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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 967

"Ah! Ouch!"

Mango cried out in pain, and this immediately caught Rainie's attention.

"Hey, are you okay? Let's go to the hospital now!"

Ares did not dare to detain them when he saw Mango's bleeding face. He quickly asked the crowd to clear a path for them instead.

Seeing this scene, Lebanon paused for a moment. He wanted to go forward, but he was pushed away by Rainie.

"Go away!"

Her attitude was unfriendly.

Alfred saw this scene when she arrived.

"What are you doing? Lebanon is trying to help. What the h*ll is wrong with you? C'mon! You're only a newbie!"

Rainie had a bad temper.

She snorted and said, "What's going on? You have to ask him! Mango was playing the zither attentively, but why did he stare at her? If it wasn't for him, would Mango lose her attention and get hurt? If anything

bad happens to Mango, I will never spare you! I'll also let your fans know what kind of man Lebanon is! Hmph!"

If Mango was not hurt, Rainie could care less about Lebanon's intentions. Now that Mango was in trouble, she would not turn a blind eye to his actions even though he was a famous star!

It was the first time that Lebanon had experienced a brazen-faced new artist since his debut. Just as Alfred was about to lose her temper, she heard Lebanon say, "It's my fault... I'm sorry. I'll pay for all Mango's medical expenses later."

"No, it's okay! I'm not short of money. So, please just stay away from me in the future."

Mango covered her face with her hands. Fresh blood flowed out as she spoke coldly.

Lebanon did not speak anymore.

After seeing that Lebanon had admitted to his mistake, she frowned, but she did not say anything.

Mango was sent to the hospital, and the wound on her face caused by the recoil of the zither string was not small. Fortunately, she did not rely on her appearance to make a living, and she was grateful for this.

Nathaniel immediately received news of Mango's injury.

He rushed over to the hospital.

"How is she?"

Rainie stopped him.

"It's not a big deal. It's just a face injury, but I guess will take some time for her to recover."

"Who did it?"

Nathaniel believed that Mango was a skilful zither player. Therefore, she would not have made such a simple mistake.

Rainie knew that if she told Nathaniel that Lebanon was the cause of the accident, he would probably use his power to suppress him. However, this would offend Lebanon, and Rainie did not know what would happen later. After all, they still had to make a living in this industry.

Thinking of this, Rainie said in a deep voice, "Perhaps Mango did not rest well yesterday. She used too much force while playing the zither."

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes as he glared at Rainie. She was afraid of his authority gaze, but fortunately, he turned around quickly after glancing at her.

Rainie could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

When Nathaniel came to the ward, the doctors had bandaged her wound. However, he still looked at her with a serious gaze.

Mango saw him and smiled, "Nah... it's only a small wound. I'll be fine in a few days."

"Go back and rest then."

Nathaniel felt distressed.

However, Mango shook her head, "No, I still have to go back and continue the recording. This album is a short- term commitment, and I can't delay others people's time just because of my injury. Plus, it's too hard to find another zither player now, and I have also signed a confidentiality agreement."

Nathaniel pulled Mango's hand suddenly and dragged her out.

Mango knew what he wanted, but she was no longer Mrs. Ye. She was now Ms. Shen.

She had to deal with this problem herself.

"Nathaniel, I... I really can't go back. This injury is nothing!"

"Hey! You already hurt your face, so how could you think of this as a light injury?"

Nathaniel thought that Mango was throwing a tantrum.

Mango tried her best to calm herself down and said, "Nathaniel, I'm really fine! This won't affect my work. I'm now Ms. Shen, and I'm an employee who has signed agreements with a music team. I have my own work, and I will be professional. In fact, I must do this so that I can stand ib my own in this industry. Do you understand? I want to rely on myself, not on you!"

Nathaniel suddenly felt that Mango had changed.

She was serious this time.

She was leaving him as she wanted to achieve great success on her own.

Nathaniel felt anxious because he was not needed by Mango anymore.

"Mango, please! Listen to me! There's really nothing going on between that woman and me. If you really want to know, I can tell you. I wanted to ask her about a few things, so I was with her at that time. I swear I never did anything that would hurt you. It's the truth!"

"What did you want to find out from her?"

Mango asked casually.

Nathaniel was immediately astonished.

"Just... just some work-related stuff."

"Hmm... is that so?"

Mango looked at Nathaniel and sighed, "Nathaniel, I know you more than you yourself. You're not good at lying. Besides, you wouldn't have hidden it from me if you were asking her about work. However, if you're willing to let me divorce you because of this, it's definitely not something as simple as that! Perhaps this secret has something to do with me, but it doesn't matter now. I don't want to know. Instead, I only want to do my job well, so I hope you can understand."

Mango had made everything clear between Nathaniel and herself. If Nathaniel still could not understand, then there was nothing that she could do.

Nathaniel looked at Mango's stubbornness and finally let go of her hand.

"I don't care what you do, but you can't allow yourself to get hurt again."

"Okay, I don't like hurting myself either."


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