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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 922

Just as Mango was conflicted, Queena woke up.

"What's going on outside?"

"I'm not sure. Mom, you stay here. I'll go out and have a look."

Mango did not want Queena to be too tired.

Queena didn't agree at first, but now that her physical condition was bad, she had no choice but to nod and agree.

Seeing that Queena had agreed, Mango stood up and left.

Seeing Mango leaving, Queena spat out a mouthful of blood.

She felt a burning pain in her stomach.

She struggled to get up. She always felt that there was a clue in the basement. How could she not find it?

Queena put on her shoes.

Everyone outside had rushed to the main hall. Queena left the side hall while trembling and went to the basement again.

The basement had been locked.

Queena frowned slightly.

There was nothing in the basement, so why had it been locked again?

Did they catch Laney?

But if they caught her, why did they all go to the main hall?

Queena believed that there were secrets hidden in the basement.

She looked left and right to see if there was anyone else, then she took out the tools and gently opened the door of the basement.

She learnt this skill from a gangster when she was abroad, but she didn't expect to use it here.

Queena went into the basement again. However, this time, she made preparations by putting on more clothes before coming here.

The path she took was still there. Queena looked at it bit by bit and tried to find any clues, but she failed.

She still couldn't find anything as she walked to the end.

How could this be?

Queena stubbornly insisted that there was something here. Why couldn't she find it?

She fumbled again and suddenly felt something cold and hard.

Queena gently twisted the wall in front of her.

Was this a secret door?

Queena suddenly became excited.

After she walked in, the wall automatically closed behind her.

Queena felt that the temperature here was even lower than outside. Was this the bottom of the sea?

Oh sh*t!

This should be a freezer because she heard the sound of a machine running.

Queena walked in step by step. There was even an induction light.

She saw nothing but a round table in the middle, on which there was a crystal coffin.

Queena's heart suddenly beat faster.


She stumbled and ran over.

The temperature of the crystal coffin was low, and the person inside was Dennis.

After more than 20 years, Queena finally saw her beloved man again.

He was still as young and handsome as before, but she was getting older.

Queena touched Dennis's coffin and suddenly burst into tears.

She was satisfied as she could take a last look at him before she died.

"Dennis, you've been lying here on your own for so many years. Are you lonely?"

Queena talked to herself, but Dennis couldn't give her any answers.

She could recall their memories in her mind clearly, and she had also remembered some incidents that she had forgotten previously.

"Hmm...am I dying soon? That's why I can remember the little things between us in the past? We didn't manage to be together in this life. Fortunately, we still have a daughter. As long as our daughter can live well, I guess...our story has a happy ending too, right?"

Queena laid on his crystal coffin and did not feel cold at all.

"I really thought that I would never see you again. At that time, they said that you were dead! But I didn't even see your body because they cremated you, so I always felt that something was wrong. But...but what could I say? I am not your legal wife, so I have no right to speak about your body. Even if I felt that something was wrong, I couldn't do anything. I have been abroad these years. Every day, I lived like a walking corpse. I thought about what would happen if I could not see you again after I die. Fortunately, we met again! I...I can finally see you again! Haha!"

Queena laughed and cried like a madman.

Dennis, who was in the coffin, didn't age at all, as if he had been asleep all along.

Queena suddenly found a stack of papers on the edge of the coffin.

She picked them up and looked at them one by one. Finally, she realized something.

"Hah...so that's why Kolton brought me and Mango here."

Queena's eyes were a little cold.

She looked at Dennis and suddenly said, "Dennis, you don't want Kolton to hurt our daughter, do you? In that case, let's go together, shall we? It's a pity that Mango didn't get to see you, but it doesn't matter. You will live forever in her heart, right?"

Dennis still didn't answer, but Queena smiled.

"So Kolton wanted to use Mango and your blood to make a medicine that suits Marrisa. There should be some traces left behind from your experiments. That's why Kolton stole your corpse and sealed it here. After he froze your body, he kept your body in the same condition and before and never destroyed it. However, you're already dead, so your blood is cold. Even if your corpse was defrosted, he couldn't use any of your organs. But since Mango is your daughter, she is useful. Hah... Kolton really doesn't care about anything but Marrisa!"


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