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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 295

After examining the leg, Daniel knew what to do. "Sir, did you get these injuries on the battlefield?"

"Cut the crap!" Emily rolled her eyes and retorted, "Country boy, isn't that obvious? Everyone knows Grandpa was hit by shrapnel in the war. Who doesn't know that?"

Daniel ignored Emily and continued. "Were you shot three times? At these spots? Here, here, and here?"

Daniel pointed to three locations on Oliver's leg. Decades had passed since the injuries, and the scars had healed completely, leaving no visible marks. Except for Oliver, no one knew exactly where the shots had hit, but Daniel pinpointed them precisely, each spot exact.

This detail took Oliver by surprise. Still, as a seasoned veteran, he remained composed and simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, those are the spots."

"After you were injured, the bullets were removed, but due to medical limitations at the time, the nerves were damaged during the procedure. That's why your right leg suffered muscle atrophy and ended up like this."

"That's correct, the doctors at the city hospital said as much. They also told me it's irreversible; that's why my leg has been deemed untreatable."

"By modern methods, your leg indeed wouldn't be treatable. Modern medicine tends to remove the damaged parts and then proclaim the problem solved. But witch doctors don't work that way; they believe every part of the body is important. Not just flesh and blood—even hair shouldn't be cast aside lightly."

Daniel was in the midst of advocating for witch doctor techniques when Emily interrupted with a sneer.

"Heh!" she laughed, then immediately mockingly said to Daniel, "Where did you pick up these lines, country boy? Don't you think they're a bit overdone? Without modern medicine, even C-sections wouldn't exist. Witch doctors can't even handle a difficult childbirth, so what nonsense are you spouting?"

"Don't worry, I speak with actions, not just words," Daniel responded.

"And what actions might those be?"

"Modern medicine can't treat the old man's leg? Well, I can heal it! A few needles, using witch doctor acupuncture, I guarantee I’ll have him walking without a cane. Like, now!"

"Now? You mean to tell us that after a few needle pricks, grandpa can walk a few steps on his own, without a cane?"

"Exactly! Not just a few steps, he could walk a mile without stopping if he wanted, though he'd need to recover gradually. After acupuncture, he'll need herbal therapy to repair his body. His leg's been injured for decades, and the muscles are nearly necrotic. If he wants a complete recovery, it will take at least a hundred days."

Oliver was utterly taken aback by Daniel's words.

"Daniel, are you saying my leg can be healed in a hundred days?"


"Even if it's not a complete recovery, even if it's just twenty or thirty percent better, I would be truly grateful to you!"


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