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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 931

Mango was conflicted for a long time. It took her so long to make a decision. While she was still thinking about whether to speak, they arrived at the hospital.

Rainie was the first to get off the car. She held onto Uncle Blu, and Mango followed behind her.

They went to the doctor's office and explained the situation of Uncle Blu. Then, Mango arranged the hospitalization procedures.

After everything was done, Rainie glanced at her watch and said, "I have something to deal with, so I have to leave for a while. I have hired a nurse, and she will come in a moment. I will write you an IOU later. Don't refuse."

Mango nodded.

Rainie was a stubborn person. Since this was the case, she did not have to act like she was mighty.

Seeing Mango nod her head, Rainie laughed bitterly and said, "Why don't you ask me where I'm going?"

"I believe that any decision you make has been carefully considered. You are not an impulsive woman, and you have your own thoughts. Hence, you know what you want to do and what you need.

As a friend, all I can do is to help and support you when you need me to. I will not ask or say anything else, but you must take care of yourself. Remember, no matter what, I will always be there to support you."

Mango held Rainie's hand and said.

Rainie's eyes were a little teary.

"Thank you, Mango. I know that you had a hard time after Kolton kidnapped you, and I also know about your current condition. Don't worry. I will take good care of myself. So, you should take good care of yourself too. I probably won't have much time to help you with your matters."

"No need. Just do whatever you have to do. We don't need things like this between us."

Rainie nodded and left after saying a few words to Uncle Blu.

Even after she left the hospital, Mango did not tell her about Thomas's car accident.

Looking at Rainie's delicate back, Mango couldn't help but let out a sigh.

After arranging everything for Uncle Blu, she went to Thomas's ward.

"How is it going?"

Nathaniel saw Mango coming over and looked behind her. He said, "He's been sent to the ICU, but he hasn't woken up yet. Did you find Rainie?" "I found her, but I didn't tell her about it."

Mango sighed and said in a low voice, "Things are not easy for Rainie now. Denver can't take care of himself, and Uncle Blu is still in the same condition. If you tell her about Thomas's current situation, what can she do? Right now, she's so stressed that she can't even stand up. If you tell her about Thomas, I'm afraid it'll be the last straw."

Nathaniel's brows were slightly furrowed. He wanted to say something but stopped on second thought.

"What's wrong? Do you think I made the wrong choice?"


Nathaniel took a deep breath and whispered, "Thomas may be in a coma and vegetative state forever."


Mango was dumb founded.

"What! Why is he in such a serious condition? How did he get into a car accident? Did someone hit him, or did he hit himself?"

"The driver who caused the accident escaped. There was no surveillance video over there, so we couldn't find him. I thought that Thomas was drunk, but when the police came to run a blood test, there was no alcohol. So, Thomas drove in a sober state. Argh! We can't determine how the accident happened now."

Mango was stunned as she heard Nathaniel's words.

"How could this be?"

"I don't know what happened, and I don't think any does either. Thomas has no relatives now, so I am his only relative. I have already asked a caretaker to come over. We'll pay for his medical expenses first. Although Thomas has his own company, but in this situation, he can only close down the business and freeze the funds. He doesn't have a will, and he's not awake yet, so he can't get a representative either. Also, he can't use his money."

Mango nodded her head to Nathaniel's words.

"It's up to you. But if that's the case, then I think I need to tell Rainie. She can decide what to do herself.."

Mango's heart ached for Rainie, but she had no choice but to tell her this news.

She walked out of the ward and thought for a long time before finally calling Rainie.

There seemed to be some noise on Rainie's side as the latter sounded like she was on the bus.

"Mango, what happened? Is there something wrong with my father?"

Rainie was extremely worried.

The words were stuck in Mango's throat, but she had no choice. She had to tell her.

"No. It's about Thomas. Rainie, listen to me.

Something happened to Thomas."

Mango told Rainie about Thomas's situation.

There was no sound coming from Rainie's side.

"Rainie, are you still here?"

Mango was a little worried, and then the phone Rainie hung up the phone from her end.

Nathaniel looked at Mango and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"



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