaniel for a long time?

Caleb's heart skipped a beat, but he forced himself to stare at Mango and said, "What? Am I wrong? Why can't you let us know your conversation since we're all shareholders? Who knows what you're discussing now that you're whispering to Thomas in front of us?"

At that moment, Mango saw a trace of guilt flashing across Caleb's eyes.

It turned out that he wasn't fearless after all.

Then, Mango turned around and sat on Nathaniel's seat unfalteringly.

"Caleb, is it necessary for me to explain to you what I said to Thomas? Who are you? Do you have a higher share than me in the company?"

Mango figured out at that moment that she was the biggest shareholder now that Nathaniel wasn't around. So, she could do and say whatever she wanted as Nathaniel had even given her authority to do so.

Caleb saw Mango's calm expression and he felt really agitated, but he said in a low and muffled voice, "Mrs. Ye, is it necessary for you to make such sarcastic remarks now that the company is in a dire situation?"

"Fine, but I'm wondering, is the PR department so incompetent that they can't solve this issue although HY Group has been established for so many years? What are the top-level managers with a high salary doing now that Nathaniel isn't here? I didn't know HY Group has become a charity organization that pays pensions to those retired..."

Mango spoke unwaveringly with a clear trace of anger in her tone.

Then, she said to Thomas, "Thomas, let Knox take a paid leave and our company will pay for his medical expenses. Then, check who is the one in charge of this matter by investigating it thoroughly from the higher-ups to the employees. Also, tell the PR Department to spread the news of how we're dealing with this issue. In addition, get someone to report to the police and let them be part of the investigation regarding the accidental death of the civilian worker. Lastly, we'll need the higher-ups of our company to take the accidental death insurance agreement and compensation to approach and comfort the family members of the victim... Who's going to do this task?"

Mango looked at the shareholders in the conference room.

Immediately, the shareholders turned their heads away as they were afraid that Mango would call them out.

At that moment, Mango gave a cold snort.

"Since you can't stand up for the company when something happens, then just stay as a coward and take the annual bonus. You didn't have many opinions when Nathaniel was around and you even came to the company less than once a year, but what's the matter now? Are you intending to take the opportunity to usurp the position after knowing that Nathaniel is not around, or do you have other motives? You should know that the reason why HY Group is keeping your positions as shareholders is not that the company needs you, but it's because Nathaniel wants to give you the chance to get pensions when you retire. He knew that it wasn't easy for you and my father-in-law to support the company in those days. Do you really think that the Ye family can't afford the shares you have now? Well, if any of you doesn't want to be part of the company any longer, you can bring it up now and I'll buy your shares regardless of the price. Thomas, well see who wants to withdraw from the company and you record their names one by one. The Ye family doesn't have much spare money to spend on trivial matters, but Ornata Group would have enough. Also, we have earned profits from the oil mines in East Africa, isn't it? Well, you can sell all your shares to me as we don't need any more shareholders now."

At that instant, the shareholders' expression darkened upon hearing Mango's words.

"Mrs. Ye, we aren't planning to sell our shares and we didn't come here to force you into anything... It's Caleb who told us to come."

"Yes, yes, it's Caleb who asked us to come and we have no idea what's up..."

The other shareholders immediately put the blame on Caleb.

Boston was so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You... You're ridiculous!"

However, other shareholders no longer sided with Caleb no matter what he said.

Mango saw that she had achieved what she wanted and only then did she coldly say, "Since everyone has no objections now, do you think that there's a problem with the way I dealt with the matter just now?" "No...no problem..."

"If that's so, you can go back now and wait for the annual bonus. You can also travel to any country you'd like during this period of time. Don't worry as Nathan will treat everyone well as long as you're thinking for the Ye family. However, don't blame Nathaniel for taking action after he comes back if we find any traitors among you."

It was doubtless that everyone knew who Mango was talking about.

Initially, they thought that Mango was a weak woman and that she could not handle any issues. However, they dared not say anything now that they saw her dealt with this mess calmly.

Then, Caleb left angrily with other shareholders.

Mango felt a throbbing pain in her head at that moment.

Beside her, Thomas saw that her expression seemed gloomy, so he said in a low voice, "Mrs. Ye, it's better that I deal with this issue instead... The family members of the civilian worker are really worked up and enraged right now after he passed away, so it's the best time for me to go if Mr. Ye isn't here. Don't worry as I'll take care of it."

"No...I'll go instead as Rainie and Denver need your companion."

Mango massaged her temples before she stood up.

She looked at Thomas and said with a smile, "Take good care of them... Your top priority at the moment is to make sure that they don't get attacked. By the way, is anyone looking after them now since you're here?"

Thomas paused for a moment and he shook his head.

Then, Mango hurriedly said, "You should go back quickly while I'll deal with the company's affairs. Don't worry as Nathan will be back soon, so there won't be any problem here. I'm really worried about Rainie and Denver as Kolton suddenly attacked the Ye family and schemed against Nathaniel. Although he caught us off guard, we still have some clues and we also know the reason behind it. However, he attacked the Blu family for no reason, so I have a hunch that it's not that simple. Now, you'd better stay with Rainie and Denver all the time as they are the only ones left in the Blu family. The Ye family could get help from others, but you are the only one with them, so go back now!"

For some reason, Mango felt really uneasy deep down.

On the other hand, Thomas heard Mango's words and he paused for a moment before he said with hesitation, "Mr. Ye isn't around though... I really can't let you handle this alone."

"I'll find someone to go with me, so you'd better go home quickly."


Thomas felt somewhat perturbed too after hearing Mango's words.

Kolton had indeed been targeting the Ye Family for many years. He had caused trouble even when Mango's father-in-law was still alive, so it wasn't impossible for him to attack them again now. However, Mango was right that it was still a mystery regarding the Blu family's incident.

The Ye family had no connection with the Blu family, but Koiton's men attacked the Blu family and even killed Rainie's father. So, no one could tell if this incident involved some unseemly issues.

At this moment, Rainie and Denver were in great danger.


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