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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 995

"Be careful!"

Rainie was frightened, and she grabbed the car handle quickly as she broke out in cold sweat. Mango's face was pale, and there was cold sweat on her head too.

Emberly was calm, but the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Mango quickly stepped on the break. The three people in the car became anxious when they heard a loud screeching noise as the tires of the car skidded on the road.

Luckily, both of the cars had managed to stop a few centimetres from each other, so they never collided.

Mango's heart was thumping wildly. However, someone opened the door of the Ferrari before she could calm herself down.

After that, Lebanon got out of the Ferrari while wearing a white suit. He walked towards Mango's car and knocked on her window.

Mango's heart skipped a beat when she saw this.

When Mango found out that the dead person was Lebanon's assistant, she knew that it was only a matter of time before he came to look for her. As per her expectation, Lebanon had come to find her before she stepped onto the plane. However, she still frowned even though she wasn't surprised at his arrival.

"Get out of the car. Let's talk."

Lebanon's voice was hoarse, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Rainie grabbed Mango and whispered, "Don't go. What if he ends up hurting you because he can't control his anger? Don't forget that you still have wounds on her body."

However, Mango knew that she had to go. After all, the person who died was his assistant, so she had to answer the questions that he had.

"I think I'd better go down. After all, I should give Lebanon an explanation, right? Besides, if he decides to sue Nathaniel, we can't do anything. So, I think we should clarify any misunderstandings that we have."

Mango unfastened her seatbelt as she spoke.

Rainie was a little anxious after hearing this.

"What? Don't be silly, okay? It's a serious misunderstanding, so why do you think that you can talk yourself out of it this easily? Plus, look at his expression! He looks like he is about to kill someone. You might not fix anything even if you go down and talk to him! Why don't we do so only after we go back to Ocean City? Alright?"

Emberly coughed slightly and said, "I think Mango will settle it herself. Don't worry."

After hearing this, Rainie got unhappy immediately.

"Huh? What kind of doctor are you? I'm sure you know the state of her body more than anyone else now!"

"Alright, stop arguing. Wait for me here."

Mango stopped the argument and went out of the car.

There was a strong smell of tobacco around Lebanon's body, and this irritated her throat.

She pinched her nose subconsciously and heard Lebanon whisper, "Look, let's talk. Just the both of us."


Mango didn't reject his request.

"Where should we go?"

"My car! You can rest assured that you won't miss your flight."

Mango was surprised that Lebanon knew about her whereabouts.

She raised her head once again and glanced at Lebanon. However, she couldn't detect any trace of anger from his gaze, and there was sadness and heartache in his eyes.


Mango felt an inexplicable pain in her heart at this thought.

She knew exactly how it felt to lose a loved one.

When Nathaniel had fallen off the cliff in Nakasara, Mango suffered greatly, and she even wished that she was dead! Therefore, she thought of the rumors between Lebanon and Alfred now when he saw him like that.

The relationship between Lebanon and Alfred was ambiguous.

If the rumours about Lebanon and Alfred being a secret couple was true, Lebanon had to be going through a tremendous amount of pain right now.

Rainie quickly ran down and wanted to stop Mango when she saw her going up to Lebanon's car. However, she was too late.

Lebanon's car left the scene quickly after Mango got it.

Throughout their drive, Mango had an emotionless look on her face. She leaned on the window and watched as the sceneries passed by her quickly as her mind was full of thoughts of Nathaniel.

She wondered how he was doing in the detention center.

He had always been lucky and powerful, so why did he had to go through sufferings like these?

Who on earth set a trap for Nathaniel?

Initially, Mango had thought that Bernard was the mastermind behind this. But now, she was suspicious of Lebanon too.

Lebanon quickly drove the car to his apartment.

"Get out of the car."

Mango paused for a while. It was definitely not a wise choice to follow a man who hated you into his apartment, but she couldn't do anything else now.

At this thought, she unfastened her seat belt and followed Lebanon into the apartment.

The apartment was very messy. A pungent cigarette smell filled Mango's nostrils, and she choked and coughed harshly.

She looked at the floor that was filled with many beer bottles. However, she couldn't see the rest of the house clearly because of the smoke.

Mango walked to the window and opened it. Then, she bent down and cleaned the house for a bit.

Meanwhile, Lebanon continued staring at her. He did not stop her or say a single word.

There was a hint of haziness in his gaze as if he was looking at someone else through Mango. His gaze made Mango's heart ache as she could tell that he was missing someone.

"Alfred's death..."

"I know that Nathaniel didn't do it. Don't worry, I won't cause trouble to him."

Lebanon knew what Mango wanted to say, so he opened his mouth before Mango could say anything.


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