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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 953

She leapt into action immediately after that thought.

After Mango and Rainie left the Sanchez home, they rented a house in the suburbs.

Rainie wanted to accompany Mango, but Mango asked her to gather some resources for their company instead. Furthermore, she wanted to take a stroll alone.

Rainie was a little worried, but she couldn't change Mango's mind, so she agreed to her request instead.

Mango called Gisella immediately after departing from her rental home.

"Let's meet. I have something to discuss with you."

Gisella was shocked initially as she didn't believe Mango would call her. After hearing Mango's words, she sneered, "Heh! Why do you think I would meet you? Mango, who do you think you are?"

"Well, that's true. I'm not anyone special, and you can also choose to not see me. But do your parents know about this person called Bernard Gaylord?"

This did the trick. Once Mango finished her words, Gisella became extremely anxious.

"Mango, if you dare to tell them about him, I won't forgive you!”

"HI wait for you in the coffee shop at Mombra Street."

Mango hung up the phone immediately after saying that.

When Gisella arrived at the cafe, Mango was already waiting for her inside.

Mango only had a cup of cold plain water in front of her, even though she was at a cafe. Her eyes were looking out of the window, and it was clear that something was bothering her mind. Her expression was a little sad and depressing.

Wait... did Mango look sad?

Gisella thought she must have seen wrongly.

What would she be sad about when Nathaniel treated her so well? Furthermore, she also had and privileges provided by both the Hans and Xiao family!

When Gisella thought of her own family background and how Mango had replaced her as the Shen family's daughter for so many years, she felt upset.

“You asked me to have coffee with you, but you're drinking cold water? Mango, you're not sincere at all."

Upon hearing Gisella's voice, Mango finally came to her senses. However, the tiredness and redness in her eyes stunned Gisella.

"Were you crying?"

"Some sand got into my eye. Oh, please! Do you think I have anything to cry over in the first place?"

Mango said faintly before she finished drinking the glass of water in front of her in one gulp.

Gisella also felt that she had asked a stupid question.

How could such a beautiful woman who was loved by many even cry?

Moreover, she was pregnant now. The Ye family probably were treating her preciously!

Gisella's face darkened at this thought.

"Tell me, what do you want from me? Although I don't know how you found out about Bernard, I'm warning you, you better not provoke him. Otherwise, the consequences would be extremely deadly. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Nathaniel backing you up? Heh. Mango, this is B City, not Ocean City."

Gisella's was brimming with confidence when she said these words.

If they were in Ocean City, Mango would definitely retort sharply. However, knowing that the person behind Gisella was Bernard, she decided not to argue with her.

"How much did you sell the house of Shen family in Ocean City for? Give me back the money. I won't sell the house."

Mango went straight to the point. After all, this was the purpose of her entire trip.

She was indebted to Emberly deeply. Thus, Mango would not let Gisella take advantage of her.

Gisella's expression turned sour after knowing that Mango had come here to ask her for money.

"What do you mean give you back? That house belonged to my parents! Mango, do you have any conscience? Our parents took their time to educate you, feed you and gave you a home! Now that you married the most powerful man in Ocean City, you did not show the slightest gratitude and you even dared to eye over their properties? Mango, do you even need more money?"

"Yes. So give me the money."

Mango didn't bother arguing with her. Instead, she stretched out her hand to Gisella in an uncompromising manner.

Gisella took a step back and said with arrogance, "I have nothing to give you! I have spent all the money. There is nothing left except my life. The decision is yours to make." "How dare you!"

Mango had known that Gisella would behave like a rogue, but she never thought that she would act like such a rascal.

"Gisella, you sold the house without my permission, and yet the buyer couldn't get the property ownership certifications. This is clearly a scam!"

"Then you can go deal with that person and complete the ownership transfer procedure."

Gisella seemed to think that she was right after all.

At this point, Mango knew that there was no point in continuing to talk to her.

"Gisella, I'll give you three days to return the money to me or give it back to that buyer. Otherwise, we'll meet in court."

"Well, go ahead and sue me. I'll tell my parents later that the daughter that they raised up for so long wants to sue me. We're flesh and blood. Heh. What do you think they will do?"

Gisella was fearless and sure of herself when she said these.

Mango looked at her snide face and sneered back,

"Heh. Nathaniel bought off the bond between them and I for a million dollars, don't you remember? Why do you think they can demand anything from me? Gisella, don't be too greedy."

Hearing Mango's words, Gisella's expression turned a little ugly.

"Well, I don't want to give it to you, so what can you do to me? Mango, you're so rich, so why do you have to make things difficult for me? You can just think that you're compensating me with the money, right?"

"No! Only a thief takes things without asking. You haven't even discussed it with me at all. Gisella, I'm giving you a chance and telling you this in advance, but I'll only give you three days. If you become involved in a lawsuit, I don't think we need to have the violin competition anymore, right? That's because you'll only end up being absent on that day, right?"

Gisella's eyes darkened when she heard Mango's words.

"Hey! Don't push your limits!"

"I'm just taking back what belongs to me."

After saying that, Mango stood up and walked out.

Gisella looked at her back and, there was an ambiguous look in her eyes.

After walking out of the cafe, Mango wanted to know how Rainie was doing. So, she gave her a car.

When she heard Rainie saying that a screenwriter had invited her to sing one of their tracks, Mango was happy for her.

Later, she found out that a video clip of Rainie singing in the bar had gone viral on the Internet.

"Send me the address. I'll come over to find you."

Mango was in a joyful mood.

Although Mango was upset because of Nathaniel's affair, she was still happy because Rainie had kicked off her career well.


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